polynomial-class: Class '"polynomial"'

Description Objects from the Class Slots Extends Methods See Also


A class to hold the coefficients and exponents of a polynomial.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls to the function as.polynomial.



Object of class "numbers": numeric or complex coefficients. Despite this, the functions is.numeric and is.complex will always return FALSE because arithmetic on them does not make sense (inconsistent with the base arithmetic operators).


Object of class "integer": exponents must be not NA and non-negative.


Class "numbers", from data part.



Negate a polynomial or subtract two polynomials.


Multiply two polynomials.


Divide two polynomials. A warning is issued for non-zero remainder.


Subset a polynomial. Matrix and array indexing is allowed. Special care has been taken to ensure that in such cases, the exponents are subsetted correctly.


Subset a polynomial. Matrix and array indexing is allowed. Special care has been taken to ensure that in such cases, the exponents are subsetted correctly.


Raise a polynomial to a non-negative integer power. As with ordinary ^, a power of 0 returns 1 (as a polynomial, however), and a power of 1 returns the unmodified polynomial. A zero length power returns a zero length polynomial. A negative or missing valued power returns the same polynomial with all missing coefficients.


Unary + or add two polynomials.


Coerce a polynomial to a univariate function. The name of the variable is determined by xname and the body of the function is determined by as.body.


Coerce a polynomial to a list. Names are preserved.

coef, exponents

Select the coefficients or exponents part only of a polynomial.


Coerce any object to a polynomial.


Calculate the degree of a polynomial, the maximum coefficient.

deriv, integral

Calculate the derivative or integral of a polynomial.

plot, points, lines

Plot a polynomial. See plot.polynomial.


Calculate the value of a polynomial at a set of points.

See Also

CommonPolynomials, reduce, as.body.

polynomial documentation built on Feb. 22, 2021, 5:08 p.m.