
Defines functions pr_static pr_run pr_filter pr_cookie pr_hooks pr_hook pr_mount pr_head pr_delete pr_put pr_post pr_get pr_handle pr validate_pr is_plumber

Documented in is_plumber pr pr_cookie pr_delete pr_filter pr_get pr_handle pr_head pr_hook pr_hooks pr_mount pr_post pr_put pr_run pr_static

#' Determine if Plumber object
#' @param pr Hopefully a [`Plumber`] object
#' @return Logical value if `pr` inherits from [`Plumber`]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is_plumber(Plumber$new()) # TRUE
#' is_plumber(list()) # FALSE
is_plumber <- function(pr) {
  inherits(pr, "Plumber")

validate_pr <- function(pr) {
  if (!is_plumber(pr)) {
    stop("`pr` must be an object of class `Plumber`.")

#' Create a new Plumber router
#' @param filters A list of Plumber filters
#' @param file Path to file to plumb
#' @param envir An environment to be used as the enclosure for the routers execution
#' @return A new [`Plumber`] router
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' }
#' @export
pr <- function(file = NULL,
               filters = defaultPlumberFilters,
               envir = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)) {
  Plumber$new(file = file, filters = filters, envir = envir)

#' Add handler to Plumber router
#' This collection of functions creates handlers for a Plumber router.
#' The generic [pr_handle()] creates a handle for the given method(s). Specific
#' functions are implemented for the following HTTP methods:
#' * `GET`
#' * `POST`
#' * `PUT`
#' * `DELETE`
#' * `HEAD`
#' Each function mutates the Plumber router in place and returns
#' the updated router.
#' @template param_pr
#' @param methods Character vector of HTTP methods
#' @param path The endpoint path
#' @param handler A handler function
#' @param preempt A preempt function
#' @param serializer A Plumber serializer
#' @param endpoint A `PlumberEndpoint` object
#' @param ... Additional arguments for `PlumberEndpoint`
#' @return A Plumber router with the handler added
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_handle("GET", "/hi", function() "Hello World") %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_handle(c("GET", "POST"), "/hi", function() "Hello World") %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_get("/hi", function() "Hello World") %>%
#'   pr_post("/echo", function(req, res) {
#'     if (is.null(req$body)) return("No input")
#'     list(
#'       input = req$body
#'     )
#'   }) %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' }
#' @export
pr_handle <- function(pr,
                      ...) {
  pr$handle(methods = methods,
            path = path,
            handler = handler,
            preempt = preempt,
            serializer = serializer,
            endpoint = endpoint,

#' @rdname pr_handle
#' @export
pr_get <- function(pr,
                   ...) {
            path = path,
            handler = handler,
            preempt = preempt,
            serializer = serializer,
            endpoint = endpoint,

#' @rdname pr_handle
#' @export
pr_post <- function(pr,
                    ...) {
            path = path,
            handler = handler,
            preempt = preempt,
            serializer = serializer,
            endpoint = endpoint,

#' @rdname pr_handle
#' @export
pr_put <- function(pr,
                   ...) {
            path = path,
            handler = handler,
            preempt = preempt,
            serializer = serializer,
            endpoint = endpoint,

#' @rdname pr_handle
#' @export
pr_delete <- function(pr,
                      ...) {
            path = path,
            handler = handler,
            preempt = preempt,
            serializer = serializer,
            endpoint = endpoint,

#' @rdname pr_handle
#' @export
pr_head <- function(pr,
                    ...) {
            path = path,
            handler = handler,
            preempt = preempt,
            serializer = serializer,
            endpoint = endpoint,

#' Mount a Plumber router
#' Plumber routers can be “nested” by mounting one into another
#' using the `mount()` method. This allows you to compartmentalize your API
#' by paths which is a great technique for decomposing large APIs into smaller
#' files. This function mutates the Plumber router ([pr()]) in place and
#' returns the updated router.
#' @param pr The host Plumber router.
#' @param path A character string. Where to mount router.
#' @param router A Plumber router. Router to be mounted.
#' @return A Plumber router with the supplied router mounted
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pr1 <- pr() %>%
#'   pr_get("/hello", function() "Hello")
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_get("/goodbye", function() "Goodbye") %>%
#'   pr_mount("/hi", pr1) %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' }
#' @export
pr_mount <- function(pr,
                     router) {
  pr$mount(path = path, router = router)

#' Register a hook
#' Plumber routers support the notion of "hooks" that can be registered
#' to execute some code at a particular point in the lifecycle of a request.
#' Plumber routers currently support four hooks:
#'  1. `preroute(data, req, res)`
#'  2. `postroute(data, req, res, value)`
#'  3. `preserialize(data, req, res, value)`
#'  4. `postserialize(data, req, res, value)`
#' In all of the above you have access to a disposable environment in the `data`
#' parameter that is created as a temporary data store for each request. Hooks
#' can store temporary data in these hooks that can be reused by other hooks
#' processing this same request.
#' One feature when defining hooks in Plumber routers is the ability to modify
#' the returned value. The convention for such hooks is: any function that accepts
#' a parameter named `value` is expected to return the new value. This could
#' be an unmodified version of the value that was passed in, or it could be a
#' mutated value. But in either case, if your hook accepts a parameter
#' named `value`, whatever your hook returns will be used as the new value
#' for the response.
#' You can add hooks using the `pr_hook`, or you can add multiple
#' hooks at once using `pr_hooks`, which takes a named list in
#' which the names are the names of the hooks, and the values are the
#' handlers themselves.
#' @template param_pr
#' @param stage A character string. Point in the lifecycle of a request.
#' @param handler A hook function.
#' @param handlers A named list of hook handlers
#' @return A Plumber router with the defined hook(s) added
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_hook("preroute", function(req){
#'     cat("Routing a request for", req$PATH_INFO, "...\n")
#'   }) %>%
#'   pr_hooks(list(
#'     preserialize = function(req, value){
#'       print("About to serialize this value:")
#'       print(value)
#'       # Must return the value since we took one in. Here we're not choosing
#'       # to mutate it, but we could.
#'       value
#'     },
#'     postserialize = function(res){
#'       print("We serialized the value as:")
#'       print(res$body)
#'     }
#'   )) %>%
#'   pr_handle("GET", "/", function(){ 123 }) %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' }
#' @export
pr_hook <- function(pr,
                    handler) {
  pr$registerHook(stage = stage, handler = handler)

#' @rdname pr_hook
#' @export
pr_hooks <- function(pr,
                     handlers) {

#' Store session data in encrypted cookies.
#' \code{plumber} uses the crypto R package \code{sodium}, to encrypt/decrypt
#' \code{req$session} information for each server request.
#' The cookie's secret encryption \code{key} value must be consistent to maintain
#' \code{req$session} information between server restarts.
#' @section Storing secure keys:
#' While it is very quick to get started with user session cookies using
#' \code{plumber}, please exercise precaution when storing secure key information.
#' If a malicious person were to gain access to the secret \code{key}, they would
#' be able to eavesdrop on all \code{req$session} information and/or tamper with
#' \code{req$session} information being processed.
#' Please: \itemize{
#' \item Do NOT store keys in source control.
#' \item Do NOT store keys on disk with permissions that allow it to be accessed by everyone.
#' \item Do NOT store keys in databases which can be queried by everyone.
#' }
#' Instead, please: \itemize{
#' \item Use a key management system, such as
#' \href{https://github.com/r-lib/keyring}{'keyring'} (preferred)
#' \item Store the secret in a file on disk with appropriately secure permissions,
#'   such as "user read only" (\code{Sys.chmod("myfile.txt", mode = "0600")}),
#'   to prevent others from reading it.
#' } Examples of both of these solutions are done in the Examples section.
#' @template param_pr
#' @param key The secret key to use. This must be consistent across all R sessions
#'   where you want to save/restore encrypted cookies. It should be produced using
#'   \code{\link{random_cookie_key}}. Please see the "Storing secure keys" section for more details
#'   complex character string to bolster security.
#' @param name The name of the cookie in the user's browser.
#' @param path The URI path that the cookie will be available in future requests.
#'    Defaults to the request URI. Set to \code{"/"} to make cookie available to
#'    all requests at the host.
#' @param expiration A number representing the number of seconds into the future
#'   before the cookie expires or a \code{POSIXt} date object of when the cookie expires.
#'   Defaults to the end of the user's browser session.
#' @param http Boolean that adds the \code{HttpOnly} cookie flag that tells the browser
#'   to save the cookie and to NOT send it to client-side scripts. This mitigates \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Cross-site_scripting}{cross-site scripting}.
#'   Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param secure Boolean that adds the \code{Secure} cookie flag.  This should be set
#'   when the route is eventually delivered over \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS}{HTTPS}.
#' @param same_site A character specifying the SameSite policy to attach to the cookie.
#'   If specified, one of the following values should be given: "Strict", "Lax", or "None".
#'   If "None" is specified, then the \code{secure} flag MUST also be set for the modern browsers to
#'   accept the cookie. An error will be returned if \code{same_site = "None"} and \code{secure = FALSE}.
#'   If not specified or a non-character is given, no SameSite policy is attached to the cookie.
#' @seealso \itemize{
#' \item \href{https://github.com/r-lib/sodium}{'sodium'}: R bindings to 'libsodium'
#' \item \href{https://doc.libsodium.org/}{'libsodium'}: A Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library
#' \item \href{https://github.com/r-lib/keyring}{'keyring'}: Access the system credential store from R
#' \item \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie#Directives}{Set-Cookie flags}: Descriptions of different flags for \code{Set-Cookie}
#' \item \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Cross-site_scripting}{Cross-site scripting}: A security exploit which allows an attacker to inject into a website malicious client-side code
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Set secret key using `keyring` (preferred method)
#' keyring::key_set_with_value("plumber_api", password = plumber::random_cookie_key())
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_cookie(
#'     keyring::key_get("plumber_api"),
#'     name = "counter"
#'   ) %>%
#'   pr_get("/sessionCounter", function(req) {
#'     count <- 0
#'     if (!is.null(req$session$counter)){
#'       count <- as.numeric(req$session$counter)
#'     }
#'     req$session$counter <- count + 1
#'     return(paste0("This is visit #", count))
#'   }) %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' #### -------------------------------- ###
#' ## Save key to a local file
#' pswd_file <- "normal_file.txt"
#' cat(plumber::random_cookie_key(), file = pswd_file)
#' # Make file read-only
#' Sys.chmod(pswd_file, mode = "0600")
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_cookie(
#'     readLines(pswd_file, warn = FALSE),
#'     name = "counter"
#'   ) %>%
#'   pr_get("/sessionCounter", function(req) {
#'     count <- 0
#'     if (!is.null(req$session$counter)){
#'       count <- as.numeric(req$session$counter)
#'     }
#'     req$session$counter <- count + 1
#'     return(paste0("This is visit #", count))
#'   }) %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' }
#' @export
pr_cookie <- function(pr,
                      name = "plumber",
                      expiration = FALSE,
                      http = TRUE,
                      secure = FALSE,
                      same_site = FALSE,
                      path = NULL) {
      key = key,
      name = name,
      expiration = expiration,
      http = http,
      secure = secure,
      same_site = same_site,
      path = path

#' Add a filter to Plumber router
#' Filters can be used to modify an incoming request, return an error, or return
#' a response prior to the request reaching an endpoint.
#' @template param_pr
#' @param name A character string. Name of filter
#' @param expr An expr that resolve to a filter function or a filter function
#' @param serializer A serializer function
#' @return The Plumber router with the defined filter added
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_filter("foo", function(req, res) {
#'     print("This is filter foo")
#'     forward()
#'   }) %>%
#'   pr_get("/hi", function() "Hello") %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' }
#' @export
pr_filter <- function(pr,
                      serializer) {
  pr$filter(name = name, expr = expr, serializer = serializer)

#' Start a server using `plumber` object
#' `port` does not need to be explicitly assigned.
#' @template param_pr
#' @param host A string that is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address that is owned by
#' this server, which the application will listen on. "" represents
#' all IPv4 addresses and "::/0" represents all IPv6 addresses.
#' @param port A number or integer that indicates the server port that should
#' be listened on. Note that on most Unix-like systems including Linux and
#' Mac OS X, port numbers smaller than 1025 require root privileges.
#' @param ... Should be empty.
#' @param debug If `TRUE`, it will provide more insight into your API errors.
#'   Using this value will only last for the duration of the run.
#'   If [pr_set_debug()] has not been called, `debug` will default to `interactive()` at [pr_run()] time
#' @param docs Visual documentation value to use while running the API.
#'   This value will only be used while running the router.
#'   If missing, defaults to information previously set with [pr_set_docs()].
#'   For more customization, see [pr_set_docs()] for examples.
#' @param swaggerCallback An optional single-argument function that is called
#'   back with the URL to an OpenAPI user interface when one becomes ready. If
#'   missing, defaults to information set with [pr_set_docs_callback()].
#'   This value will only be used while running the router.
#' @param quiet If `TRUE`, don't print routine startup messages.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_run(
#'     # manually set port
#'     port = 5762,
#'     # turn off visual documentation
#'     docs = FALSE,
#'     # do not display startup messages
#'     quiet = TRUE
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
pr_run <- function(pr,
                   host = '',
                   port = getOption('plumber.port', NULL),
                   debug = missing_arg(),
                   docs = missing_arg(),
                   swaggerCallback = missing_arg(),
                   quiet = FALSE
) {
  pr$run(host = host,
         port = port,
         debug = debug,
         docs = docs,
         swaggerCallback = swaggerCallback,
         quiet = quiet)

#' Add a static route to the `plumber` object
#' @template param_pr
#' @param path The mounted path location of the static folder
#' @param direc The local folder to be served statically
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pr() %>%
#'   pr_static("/path", "./my_folder/location") %>%
#'   pr_run()
#' }
#' @export
pr_static <- function(
) {
  pr_mount(pr, path, PlumberStatic$new(direc))

Try the plumber package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plumber documentation built on Sept. 7, 2022, 1:05 a.m.