cran_archive_cache: Cache for CRAN archive data

cran_archive_cacheR Documentation

Cache for CRAN archive data


This is an R6 class that implements a cache from older CRAN package versions. For a higher level interface see the functions documented with cran_archive_list().


The cache is similar to cranlike_metadata_cache and has the following layers:

  • The data inside the cran_archive_cache object.

  • Cached data in the current R session.

  • An RDS file in the current session's temporary directory.

  • An RDS file in the user's cache directory.

It has a synchronous and an asynchronous API.


cac <- cran_archive_cache$new(
  primary_path = NULL,
  replica_path = tempfile(),
  cran_mirror = default_cran_mirror(),
  update_after = as.difftime(7, units = "days"),

cac$list(packages = NULL, update_after = NULL)
cac$async_list(packages = NULL, update_after = NULL)




cac$cleanup(force = FALSE)


  • primary_path: Path of the primary, user level cache. Defaults to the user level cache directory of the machine.

  • replica_path: Path of the replica. Defaults to a temporary directory within the session temporary directory.

  • cran_mirror: CRAN mirror to use, this takes precedence over repos.

  • update_after: difftime object. Automatically update the cache if it gets older than this. Set it to Inf to avoid updates. Defaults to seven days.

  • packages: Packages to query, character vector.

  • force: Whether to force cleanup without asking the user.


Create a new archive cache with cran_archive_cache$new(). Multiple caches are independent, so e.g. if you update one of them, the other existing caches are not affected.

cac$list() lists the versions of the specified packages, or all packages, if none were specified. cac$async_list() is the same, but asynchronous.

cac$update() updates the cache. It always downloads the new metadata. cac$async_update() is the same, but asynchronous.

cac$check_update() updates the cache if there is a newer version available. cac$async_check_update() is the same, but asynchronous.

cac$summary() returns a summary of the archive cache, a list with entries:

  • cachepath: path to the directory of the main archive cache,

  • current_rds: the RDS file that stores the cache. (This file might not exist, if the cache is not downloaded yet.)

  • lockfile: the file used for locking the cache.

  • 'timestamp: time stamp for the last update of the cache.

  • size: size of the cache file in bytes.

cac$cleanup() cleans up the cache files.


cac$list() returns a data frame with columns:

  • package: package name,

  • version: package version. This is a character vector, and not a package_version() object. Some older package versions are not supported by package_version().

  • raw: the raw row names from the CRAN metadata.

  • mtime: mtime column from the CRAN metadata. This is usually pretty close to the release date and time of the package.

  • url: package download URL.

  • mirror: CRAN mirror that was used to get this data.


arch <- cran_archive_cache$new()

pkgcache documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:06 a.m.