
Defines functions help_smoth help_poly_angles sum_true_cols polygon_to_binary get_area_mask help_moments help_limits help_mc help_flip_x help_flip_y help_elongation help_calliper help_eigen_ratio help_lw help_align help_rotate help_centdist help_distpts help_slide help_area helper_guo_hall help_otsu help_shp help_isolate_object isolate_objects5 bounding_box help_get_renir help_get_rgb help_watershed help_dist_transform help_edge_thinning rgb_to_srgb_help rgb_to_hsb_help sobel_help threshold_adaptive

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

threshold_adaptive <- function(mat, k, windowsize, maxsd) {
    .Call(`_pliman_threshold_adaptive`, mat, k, windowsize, maxsd)

sobel_help <- function(A) {
    .Call(`_pliman_sobel_help`, A)

rgb_to_hsb_help <- function(r, g, b) {
    .Call(`_pliman_rgb_to_hsb_help`, r, g, b)

rgb_to_srgb_help <- function(rgb) {
    .Call(`_pliman_rgb_to_srgb_help`, rgb)

help_edge_thinning <- function(img) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_edge_thinning`, img)

help_dist_transform <- function(bin) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_dist_transform`, bin)

help_watershed <- function(binary, labels, distances) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_watershed`, binary, labels, distances)

help_get_rgb <- function(R, G, B, labels) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_get_rgb`, R, G, B, labels)

help_get_renir <- function(RE, NIR, labels) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_get_renir`, RE, NIR, labels)

bounding_box <- function(img, edge) {
    .Call(`_pliman_bounding_box`, img, edge)

isolate_objects5 <- function(img, labels) {
    .Call(`_pliman_isolate_objects5`, img, labels)

help_isolate_object <- function(R, G, B, labels, remove_bg, edge) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_isolate_object`, R, G, B, labels, remove_bg, edge)

help_shp <- function(rows, cols, dims, buffer_x, buffer_y) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_shp`, rows, cols, dims, buffer_x, buffer_y)

help_otsu <- function(img) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_otsu`, img)

helper_guo_hall <- function(image) {
    .Call(`_pliman_helper_guo_hall`, image)

help_area <- function(coord) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_area`, coord)

help_slide <- function(coord, fp = 1L) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_slide`, coord, fp)

help_distpts <- function(data) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_distpts`, data)

help_centdist <- function(data) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_centdist`, data)

help_rotate <- function(polygon, angle) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_rotate`, polygon, angle)

help_align <- function(coord) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_align`, coord)

help_lw <- function(coord) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_lw`, coord)

help_eigen_ratio <- function(coord) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_eigen_ratio`, coord)

help_calliper <- function(coord) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_calliper`, coord)

help_elongation <- function(coord) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_elongation`, coord)

help_flip_y <- function(shape) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_flip_y`, shape)

help_flip_x <- function(shape) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_flip_x`, shape)

help_mc <- function(coords) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_mc`, coords)

help_limits <- function(mat) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_limits`, mat)

help_moments <- function(data) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_moments`, data)

get_area_mask <- function(mask) {
    .Call(`_pliman_get_area_mask`, mask)

polygon_to_binary <- function(polygon) {
    .Call(`_pliman_polygon_to_binary`, polygon)

sum_true_cols <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_pliman_sum_true_cols`, x)

help_poly_angles <- function(coords) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_poly_angles`, coords)

help_smoth <- function(coords, niter) {
    .Call(`_pliman_help_smoth`, coords, niter)

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pliman documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 1:06 a.m.