utils_polygon_plot: Utilities for plotting polygons

utils_polygon_plotR Documentation

Utilities for plotting polygons


  • plot_contour() Plot contour lines.

  • plot_polygon() Plots a polygon describing the objects.

  • plot_mass() Plots the center of mass along with maximum and minimum radius.

  • plot_ellipse() Plots an ellipse that fits the major and minor axis for each object.


plot_contour(x, id = NULL, col = "black", lwd = 1, ...)

  fill = "gray",
  random_fill = TRUE,
  points = FALSE,
  merge = TRUE,
  border = "black",
  alpha = 1,
  add = FALSE,
  nrow = NULL,
  ncol = NULL,
  aspect_ratio = 1,
  show_id = TRUE,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,

plot_mass(x, id = NULL, col = "black", cex = 1, lwd = 1)

plot_ellipse(object, id = NULL, col = "black", lwd = 1)



A 2-column matrix with the x and y coordinates.


The object identification (numeric) to plot the contour/ellipse. By default (id = NULL), the contour is plotted to all objects.

col, lwd, cex

The color, width of the lines, and size of point, respectively.

  • For plot_contour() and plot_ellipse() further arguments passed on to graphics::lines().

  • For plot_mass(), further arguments passed on to graphics::points().

  • For plot_polygon(), further arguments passed on to graphics::polygon().

fill, border, alpha

The color to fill the polygon, the color of the polygon's border, and the alpha transparency (1 opaque, 0 transparent).


Fill multiple objects with random colors? Defaults to TRUE.


Plot the points? Defaults to FALSE.


Merge multiple objects into a single plot? Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, a single call plot() will be used for each objects. Use nrow and ncol to control the number of rows and columns of the window.


Add the current plot to a previous one? Defaults to FALSE.

nrow, ncol

The number of rows and columns to use in the composite image. Defaults to NULL, i.e., a square grid is produced.


The x/y aspect ratio. Defaults to 1. This will set up the window so that one data unit in the y direction is equal to one data unit in the x direction. Set aspect_ratio = NULL to fit the object to the window size.


Shows the object id? Defaults to TRUE.

xlim, ylim

A numeric vector of length 2 (min; max) indicating the range of x and y-axes.


An object computed with analyze_objects().


a NULL object.


plot_contour(contours[[1]], id = 6, col = "red", lwd = 3)

pliman documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 1:06 a.m.