
# Read test server/account parameters from a YAML file, so that they can be
# kept out of the sources.
config <- yaml::read_yaml("test_config.yaml")

incomplete_config <- function() {
  any(sapply(config, is.null))

if (!incomplete_config()) {
  pinnacle.API::SetCredentials(config$username, config$password)

# Basic API Functionality -----------------------------------------------------
testthat::context("Basic API Functionality")

testthat::skip_if(incomplete_config(), "Incomplete test configuration file.")

testthat::test_that("API calls fail when terms are not explicitly accepted", {

    regexp = "is not TRUE"

    regexp = "Error: please accept terms and conditions to continue"

testthat::test_that("API calls fail on invalid credentials", {
  pinnacle.API::SetCredentials(config$username, "badpassword")
  on.exit(pinnacle.API::SetCredentials(config$username, config$password))

    regexp = "Authorization failed, invalid credentials."

testthat::test_that("GetBettingStatus() returns the expected format", {
  status <- pinnacle.API::GetBettingStatus()
  testthat::expect_true(status %in% c("ALL_BETTING_ENABLED",

testthat::test_that("GetSports() returns the expected format", {
  sports <- pinnacle.API::GetSports(force = TRUE)
  testthat::expect_is(sports, "data.frame")
  testthat::expect_gt(nrow(sports), 0)

testthat::test_that("GetSports() caches correctly", {
  pinnacle.API::GetSports(force = FALSE)  # Ensure cache is present.
  pinnacle.API::SetCredentials(config$username, "badpassword")
  on.exit(pinnacle.API::SetCredentials(config$username, config$password))

  sports <- pinnacle.API::GetSports(force = FALSE)
  testthat::expect_gt(nrow(sports), 0)

# Straight Lines --------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::context("Straight Lines")

testthat::test_that("GetFixtures() returns the expected format", {
  fixtures <- pinnacle.API::GetFixtures(config$sport)

  testthat::expect_is(fixtures, "data.frame")
  testthat::expect_gt(nrow(fixtures), 0)

  # Pick some events to test filtering calls against.
  events <- sample.int(nrow(fixtures), 2)
  events <- fixtures[events, c("league.id", "league.events.id")]
  names(events) <- c("league", "event")

  result <- pinnacle.API::GetFixtures(config$sport, eventids = events$event)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(result), 2)

  # Mismatched league/event IDs should give no results.
  result <- pinnacle.API::GetFixtures(config$sport, eventids = events$event[1],
                                      leagueids = events$league[1] + 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(result), 0)

  # Adding an invalid event ID should error.
    pinnacle.API::GetFixtures(config$sport, eventids = c(-1, events$event)),
    regexp = "Invalid request parameters."

  # As should the addition of a second sport.
    pinnacle.API::GetFixtures(c(config$sport, 1e6), eventids = events$event),
    regexp = "Only one sport can be specified at a time."

  # Some odd event IDs are allowed, though.
  result <- pinnacle.API::GetFixtures(config$sport, eventids = 0)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(result), 0)

testthat::test_that("GetLine() returns the expected format", {
  fixtures <- pinnacle.API::GetFixtures(config$sport)

  # Pick an event to test line query.
  events <- sample.int(nrow(fixtures), 1)
  events <- fixtures[events, c("league.id", "league.events.id")]
  names(events) <- c("league", "event")

  line <- pinnacle.API::GetLine(config$sport, leagueids = events$league[1],
                                eventid = events$event[1],
                                periodnumber = 0, betType = "MONEYLINE",
                                team = "TEAM1")

  testthat::expect_is(line, "list")
  testthat::expect_true(line$status %in% c("SUCCESS", "NOT_EXISTS", "OFFLINE"))

  # Invalid event/league IDs should throw an error.
    pinnacle.API::GetLine(config$sport, leagueids = -1,
                          eventid = -1,
                          periodnumber = 0, betType = "MONEYLINE",
                          team = "TEAM1"),
    regexp = "Invalid request parameters."

  # As should some NULL parameters.
    pinnacle.API::GetLine(config$sport, leagueids = events$league[1],
                          eventid = events$event[1],
                          periodnumber = 0, betType = "MONEYLINE"),
    regexp = "Invalid request parameters."

  # Some odd event IDs are evidently OK.
  line <- pinnacle.API::GetLine(config$sport, leagueids = 1,
                                eventid = 1,
                                periodnumber = 0, betType = "MONEYLINE",
                                team = "TEAM1")

  testthat::expect_is(line, "list")
  testthat::expect_true(line$status %in% c("SUCCESS", "NOT_EXISTS", "OFFLINE"))

# Straight Lines --------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::context("Straight Bets")

testthat::test_that("PlaceBet() returns the expected format", {
  # Some odd parameter combinations succeed.

  bet <- pinnacle.API::PlaceBet(100, config$sport, eventId = 1, periodNumber = 0,
                                lineId = 1, betType = "MONEYLINE", team = "TEAM1")

  testthat::expect_is(bet, "list")
  testthat::expect_equal(bet$status, "PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR")

  bet <- pinnacle.API::PlaceBet(100, -config$sport, eventId = 1, periodNumber = 0,
                                lineId = 1, betType = "MONEYLINE", team = "TEAM1")

  testthat::expect_is(bet, "list")
  testthat::expect_equal(bet$status, "PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR")

  bet <- pinnacle.API::PlaceBet(100, config$sport, eventId = 1, periodNumber = -1,
                                lineId = 1, betType = "MONEYLINE", team = "TEAM1")

  testthat::expect_is(bet, "list")
  testthat::expect_equal(bet$status, "PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR")

  # Others are forbidden.

    pinnacle.API::PlaceBet(100, config$sport, eventId = -1, periodNumber = 0,
                           lineId = 1, betType = "MONEYLINE", team = "TEAM1"),
    regexp = "Invalid eventId parameter value."

    pinnacle.API::PlaceBet(-100, config$sport, eventId = 1, periodNumber = 0,
                           lineId = 1, betType = "MONEYLINE", team = "TEAM1"),
    regexp = "Invalid stake."

    pinnacle.API::PlaceBet(100, config$sport, eventId = 1, periodNumber = 0,
                           lineId = -1, betType = "MONEYLINE", team = "TEAM1"),
    regexp = "Invalid lineId parameter value."

    pinnacle.API::PlaceBet(100, config$sport, eventId = 1, periodNumber = 0,
                           lineId = 1, betType = "MONEYLINE", team = NULL),
    regexp = "The Team is required."

Try the pinnacle.API package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pinnacle.API documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:24 a.m.