
Defines functions plotmo.pint.rqs plotmo.pint.rq plotmo.convert.na.nresponse.rqs plotmo.convert.na.nresponse.rq plotmo.predict.rqs plotmo.predict.rq

# quantreg.R: plotmo method functions for the quantreg package
# Currently we support only rq (which for some reason returns objects of
# class "rqs", so we need to support both "rq" and"rqs")

plotmo.predict.rq <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE)
    if(type != "response")
        warning0("plotmo.predict.rq: ignored type=\"", type, "\"")
        stop0("rq object has no 'tau' field")
    # The following invokes predict.rq or predict.rqs.  It may return multiple
    # responses, which are handled later in plotmo.convert.na.nresponse.rq.
    yhat <- plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata, type="none", ..., TRACE=TRACE)
plotmo.predict.rqs <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE)
    plotmo.predict.rq(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
# quantreg::predict.rq returns a column for each value in the tau arg
# in the call to rq.  Select the column corresponding to tau=.5

plotmo.convert.na.nresponse.rq <- function(object, nresponse, yhat, type, ...)
    if(NCOL(yhat) == 1)
        nresponse <- 1
    else {
        nresponse <- which(abs(object$tau - .5) < 1e-8)
        if(length(nresponse) == 0) { # no tau=.5?
            nresponse <- length(object$tau) %/% 2
                "rq object has multiple taus, none are tau=.5, so plotting tau=",
        nresponse <- nresponse[1] # needed if tau=.5 specified twice in call to rq
plotmo.convert.na.nresponse.rqs <- function(object, nresponse, yhat, type, ...)
    plotmo.convert.na.nresponse.rq(object, nresponse, yhat, type)
plotmo.pint.rq <- function(object, newdata, type, level, ...) # quantreg package
    if(length(object$tau) == 1)
        stop0("object was built with single tau (tau=", object$tau, ")\n",
              "Plotmo needs multiple taus to plot confidence bands, ",
              "something like tau=c(.05,.5,.95)")
    q0 <- (1 - level) / 2   # .95 becomes .025
    q1 <- 1 - q0            # .975
    tau <- object$tau
    i0 <- which(abs(tau - q0) < 1e-8) # 1e-8 allows limited precision
    i1 <- which(abs(tau - q1) < 1e-8)
    if(length(i0) == 0 || length(i1) == 0) {
        i0 <- 1
        i1 <- length(tau)
            "You specified level=", level, " but rq was called with tau=",
            if(length(tau) == 1)
                sprint("c(%s)", paste(tau, collapse=", ")),
            "\n         Try plotmo level=", 1 - 2 * tau[1],
            " to make this warning go away",
            "\n         Continuing anyway, with confidence bands for tau=",
            tau[i0], " and ", tau[i1])
    predict <- predict(object, newdata=newdata, type="none")
    data.frame(lwr = predict[,i0], upr = predict[,i1])

plotmo.pint.rqs <- function(object, newdata, type, level, ...) # quantreg package
    plotmo.pint.rq(object, newdata, type, level)

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plotmo documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:14 p.m.