pkg_config: pkgdepends configuration

pkg_configR Documentation

pkgdepends configuration


Configuration entries for several pkgdepends classes.




pkgdepends configuration is set from several source. They are, in the order of preference:

  • Function arguments, e.g. the config argument of new_pkg_installation_proposal().

  • Global options, set via options(). The name of the global option is the pkg. prefix plus the name of the pkgdepends configuration entry. E.g. pkg.platforms.

  • Environment variables. The name of the environment variable is the PKG_ prefix, plus the name of the pkgdepends configuration entry, in uppercase. E.g. PKG_PLATFORMS.

  • Default values.

Not all classes use all entries. E.g. a pkg_download_proposal is not concerned about package libraries, so it'll ignore the library configuration entry.

Call current_config() to print the current configuration.

Configuration entries

  • build_vignettes: Whether to build vignettes for package trees. This is only used if the package is obtained from a package tree, and not from a source (or binary) package archive. By default vignettes are not built in this case. If you set this to TRUE, then you need to make sure that the vignette builder packages are available, as these are not installed by default currently.

  • cache_dir: Directory to download the packages to. Defaults to a temporary directory within the R session temporary directory, see base::tempdir().

  • cran_mirror: CRAN mirror to use. Defaults to the repos option (see base::options()), if that's not set then ⁠⁠.

  • dependencies: Dependencies to consider or download or install. Defaults to the hard dependencies, see pkg_dep_types_hard(). The following values are supported in the PKG_DEPENDENCIES environment variable: "TRUE", "FALSE", "NA", or a semicolon separated list of dependency types. See as_pkg_dependencies() for details.

  • include_linkingto: Whether to always include LinkingTo dependencies in the solution of and installation, even if they are needed because the packages are installed from binaries. This is sometimes useful, see e.g. for an example use case.

  • library: Package library to install packages to. It is also used for already installed packages when considering dependencies in dependency lookup or package installation. Defaults to the first path in .libPaths().

  • metadata_cache_dir: Location of metadata replica of pkgcache::cranlike_metadata_cache. Defaults to a temporary directory within the R session temporary directory, see base::tempdir().

  • metadata_update_after: A time interval as a difftime object. pkgdepends will update the metadata cache if it is older than this. The default is one day. The PKG_METADATA_UPDATE_AFTER environment variable may be set in seconds (s suffix), minutes (m suffix), hours (h suffix), or days (d suffix). E.g: ⁠1d⁠ means one day.

  • package_cache_dir: Package cache location of pkgcache::package_cache. The default is the pkgcache default.

  • platforms: Character vector of platforms to download or install packages for. See default_platforms() for possible platform names. Defaults to the platform of the current R session, plus "source".

  • r_versions: Character vector, R versions to download or install packages for. It defaults to the current R version.

  • sysreqs: Whether to automatically look up and install system requirements. If TRUE, then ⁠r pak_or_pkgdepends()⁠ will try to install required system packages. If FALSE, then system requirements are still printed (including OS packages on supported platforms), but they are not installed. By default it is TRUE on supported platforms, if the current user is the root user or password-less sudo is configured for the current user.

  • sysreqs_db_update: Whether to try to update the system requirements database from GitHub. If the update fails, then the cached or the build-in database if used. Defaults to TRUE.

  • sysreqs_db_update_timeout: Timeout for the system requirements database update. Defaults to five seconds.

  • sysreqs_dry_run: If TRUE, then pkgdepends only prints the system commands to install system requirements, but does not execute them.

  • sysreqs_platform: The platform to use for system requirements lookup. On Linux, where system requirements are currently supported, it must be a string containing the distribution name and release, separated by a dash. E.g.: "ubuntu-22.04", or "rhel-9".

  • sysreqs_rspm_repo_id: Posit Package Manager (formerly RStudio Package Manager) repository id to use for CRAN system requirements lookup. Defaults to the RSPM_REPO_ID environment variable, if set. If not set, then it defaults to 1.

  • sysreqs_rspm_url: Root URL of Posit Package Manager (formerly RStudio Package Manager) for system requirements lookup. By default the RSPM_ROOT environment variable is used, if set. If not set, it defaults to ⁠⁠.

  • sysreqs_sudo: Whether to use sudo to install system requirements, on Unix. By default it is TRUE on Linux if the effective user id of the current process is not the root user.

  • sysreqs_update: Whether to try to update system packages that are already installed. It defaults to TRUE on CI systems: if the CI environment variable is set to true.

  • sysreqs_verbose: Whether to echo the output of system requirements installation. Defaults to TRUE if the CI environment variable is set.

  • use_bioconductor: Whether to automatically use the Bioconductor repositories. Defaults to TRUE.

  • windows_archs: Character scalar specifying which architectures to download/install for on Windows. Its possible values are:

    • "prefer-x64": Generally prefer x64 binaries. If the current R session is x64, then we download/install x64 packages. (These packages might still be multi-architecture binaries!) If the current R session is i386, then we download/install packages for both architectures. This might mean compiling packages from source if the binary packages are for x64 only, like the CRAN Windows binaries for R 4.2.x currently. "prefer-x64" is the default for R 4.2.0 and later.

    • "both": Always download/install packages for both i386 and x64 architectures. This might need compilation from source if the available binaries are for x64 only, like the CRAN Windows binaries for R 4.2.x currently. "both" is the default for R 4.2.0 and earlier.

pkgdepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:56 a.m.