
Defines functions poolvar_t

Documented in poolvar_t

#' Visualize Ratio of Variance of Each Pooled Measurement to Variance of Each
#' Unpooled Measurement as Function of Pool Size
#' Useful for determining whether pooling is a good idea, and finding the
#' optimal pool size if it is.
#' @param g Numeric vector of pool sizes to include.
#' @param mu1,mu2 Numeric value specifying group means. Required if
#' \code{multiplicative = TRUE}.
#' @param sigsq Numeric value specifying the variance of observations.
#' @param sigsq1,sigsq2 Numeric value specifying the variance of observations
#' for each group.
#' @param sigsq_p Numeric value specifying the variance of processing errors.
#' @param sigsq_m Numeric value specifying the variance of measurement errors.
#' @param multiplicative Logical value for whether to assume multiplicative
#' rather than additive errors.
#' @param assay_cost Numeric value specifying cost of each assay.
#' @param other_costs Numeric value specifying other per-subject costs.
#' @param labels Logical value.
#' @param ylim Numeric vector.
#' @return Plot generated by \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @examples
#' # Plot ratio of variances vs. pool size with default settings
#' poolvar_t(sigsq = 1)
#' # Add processing error and other per-subject costs
#' poolvar_t(sigsq = 1, sigsq_p = 0.2, other_costs = 0.1)
poolvar_t <- function(g = 1: 10,
                      mu1 = NULL,
                      mu2 = NULL,
                      sigsq = NULL,
                      sigsq1 = sigsq,
                      sigsq2 = sigsq,
                      sigsq_p = 0,
                      sigsq_m = 0,
                      multiplicative = FALSE,
                      assay_cost = 100,
                      other_costs = 0,
                      labels = TRUE,
                      ylim = NULL) {

  # Error checking
  if (multiplicative & (is.null(mu1) | is.null(mu2))) {
    stop("For multiplicative errors, you must specify mu1 and mu2")

  # Calculate ratio of costs, traditional / pooling
  costs.ratio <- (assay_cost + other_costs) / (assay_cost + g * other_costs)

  # Calculate ratio of variances, traditional / pooling
  if (! multiplicative) {

    sigsq_pm <- sigsq_p * ifelse(g > 1, 1, 0) + sigsq_m
    var_ratio1 <- (sigsq1 + sigsq_m) / (sigsq1 / g + sigsq_pm)
    var_ratio2 <- (sigsq2 + sigsq_m) / (sigsq2 / g + sigsq_pm)

  } else {

    sigsq_pm <- sigsq_m + sigsq_p * (sigsq_m + 1) * ifelse(g > 1, 1, 0)
    var_ratio1 <- (sigsq_m * (mu1^2 + sigsq1) + sigsq1) /
      (sigsq_pm * (mu1^2 + sigsq1 / g) + sigsq1 / g)
    var_ratio2 <- (sigsq_m * (mu2^2 + sigsq2) + sigsq2) /
      (sigsq_pm * (mu2^2 + sigsq2 / g) + sigsq2 / g)


  # Calculate cost-adjusted ratio of variances and find max
  var_ratio1_adj <- var_ratio1 * costs.ratio
  var_ratio2_adj <- var_ratio2 * costs.ratio
  max1 <- max2 <- rep(0, length(g))
  max1[which.max(var_ratio1_adj)] <- 1
  max2[which.max(var_ratio2_adj)] <- 1

  # Prep for ggplot
  df <- data.frame(
    g = c(g - 0.075, g + 0.075),
    Group = as.factor(rep(c(1, 2), each = length(g))),
    var_ratio = c(var_ratio1, var_ratio2),
    var_ratio_adj = c(var_ratio1_adj, var_ratio2_adj),
    max = c(max1, max2)

  # Default ylim
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(0, max(1, max(c(var_ratio1_adj, var_ratio2_adj))) * 1.1)

  # Create plot
  Group <- NULL
  p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "g", y = "var_ratio_adj", color = "Group")) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(title = "Ratio of Variances, Traditional vs. Pooled",
         y = "Cost-adjusted ratio",
         x = "Pool size") +
    ylim(ylim) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = 2) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = g) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

  # Label max
  if (labels) {
    var_ratio_adj <- NULL
    p <- p + geom_label_repel(
      data = subset(df, max == 1),
      aes(g, var_ratio_adj,
          label = paste(round(var_ratio_adj, 1), " (g = ", g, ")", sep = "")),
      min.segment.length = 0,
      label.padding = 0.4,
      show.legend = FALSE


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pooling documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 9:07 a.m.