DispersalFriction: R6 class representing a dispersal friction.

DispersalFrictionR Documentation

R6 class representing a dispersal friction.


R6 class functionality for modeling sea, ice and other frictional barriers to dispersal within a spatially-explicit population model. The dispersal friction model utilizes the gdistance package functionality to calculate distance multipliers to modify distance-based dispersal rates for simulated migrations in a spatio-temporal frictional landscape. The frictional landscape is defined via conductance/permeability values, the inverse of friction, which ranges from zero (barrier) to one (no friction) with values in-between representing some friction. For example, a conductance value of 1/5 = 0.2 represents a landscape in which simulated animals move 5 times slower than a non-friction landscape. In this example the resultant distance multiplier would be 5, thus reducing the effective dispersal range.

Super classes

poems::GenericClass -> poems::GenericModel -> poems::SpatialModel -> DispersalFriction

Public fields


A list of dynamically attached attributes (name-value pairs).

Active bindings


A vector of model attribute names.


A Region (or inherited class) object specifying the study region.


Data frame (or matrix) of X-Y population (WGS84) coordinates in longitude (degrees West) and latitude (degrees North) (get and set), or distance-based coordinates dynamically returned by region raster (get only).


Number of cores for running the simulations in parallel.


Directory path for storing distance multipliers when memory performance is an issue.


Number of transition directions or neighbors in which cells are connected: usually 4, 8 (default), or 16 (see gdistance::transition).


Matrix/raster of conductance (inverse friction) values (range: 0 = barrier; 0 < some friction < 1; 1 = no friction) for each grid cell (rows/cells) at each simulation time step (columns/layers).


A list of alternative alias names for model attributes (form: alias = "attribute") to be used with the set and get attributes methods.


A vector of error messages encountered when setting model attributes.


A vector of warning messages encountered when setting model attributes.


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method calculate_distance_multipliers()

Calculates and returns spatio-temporal dispersal distance multipliers for each in-range migration.

DispersalFriction$calculate_distance_multipliers(dispersal_indices, ...)

Two-column matrix representing the target and source coordinate index for each in-range migration.


Parameters passed via a params list or individually.


Temporal list of dispersal distance multiplier arrays with values for each in-range migration.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

DispersalFriction$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


#' U Island example region
coordinates <- data.frame(x = rep(seq(177.01, 177.05, 0.01), 5),
                          y = rep(seq(-18.01, -18.05, -0.01), each = 5))
template_raster <- Region$new(coordinates = coordinates)$region_raster #' full extent
template_raster[][-c(7, 9, 12, 14, 17:19)] <- NA #' make U Island
region <- Region$new(template_raster = template_raster)
raster::plot(region$region_raster, main = "Example region (indices)",
             xlab = "Longitude (degrees)", ylab = "Latitude (degrees)",
             colNA = "blue")

#' Dispersal distances
dispersal_gen <- DispersalGenerator$new(region = region)
dispersal_gen$set_attributes(params = list(p = 0.5, b = 700, r = 3000))
distances <- round(dispersal_gen$calculate_distance_matrix()) #' in m
dispersal_indices <- as.matrix(dispersal_gen$distance_data$base[,1:2])

#' Distance multipliers with friction in cell 4
dispersal_friction <- DispersalFriction$new(region = region,
                                            conductance = c(1, 1, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 1))
multipliers <- dispersal_friction$calculate_distance_multipliers(dispersal_indices)
cbind(dispersal_indices, distance = distances[dispersal_indices],
      multiplier = multipliers[[1]])

#' Note that crossing the water is avoided.

poems documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 9:06 a.m.