plot-proteomicsFilt: Plot proteomicsFilt Object

plot.proteomicsFiltR Documentation

Plot proteomicsFilt Object


For plotting an S3 object of type 'proteomicsFilt':


## S3 method for class 'proteomicsFilt'
  plot_type = "num_peps",
  min_num_peps = NULL,
  interactive = FALSE,
  x_lab_pep = NULL,
  x_lab_pro = NULL,
  y_lab_pep = NULL,
  y_lab_pro = NULL,
  x_lab_size = 11,
  y_lab_size = 11,
  x_lab_angle = 0,
  title_lab_pep = NULL,
  title_lab_pro = NULL,
  title_lab_size = 14,
  legend_lab = NULL,
  legend_position = "right",
  text_size = 3,
  bar_width = 0.8,
  bw_theme = TRUE,
  palette = NULL,
  display_count = TRUE,



object of class proteomicsFilt, which is a list with two elements. The first element is a data frame of counts for each unique peptide. The second element is a data frame with the counts for the number of peptides that map to each unique protein.


character string specifying the type of plot to be displayed. The available options are "num_peps" or "redundancy". If "num_peps" the plot is displayed that shows the counts of proteins that have a specific number of peptides mapping to them. If "redundancy" the plot showing the counts of peptides that map to a specific number of proteins is displayed.


an optional integer value between 1 and the maximum number of peptides that map to a protein in the data. The value specifies the minimum number of peptides that must map to a protein. Any protein with less than min_num_peps mapping to it will be returned as a protein that should be filtered. Default value is NULL.


logical value. If TRUE produces an interactive plot.


character string used for the x-axis label for the num_peps plot. The default is NULL in which case the default x-axis label will be used.


character string used for the x-axis label for the redundancy plot. The default is NULL in which case the default x-axis label will be used.


character string used for the y-axis label for the num_peps plot. The default is NULL in which case the default y-axis label will be used.


character string used for the y-axis label for the redundancy plot. The default is NULL in which case the default y-axis label will be used.


integer value indicating the font size for the x-axis. The default is 11.


integer value indicating the font size for the y-axis. The default is 11.


integer value indicating the angle of x-axis labels. The default is 0.


character string specifying the num_peps plot title. The default is NULL in which case the default title will be used.


character string specifying the redundancy plot title. The default is NULL in which case the default title will be used.


integer value indicating the font size of the plot title. The default is 14.


character string specifying the legend title


character string specifying the position of the legend. Can be one of "right", "left", "top", "bottom", or "none". The default is "none".


An integer specifying the size of the text (number of peptides or proteins depending on the plot) within the bar plot. The default is 3.


An integer indicating the width of the bars in the bar plot. The default is 0.8.


logical value. If TRUE uses the ggplot2 black and white theme.


character string indicating the name of the RColorBrewer palette to use. For a list of available options see the details section in RColorBrewer.


logical value. Indicates whether the peptide or protein counts will be displayed on the bar plot. The default is TRUE.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


ggplot2 plot object if interactive is FALSE, or plotly plot object if interactive is TRUE


my_filter <- proteomics_filter(omicsData = pep_object)
plot(my_filter, min_num_peps = 3)
plot(my_filter, plot_type = "redundancy")

pmartR documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 1:06 a.m.