
Defines functions popRangeSim

Documented in popRangeSim

## This contains 1 main function "popRangeSim"
## that is a wrapper for a python program 
## that simulates complex, stochastic demographic models

popRangeSim <- function(world, popSize, rMean = 0, rVar = 0, A = 0, K = 100, catProb = 0, 
                          diploid = TRUE, nGens = 100, migration = 0, SNP_model = 1,
                          h = 0.5, s = 0, gamma_shape = NULL, gamma_scale = NULL,
                          gSize = NULL, mutRate = NULL, nSNPs = NULL, SNPs_starting_freq = NULL,
                          GENEPOP = FALSE, GENELAND = FALSE, PLINK = FALSE, 
                          outfile = "", infile=NULL, recordTrag = 0, sDiff=NULL) {
  options("scipen"=100, "digits"=4)

  #Checking the input for errors
  if (!(SNP_model %in% c(0,1))) {
    print("SNP_model parameter must be either 0 (user inputs starting allele frequencies) 
      or 1 (starting allele frequency determined from standard neutral model)")
  if (is.null(nSNPs) & SNP_model == 0){
    print("nSNPs must start with at least 1 SNP.")

  a = file.path(tempdir(), 'world.txt')
  write.table(world, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")

  input_call = paste(c('--world ', a, ' --outfile ', outfile, ' --recordTrag ', recordTrag,
                ' --SNP_model ', as.character(SNP_model), ' --h ', as.character(h),
                ' --nGens ', as.character(nGens)), collapse='')
                #input_call = paste(c("-p world.txt --outfile ", outfile, ' --recordTrag ', recordTrag,
   #                    ' --SNP_model ', as.character(SNP_model), ' --h_input ', as.character(h),
   #                    ' --nGens ', as.character(nGens)), collapse='')

  if (is.null(infile) == FALSE) { input_call = paste(input_call,' --infile ', as.character(infile)) }
  if (is.null(sDiff) == FALSE){
    a = file.path(tempdir(), 'sDiff.txt')
    input_call = paste(c(input_call, ' --sDiff "', a, '"'), collapse='')
    write.table(sDiff, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=',')

  #SNP_model...1 == 'fixed'. 2 == 'snm'
  if (GENELAND == TRUE) { input_call = paste(input_call, '--GENELAND', 'TRUE') }
  else { outfile_input = paste(input_call, '--GENELAND', 'FALSE') }
  if (GENEPOP == TRUE) { input_call = paste(input_call, '--GENEPOP', 'TRUE') }
  else { outfile_input = paste(input_call, '--GENEPOP', 'FALSE') }
  if (PLINK == TRUE) { input_call = paste(input_call, '--PLINK', 'TRUE') }
  else { outfile_input = paste(input_call, '--PLINK', 'FALSE') }

  if ( is.null(gamma_shape) & is.null(gamma_scale) ){ 
    if (is.null(nSNPs) == FALSE){
      input_call = paste(input_call, '--nSNPs', as.character(nSNPs), '--SNPs_starting_freq', 
    if (class(s) == "matrix"){
      a = file.path(tempdir(), 's.txt')
      input_call = paste(c(input_call, ' --s_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='')
      write.table(s, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=',')
    else if (class(s) == 'numeric') { 
      input_call = paste(input_call, '--s_int', as.character(s))
  else {
    input_call = paste(input_call, "--gamma_shape", as.character(gamma_shape), 
                     "--gamma_scale", as.character(gamma_scale))
  if (is.null(gSize) == FALSE){
    input_call = paste(input_call, '--gSize', as.character(gSize), '--mutRate', as.character(mutRate))
  if (class(migration) == "numeric") { mig_input = paste("--migration_int", as.character(migration))}
  else if (class(migration) == "matrix") {
    a = file.path(tempdir(), 'mig.txt')
    mig_input = paste(c('--migration_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='')
    write.table(migration, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
  if (class(popSize) == "numeric"){ Ne_input = paste('--popSize_int', popSize) }
  else if (class(popSize) == "matrix") {
    a = file.path(tempdir(), 'ne.txt')
    Ne_input = paste(c('--popSize_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='') #Note this is Ne_Mat
    write.table(popSize, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
  else{ print("ERROR.  Ne must be either of class 'numeric' or 'matrix'") }
  if (class(rMean) == "numeric"){ rMean_input=paste('--rMean_int', rMean) }
  else if (class(rMean) == "matrix") {
    a = file.path(tempdir(), 'rMean.txt')
    rMean_input = paste(c('--rMean_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='')
    write.table(rMean, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
  else{ print("ERROR.  rMean must be either of class 'numeric' or 'matrix' ") }

  if (class(rVar) == "numeric"){ rVar_input=paste('--rVar_int', rVar) }
  else if (class(rVar) == "matrix") {
    a = file.path(tempdir(), 'rVar.txt')
    rVar_input= paste(c('--rVar_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='')
    write.table(rVar, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
  else{ print("ERROR.  rVar must be either of class 'numeric' or 'matrix' ") }
  if (class(A) == "numeric"){ A_input = paste('--A_int', A) }
  else if (class(A) == "matrix") {
      a = file.path(tempdir(), 'A.txt')
      A_input = paste(c('--A_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='')
      write.table(A, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
  else{ print("ERROR. A must be either of class 'numeric' or 'matrix' ")}
  if (class(K) == "numeric"){ K_input = paste('--K_int', K) }
  else if (class(K) == "matrix") {
    a = file.path(tempdir(), 'K.txt')
    K_input = paste(c('--K_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='')
    write.table(K, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
  else{ print("ERROR. K must be either of class 'numeric' or 'matrix' ") }
  if (class(catProb) == "numeric"){ catProb_input = paste('--catProb_int', catProb)}
  else if (class(catProb) == "matrix") {
    a = file.path(tempdir(), 'catProb.txt')
    catProb_input = paste(c('--catProb_mat "', a, '"'), collapse='')
    write.table(catProb, a, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
  else{ print("ERROR. catProb must be either of class 'numeric' or 'matrix' ")}
  if (diploid == TRUE){ diploid_input = paste('--diploid', 'True')}
  else { diploid_input = paste('--diploid', 'False')}

  #In my case, input 1 will be the matrix of the populations
  #command <- paste("python FS_3.py ", world_input, Ne_input, rMean_input, rVar_input,
  #                 A_input, K_input, catProb_input, diploid_input, nGens_input, mig_input,
  #                 SNP_model_input, h_input, s_input, outfile_input, bb_input, recordTrag_input)
  #fileLoc = paste(c('"', system.file("popRange_main.py", package="popRange"), '"'), collapse='')
  #Trying out this new "findpython" command
  python2_Available = can_find_python_cmd(minimum_version="2.7", maximum_version="3.4", required_modules="numpy") #Took this out b/c it takes kinda a long time to run
  if (python2_Available == TRUE){
    python2_loc = find_python_cmd(minimum_version="2.7", maximum_version="3.4", required_modules="numpy")
    fileLoc = paste(c('"', system.file("popRange_main.py", package="popRange"), '"'), collapse='')
    command <- paste(python2_loc, fileLoc, input_call, Ne_input, rMean_input, rVar_input,
              A_input, K_input, catProb_input, diploid_input, mig_input)

  else {
    print("Could not find an acceptable version of python with numpy installed. This should be able to locate python 
      anywhere on your computer, but perhaps try adding python to your PATH if you think this message is an error.")
    #pythonLoc = find_python_cmd(minimum_version="3.2", maximum_version="3.4", required_modules="numpy", 
    #  error_message="Neither Python 2.7.x with numpy nor Python 3.2-3.4 with numpy could be found on your system."))
    #fileLoc = paste(c('"', system.file("popRange_main_3.py", package="popRange"), '"'), collapse='')
    #command <- paste(pythonLoc, fileLoc, input_call, Ne_input, rMean_input, rVar_input,
    #          A_input, K_input, catProb_input, diploid_input, mig_input)

  ##pythonLoc = find_python_cmd(minimum_version="2.7", maximum_version="2.7", required_modules="numpy")
  #fileLoc = paste(c('"', system.file("popRange_main.py", package="popRange"), '"'), collapse='')
  #command <- paste(pythonLoc, fileLoc, input_call, Ne_input, rMean_input, rVar_input,
  #            A_input, K_input, catProb_input, diploid_input, mig_input)

    #command <- paste("python", fileLoc, input_call, Ne_input, rMean_input, rVar_input,
    #               A_input, K_input, catProb_input, diploid_input, mig_input)
    #command <- paste("python", fileLoc, input_call, Ne_input, rMean_input, rVar_input,
    #                 A_input, K_input, catProb_input, diploid_input, mig_input)
   # }

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popRange documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:53 a.m.