pr_hook: Register a hook

View source: R/pr.R

pr_hookR Documentation

Register a hook


Plumber routers support the notion of "hooks" that can be registered to execute some code at a particular point in the lifecycle of a request. Plumber routers currently support four hooks:

  1. preroute(data, req, res)

  2. postroute(data, req, res, value)

  3. preserialize(data, req, res, value)

  4. postserialize(data, req, res, value) In all of the above you have access to a disposable environment in the data parameter that is created as a temporary data store for each request. Hooks can store temporary data in these hooks that can be reused by other hooks processing this same request.


pr_hook(pr, stage, handler)

pr_hooks(pr, handlers)



A Plumber API. Note: The supplied Plumber API object will also be updated in place as well as returned by the function.


A character string. Point in the lifecycle of a request.


A hook function.


A named list of hook handlers


One feature when defining hooks in Plumber routers is the ability to modify the returned value. The convention for such hooks is: any function that accepts a parameter named value is expected to return the new value. This could be an unmodified version of the value that was passed in, or it could be a mutated value. But in either case, if your hook accepts a parameter named value, whatever your hook returns will be used as the new value for the response.

You can add hooks using the pr_hook, or you can add multiple hooks at once using pr_hooks, which takes a named list in which the names are the names of the hooks, and the values are the handlers themselves.


A Plumber router with the defined hook(s) added


## Not run: 
pr() %>%
  pr_hook("preroute", function(req){
    cat("Routing a request for", req$PATH_INFO, "...\n")
  }) %>%
    preserialize = function(req, value){
      print("About to serialize this value:")

      # Must return the value since we took one in. Here we're not choosing
      # to mutate it, but we could.
    postserialize = function(res){
      print("We serialized the value as:")
  )) %>%
  pr_handle("GET", "/", function(){ 123 }) %>%

## End(Not run)

plumber documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:52 a.m.