Man pages for polySegratioMM
Bayesian Mixture Models for Marker Dosage in Autopolyploids

calculateDICCompute DIC for fitted mixture model
diagnosticsJagsMixMCMC diagnostics for polyploid segregation ratio mixture...
DistributionPlotBinomialDistribution Plot
dosagesJagsMixCompute dosages under specified Bayesian mixture model
dumpDataDumps segregation ratio data to file for subsequent JAGS run
hexmarkersSimulated autopolyploid dominant markers from 200 hexaploid...
hexmarkers.overdispSimulated overdispersed autopolyploid dominant markers from...
mcmcHexRunResults of MCMC estimation for simulated overdispersed...
plotFittedPlot observed segregation ratios and fitted and theoretical...
plot.segratioMCMCMCMC plots for segregation ratio mixture models
polySegratioMM-packageBayesian Mixture Models for Marker Dosage in Autopolyploids
print.dosagesMCMCDoses from Bayesian mixture model
print.runJagsRunning JAGS
readJagsRead MCMC sample(s) from a JAGS run
runJagsRun JAGS to create MCMC sample for segregation ratio mixture...
runSegratioMMRun a Bayesian mixture model for marker dosage with minimal...
setControlSet up controls for a JAGS segregation ratio model run
setInitsSet up and dump initial values given the model and prior
setModelSet characteristics of the Bayesian mixture model for dosages
setPriorsSet prior distributions for parameters of Bayesian mixture...
summary.segratioMCMCSummary statistics for an segratioMCMC object
writeControlFileWrite JAGS .cmd file for running JAGS
writeJagsFileWrites BUGS file for processing by JAGS
polySegratioMM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:49 a.m.