Man pages for piecewiseSEM
Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling

AIC_psemInformation criterion values for SEM
AIC.psemGeneric function for SEM AIC(c) score
all_vars_merModRemove random effects from all.vars
all_vars_notransGet vector of untransformed variables
all_vars_transGet vector of transformed variables
anovaLRTChi-square difference test
anova.psemANOVA and chi-squared difference test for model comparison
anovaTableSingle anova
as.psemConvert list to psem object
basisSetDerivation of the basis set
captureTableCaptures output table
cbind_fillBind data.frames of differing dimensions
cerrorCorrelated errors
checkDataCheck to see whether supplied data.frame matches...
checkTransformationsCheck to see whether variables exist as transformed and...
coefsExtract path coefficients
dataTransTransform variables based on model formula and store in new...
dSepTests of directed separation
dupOutputIdentify duplicate output
evaluateClassesEvaluate model classes and stop if unsupported model class
filterExistingRemove existing paths from the basis set
filterExogenousFilter relationships among exogenous variables from the basis...
filterInteractionsFilter interactions from the d-sep tests
filterSmoothedFirst, remove claims where linear and non-linear terms appear...
findbars.lmeGet random effects from lme
fisherCSummarize tests of directed separation using Fisher's C...
fixCatDirFlip independence claims so categorical variables are not the...
formatpsemFormat for psem
getAnovaGet ANOVA results from 'merMod'
getCoefficientsGet coefficients from linear regression
getDAGGenerate adjacency matrix from list of structural equations
GetDataGet data from model list
getLHSGet Left-hand side of formulae
GetOLREObtain (observation-level) random effects from a generalized...
getResidModelsIdentify models with correlated errors and return modified...
get_responseGet Response Name as a Character
getRHSGet Right-hand side of formulae
getSatModelsGet saturated model by reinserting all excluded paths
GetSDxGet standard deviation of predictor variables
GetSDyProperly scale standard deviations depending on the error...
GetSingleDataGet data from one model
getSortedPsemGet a sorted psem object in DAG order
GetVarCovGet random effects variance-covariance from lme
grapes-not_in-grapesOperator for non-overlap in sets
grapes-twiddle-twiddle-grapesCorrelated error operator
handleCategoricalCoefsHandles putting categorical variables into coefficient tables...
importFunctions to import from dependencies
isSigAssess significance
keeleyData set from Grace & Keeley (2006)
listFormulaRecompute P-values using Kenward-Rogers approximation
LLchisqGeneralized chi-squared for piecewise SEM
meadowsData set from Grace & Jutila (1999)
multigroupMultigroup Analysis for Piecewise SEM
nObsGet number of observations from a model
onlyBarsGet random effects from merMod
partialCorrCalculate partial correlations from partial residuals
partialResidComputing partial effects
piecewiseSEM-packageThe 'piecewiseSEM' package
plot.psemPlotting of Piecewise Structural Equation Models
print.anova.psemPrint anova
print.attrDo not print attributes with custom functions
print.basisSetPrint basis set
print.multigroup.psemPrint multigroup
print.psemPrint psem
print.summary.psemPrint summary
psemFitting piecewise structural equation models
removeCerrorRemove correlated errors from the basis set
removeDataRemove data from the model list
resid.lmeGet residuals from innermost grouping of mixed models...
residuals.psemResidual values from fit models
reverseAddVarsReplace transformations in the basis set by cycling through...
reverseNonLinIf intermediate endogenous variables are nonlinear, return...
rsquaredR-squared for linear regression
rsquared.gamR^2 for gam objects
rsquared.glmR^2 for glm objects
rsquared.glmerModR^2 for glmer objects
rsquared.glmmPQLR^2 for glmmPQL objects
rsquared.glsR^2 for gls objects
rsquared.lmR^2 for lm objects
rsquared.lmeR^2 for lme objects
rsquared.merModR^2 for phylolm objects
rsquared.negbinR^2 for negbin objects
rsquared.SarlmR^2 for Sarlm objects
scaleGLMCompute standard deviation or relevant range of response for...
scaleIntCalculate standard deviation or relevant range for...
shipleyData set from Shipley (2006)
sortDagSort DAG based on ancestry
specifyDirRemove duplicate items from the basis set whose direction is...
stdCoefsCalculate standardized regression coefficients
stop_psemStop function for unsupported methods
stripTransformationsStrip transformations
summary.psemSummarizing piecewise structural equation models
testBasisSetElementsEvaluate conditional independence claim from the basis set
unstdCoefsGet raw (undstandardized) coefficients from model
update.psemUpdate psem model object with additional values.
piecewiseSEM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:53 a.m.