config: Package configuration (internals)

configR Documentation

Package configuration (internals)


Internal machinery for pkgdepends configuration. See current_config() for how this machinery can be used to define the configuration of a package.

This is a standalone file that can be copied into another package without changes.




config is a list of functions with a closure. You can use it two ways.

For one set of configuration values in a package, include this in .onLoad():

conf <- config$new("prefix")
conf$add("myenrry", "string", "default-value")

For _multiple _ sets of configuration values (e.g. one per object), include a function like this in the package:

current_config <- function() {
  conf <- config$new("prefix")
  conf$add("myentry", "string", "default-value")

and then call current_config() every time you need to create a new set of configuration values.


Config entry (or entry)

A single configurable entity. A config entry has a name. This name is always standardized by replacing dashes with underscores.

A config entry has a type: a string, a flag, or some user defined type. It can also have a default value. Examples:

  • The URL of an API, which can be a string.

  • Path to a directory to use for caching, either a string, or NULL (string_or_null type).

  • Number of processor cores to use, a positive integer (count type).

Configuration (or config)

A set of configuration entries. config$new() returns a configuration. A configuration can be extended by adding new entries to it, until it is locked.

R option (or option)

An option set with base::options() and queried with base::getOption().

Configuration prefix

A prefix that is typically package specific, and it is used for all config entries of a package, to avoid environment variable and option name clashes between packages.

Config entry type

It defines the allowed values of configuration entries, and also how a string from an environment variable is translated to the value of the entry. See the list of builtin types below. You can also define new types.

Built-in types


String scalar, NA is not allowed.


Non-negative integer, NA is not allowed.


Logical scalar, NA is not allowed. For environment variables the TRUE values are: yes, true, 1 and on, and the FALSE values are: no, false, 0, off. (All are case insensitive.)


String or NULL. NA is not allowed. In environment variables the string NULL means an R NULL value.


Character vector without NA values. In environment variables the entries are separated by a semicolon.


Custom type. An env_decode function must be specified for each config entry of this type, otherwise an error is throw if the corresponding environment variable is set.

config$onload_hook(): pretty-printing configuration

Call config$onload_hook() from the package's .onLoad() function if you want to define S3 methods to print the package configuration nicer.



config$new(): Create a new configuration

Typically new() is called outside of the functions of the package, so the config object is created at install time.


conf <- config$new(prefix = utils::packageName(parent.frame()))


  • prefix: prefix of the config entry names. For environment variables it is converted to uppercase, and dots are converted to underscores. The default prefix is the name of the calling package. An underscore separator is used between the prefix and the entry name for environment variable names. A dot separator is used for R option names.


new() returns a config object, which is a list containing the configuration data and functions (methods) to query and change it.

conf <- config$new()

Configuration methods

conf$add(): add a new configuration entry

  type = conf$types,
  default = NULL,
  check = type[1],
  env_decode = type[1]
  • name: name of the entry.

  • type: type of the entry, string.

  • default: default value of config entry. If this is a function, then it is called to generate the default, at the time the config entry's value is queried.

  • check: if it is a function, it is called to check the value of the entry. The function should return TRUE for successful and FALSE for unsuccessful checks. If NULL, then no check is performed. It can also be the name of a type, then the default check for that type is performed, if any.

  • env_decode: if it is a function, then it is used to decode the value of the entry from an environment variable, i.e. a string. It can also be the name of a type, then the env_decode() function of that type is used for decoding.


The configuration, invisibly.

conf$get(): query the value of a configuration entry

  • name: name of the entry.


Value of the entry.

  • If the entry was set via conf$set() or conf$update(), then that value is returned.

  • Otherwise, if the entry is set via an R option (see base::getOption()), then that value is returned. The config prefix is used to get the option name, with a dot separator. I.e. for an entry called 'foo', and prefix 'pkg', the option is used. If the entry has a check function, that is called before returning.

  • Otherwise, if the entry is set via an environment variable, then that value is returned. The config prefix is used to get the name of the environment variable. In addition, dots are replaced with underscores and the name is converted to uppercase. I.e. for an entry called '', and prefix 'pkg', the 'PKG_FOO_BAR' environment variable is used.

  • Otherwise, if the entry has a default value, that is returned. The default value might be a function, in which case that function is called to produce a default value. If the entry has a check function, that is called before returning.

conf$set(): set the value of a configuration entry

If you ⁠$set()⁠ a config entry, then the value used in ⁠$set()⁠ will be returned by ⁠$get()⁠, without consulting R options or environment variables.

conf$set(name, value)
  • name: name of the entry.

  • value: value of the entry. If the entry has a check function, it is called here.


The configuration, invisibly.

⁠$conf$unset()⁠: unset a configuration entry

Note that this function does not unset R options and environment variables. It merely removes a value that was assigned by ⁠$set()⁠ or ⁠$update()⁠.

  • name: name of the entry.


The configuration, invisibly.

cond$update(): update the values of configuration entries

You can use this method to set()and/or$unset()⁠multiple config entries.⁠NULL⁠values in⁠new' will unset the corresponding entry.

  • new: named list, where names are config entry names and values are the corresponding config entry values. NULL values will unset the config entry. The list is processed sequentially, so for duplicates the latest values will be in effect. (But every value is checked with its check function, if any.)


The configuration, invisibly.

conf$list(): query the names of all config entries

Note that their order is non-deterministic currently.


Character vector.

conf$exists(): check if a config entry exists

  • name: name of the entry.


Logical scalar, TRUE if the entry exists in the configuration, FALSE otherwise. Note that TRUE does not mean that the value of the entry was set.

conf$lock(): lock the configuration

If a configuration is locked, then no more entries can be added to it.


The configuration, invisibly.

conf$fix(): fix the value of a single configuration entry

The currently ⁠$set()⁠ value is fixed and cannot be changed any more. You can fix an entry without setting its value, in which case R options and environment variables can still be used to update it.

  • name: name of the entry.


The configuration, invisibly.

conf$add_type(): add a new config entry type to a configuration

After this the new type can be used in conf$add() calls.

conf$add_type(type_name, check, env_decode)
  • type_name: type name.

  • check: default check function of the type. Use NULL for no checks.

  • env_decode: function to use to decode a value of the type from an environment variable (i.e. string).


The configuration, invisibly.

pkgdepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:56 a.m.