polynomial-package: Handling Univariate Polynomials

Description Details Author(s)


Provides a 'polynomial' class, functions to create, coerce and test for class 'polynomial', various functions to manipulate these polynomials, and functions for calculating the coefficients of some common polynomials.


A set of functions for some common polynomials have been provided, they can be found in CommonPolynomials.

The most important functions are:

as.polynomial to turn an object into a polynomial.

coef, coef<-, exponents and exponents<- for extracting and replacing polynomial coefficients and exponents.

reduce for simplifying polynomials.

as.function to turn a polynomial into a function.

plot for visualizing a polynomial.

Arithmetic is defined for polynomials (unary and binary + and -, *, /, ^), but not in the same way as the base arithmetic operators.


Andrew Simmons

Maintainer: Andrew Simmons <akwsimmo@gmail.com>

polynomial documentation built on Feb. 22, 2021, 5:08 p.m.