dhare: Hare: hazard regression

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dhareR Documentation

Hare: hazard regression


Density (dhare), cumulative probability (phare), hazard rate (hhare), quantiles (qhare), and random samples (rhare) from a hare object.


dhare(q, cov, fit) 
hhare(q, cov, fit) 
phare(q, cov, fit) 
qhare(p, cov, fit) 
rhare(n, cov, fit) 



vector of quantiles. Missing values (NAs) are allowed.


vector of probabilities. Missing values (NAs) are allowed.


sample size. If length(n) is larger than 1, then length(n) random values are returned.


covariates. There are several possibilities. If a vector of length fit\$ncov is provided, these covariates are used for all elements of p or q or for all random numbers. If a matrix of dimension length(p), length(q), or n by fit\$ncov is provided, the rows of cov are matched with the elements of p or q or every row of cov has its own random number. If a matrix of dimension m times fit\$ncov is provided, while length(p) = 1 or length(q) = 1 or n = 1, the single element of p or q is used m times, or m random numbers with different sets of covariates are generated.


hare object, typically obtained from hare.


Elements of q or p that are missing will cause the corresponding elements of the result to be missing.


Densities (dhare), hazard rates (hhare), probabilities (phare), quantiles (qhare), or a random sample (rhare) from a hare object.


Charles Kooperberg clk@fredhutch.org.


Charles Kooperberg, Charles J. Stone and Young K. Truong (1995). Hazard regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, 78-94.

Charles J. Stone, Mark Hansen, Charles Kooperberg, and Young K. Truong. The use of polynomial splines and their tensor products in extended linear modeling (with discussion) (1997). Annals of Statistics, 25, 1371–1470.

See Also

hare, plot.hare, summary.hare.


fit <- hare(testhare[,1], testhare[,2], testhare[,3:8])
dhare(0:10, testhare[117,3:8], fit)
hhare(0:10, testhare[1:11,3:8], fit)
phare(10, testhare[1:25,3:8], fit)
qhare((1:19)/20, testhare[117,3:8], fit)
rhare(10, testhare[117,3:8], fit)

polspline documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:38 a.m.

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