plotfunctions: Package plotfunctions: Various Functions to Facilitate...

Description Details Basic functions Specialized plots Other useful features Author(s)


This package provides a set of simple tools for building plots incrementally, starting with an empty plot region, and adding bars, data points, regression lines, error bars, gradient legends, density distributions in the margins, and even pictures. The package builds further on R graphics by simply combining functions and settings in order to reduce the amount of code to produce for the user. As a result, the package does not use formula input or special syntax, but can be used in combination with default R plot functions.


Note: Most of the functions were part of the package itsadug, which is now split in two packages: 1. the package itsadug, which contains the core functions for visualizing and evaluating nonlinear regression models, and 2. the package plotfunctions, which contains more general plot functions.

See vignette(package='plotfunctions', 'plotfunctions') for an overview with examples.

Basic functions

Specialized plots

Other useful features


Jacolien van Rij

Maintainer: Jacolien van Rij (

University of Groningen, The Netherlands & University of Tuebingen, Germany

plotfunctions documentation built on April 28, 2020, 5:10 p.m.