
test_that("`brew` sets up an empty `potions` object when called with no args", {
  x <- pour_all()
  expect_true(inherits(x, "potions"))
  expect_equal(length(x), 3)
  expect_equal(length(unlist(x)), 1)
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL)) # set to empty

test_that("`brew` accepts data passed within functions", {
  testfun <- function(){list(x = 1, y = 2)}
  expect_equal(pour(), list(x = 1, y = 2))
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL)) # set to empty

test_that("`brew` fails when objects are passed that are not lists", {
  expect_error(brew(integer(1, 2, 3)))

test_that("brew errors when NSE is used", {
  expect_error(brew(x == 1))
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))
test_that("`brew` fails when user passes `==` instead of `=`", {
  expect_error(brew(year == 10))

test_that("`brew()` fails when some levels are unnamed", {
  options_list <- list(
    user = list(uuid = "owner-uuid"),
    params = list(
      function_name = "ensemble",
      datasets = list(
        list(mimetype = "image/geotiff", # unnamed step
             url = "a/valid/path_1"),
        list(mimetype = "image/geotiff",
             url = "a/valid/path_2")

test_that("`brew` stores data in a randomly-named slot when .slot not given", {
  options_list <- list(
    data = list(x = 1, y = 2),
    metadata = list(a = 10, b = 12))
  x <- pour_all()
  expect_equal(x$mapping$current_slot, names(x$slots)[1])
  expect_equal(as.integer(unlist(x$slots)), c(1, 2, 10, 12))
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

test_that("sequential, unlabelled calls to `brew` get added to the same slot",{
  brew(x = 1)
  brew(y = 2)
  x <- pour_all()
  expect_equal(x$mapping$current_slot, names(x$slots)[1])
  expect_equal(as.integer(unlist(x$slots)), c(1, 2))
  expect_equal(names(x$slots[[1]]), c("x", "y"))
  expect_equal(as.integer(lengths(x)), c(2, 1, 0))
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

test_that("`brew` stores data in .slot when given", {
  options_list <- list(
    data = list(x = 1, a = 2),
    metadata = list(x = 10, b = 12))
  brew(options_list, .slot = "a_test")
  x <- pour_all()
  expect_equal(x$mapping$current_slot, names(x$slots)[1])
  expect_equal(as.integer(unlist(x$slots)), c(1, 2, 10, 12))
  expect_equal(names(x$slots[[1]]), c("data", "metadata"))
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

test_that("`brew` updates data in .slot when given", {
  options_1 <- list(
    data = list(x = 1, a = 2),
    metadata = list(x = 10, b = 12))
  options_2 <- list(
    data = 1,
    something = 2)
  brew(options_1, .slot = "test")
  brew(options_2, .slot = "test")
  x <- pour_all()
  expect_equal(names(x$slots)[1], "test")
  expect_equal(x$mapping$current_slot, names(x$slots)[1])
  expect_equal(length(x$slots[[1]]), 3)
  expect_equal(as.integer(lengths(x$slots[[1]])), c(1, 2, 1))
  expect_equal(names(x$slots[[1]]), c("data", "metadata", "something"))
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

test_that("`drain` removes data when no args given", {
  brew(list(x = 1))
  x <- pour_all()
  expect_equal(x$mapping$current_slot, names(x$slots)[1])
  expect_equal(as.integer(unlist(x$slots)), c(1))
  x <- pour_all()
  expect_equal(length(x$slots[[1]]), 0)
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

# test_that("drain works when `.slot` is set", {
#   brew("potions_test_1", list(x = 1))
#   brew("potions_test_2", list(x = 1))
#   drain("potions_test_1")
#   # test using {base}
#   expect_null(getOption("potions_test_1"))
#   expect_true(inherits(getOption("potions_test_2"), "list"))
#   # test using {potions}
#   expect_null(pour(slot_name = "potions_test_1"))
#   expect_true(inherits(pour(), "list"))
#   # clean up
#   drain("potions_test_2")
#   expect_null(pour(slot_name = "potions_test_2"))
# })

test_that("`brew()` detects current slot during successive calls", {
  brew(x = 10)
  result1 <- pour_all()
  brew(x = 10)
  result2 <- pour_all()
  expect_equal(result1, result2)
  rm(result1, result2)
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

test_that("`brew()` doesn't call names from the Global environment", {
  x <- "something"
  brew(x = 10)
  result <- pour()
  expect_equal(names(result), "x")
  rm(result, x)
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

test_that("`brew()` works when `method = leaves`", {
  brew(list(data1 = list(x = 1, y = 2), 
            data2 = list(a = 5, b = 10)))
  brew(x = 20, b = 50, method = "leaves")
               list(data1 = list(x = 20, y = 2), 
                    data2 = list(a = 5, b = 50)))
  options(list("potions-pkg" = NULL))

## NOTE:
## methods "merge" and "overwrite" are not tested yet!

Try the potions package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

potions documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 9:07 a.m.