
Defines functions copy_env

Documented in copy_env

#' Move the bound variables from one environment into another.
#' @param from  The environment we want to copy from.
#' @param to    The environment where we want to bind the variables.
#' @param names Names of the variables to copy. By default, all of them.
copy_env <- function(from, to, names = ls(from, all.names = TRUE)) {
        assign, names, mget(names, from), list(to),

#' Dummy object used for generic function dispatching.
#' @export
bind <- structure(NA, class = "pmatch_bind")

#' Bind variables to pattern-matched expressions.
#' The \code{bind} object itself doesn't do anything. It simply exists in order
#' to define notation for binding variables using the sub-script operator.
#' @param dummy The \code{bind} object. Only used to dispatch to the right
#'   subscript operator.
#' @param ...   Patterns to assign to.
#' @param value Actual values to assign
#' @examples
#' bind[x, y] <- c(2,4)
#' x == 2
#' y == 4
#' llist := NIL | CONS(car, cdr : llist)
#' L <- CONS(1, CONS(2, CONS(3, NIL)))
#' bind[CONS(first, CONS(second, rest))] <- L
#' first == 1
#' second == 2
#' @export
`[<-.pmatch_bind` <- function(dummy, ..., value) {
    var_env <- rlang::caller_env()
    patterns <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))

    # we have to treat single values special because a single constructor-value
    # is a list and we don't want to index into it as such.
    if (length(patterns) == 1) {
        value <- list(value)

    for (i in seq_along(patterns)) {
        var_bindings <- test_pattern_(value[[i]], patterns[[i]], eval_env = var_env)
        if (is.null(var_bindings)) {
            msg <- simpleError(
                    "The pattern {deparse(patterns[[i]])} ",
                    "does not match its value."
        copy_env(from = var_bindings, to = var_env)

    dummy # always remember to return this so we don't set the bind object to NULL

Try the pmatch package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pmatch documentation built on Oct. 19, 2018, 5:04 p.m.