
Defines functions plot.Method summary.Method

Documented in plot.Method summary.Method

#' @include Range.R StepOne.R StepTwo.R StepThree.R

Method <- R6::R6Class("Method",
    private = list(
        .start_time = NULL,
        .end_time = NULL,

        .previous = NULL,
        .range = NULL,
        .step_1 = NULL,
        .step_2 = NULL,
        .step_3 = NULL,
        .backend = NULL,

        .iteration = NULL,
        .max_iterations = NULL,

        .verbose = NULL,
        .save_memory = NULL,
        .progress = NULL,

        # Set the verbosity level.
        .set_verbosity = function(verbose) {
            # Set verbosity.
            private$.verbose <- verbose

            # Create the progress bar.
            if (private$.verbose) {
               private$.progress <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = private$.max_iterations, show_after = 0)

        # Commit the current state at this point in time.
        .commit = function() {
            private$.previous <- private$.step_3$clone(deep = TRUE)

        # Update the iteration counter.
        .update_counter = function() {
            private$.iteration <- private$.iteration + 1

        # Run an iteration.
        .iterate = function(replications, monotone, increasing, df, solver_type, boots, lower_ci, upper_ci) {
            # Perform Monte Carlo simulation.
            private$.step_1$simulate(replications, private$.backend)

            # Compute statistics.

            # Fit a spline to the statistics.upper_ci
            private$.step_2$fit(monotone, increasing, df, solver_type)

            # Bootstrap the spline.
            private$.step_3$bootstrap(boots, private$.backend)

            # Compute the confidence intervals.
            private$.step_3$compute(lower_ci, upper_ci, private$.backend)

        # Run the method.
        .run = function(replications, monotone, increasing, df, solver_type, boots, lower_ci, upper_ci) {
            # Tick the progress bar.
            if (private$.verbose) private$.progress$tick()

            # Iterate.
            private$.iterate(replications, monotone, increasing, df, solver_type, boots, lower_ci, upper_ci)

            # Update convergence status.

            # Increase the counter.

            while((private$.iteration < private$.max_iterations) && !private$.range$converged) {
                # Tick the progress bar.
                if (private$.verbose) private$.progress$tick()

                # Store previous results if desired.
                if (!private$.save_memory) private$.previous <- private$.commit()

                # Update the range for a new iteration.
                private$.range$update_bounds(private$.step_3, lower_ci, upper_ci)

                # Iterate.
                private$.iterate(replications, monotone, increasing, df, solver_type, boots, lower_ci, upper_ci)

                # Update convergence status.

                # Increase the counter.

            # Handle the progress bar.
            if (private$.verbose) {
                # Terminate and clear the progress bar if the method converged.
                if (!private$.progress$finished) {

    public = list(
        initialize = function(max_iterations = 10, verbose = TRUE, save_memory = FALSE) {
            # Set the maximum number of allowed iterations.
            private$.max_iterations <- max_iterations

            # Set the initial iteration counter.
            private$.iteration <- 0

            # Set the verbosity level.

            # Set the memory preference.
            private$.save_memory <- save_memory

        # Register parallelization backend.
        register_backend = function(backend) {
            # Make sure we are provided an active backend.
            if (!is.null(backend) && !backend$active) {
                # Warn the users.
                warning("Please provide an active backend. Will not use this one.")
            } else {
                # Register the backend.
                private$.backend <- backend

        # Setup

        # Configure range.
        configure_range = function(lower, upper, samples = 20, tolerance = 50) {
            # Make the range.
            private$.range <- Range$new(lower, upper, samples, tolerance)

        # Configure Step 1.
        configure_step_1 = function(model = "ggm", measure = "sen", statistic = "power", measure_value = 0.6, statistic_value = 0.8, ..., matrix = NULL) {
            # Make the step.
            private$.step_1 <- StepOne$new()

            # Configure the step.
            private$.step_1$set_true_model_parameters(..., matrix = matrix)
            private$.step_1$set_measure(measure, measure_value)
            private$.step_1$set_statistic(statistic, statistic_value)

        # Configure Step 2.
        configure_step_2 = function() {
            # Make step.
            private$.step_2 <- StepTwo$new(private$.step_1)

        # Configure Step 3.
        configure_step_3 = function() {
            # Make step.
            private$.step_3 <- StepThree$new(private$.step_2)

        # Run method.
        run = function(replications, monotone = TRUE, increasing = TRUE, df = NULL, solver_type = "quadprog", boots = 3000, lower_ci = 0.025, upper_ci = 0.975) {
            # Do not allow the method to be ran several times.
            if (private$.iteration > 0) {
                stop("Method already ran. Create a new instance to run again.")

            # Start the clock.
            private$.start_time <- Sys.time()

            # Run the method.
            private$.run(replications, monotone, increasing, df, solver_type, boots, lower_ci, upper_ci)

            # Stop the clock.
            private$.end_time <- Sys.time()

    active = list(
        # Time elapsed until converged.
        duration = function() {
                as.numeric(difftime(private$.end_time, private$.start_time, units = "secs"))

        # Number of iterations performed.
        iteration = function() { return(private$.iteration) },

        # Convergence status.
        converged = function() { return(private$.range$converged) },

        # Get results from last iteration.
        previous = function() { return(private$.previous) },

        # Get the steps.
        range = function() { return(private$.range) },
        step_1 = function() { return(private$.step_1) },
        step_2 = function() { return(private$.step_2) },
        step_3 = function() { return(private$.step_3) },

        # Get the recommended sample sizes.
        recommendation = function() { return(private$.step_3$samples) }

#' @template summary-Method
#' @export
summary.Method <- function(object, ...) {
    cat("\n", "Method run completed (", round(object$duration, 4), " sec):", sep = "")
    cat("\n", " - converged: ", ifelse(object$converged, "yes", "no"), sep = "")
    cat("\n", " - iterations: ", object$iteration, sep = "")
    cat("\n", " - recommendation: ", paste(paste(
        names(object$step_3$samples[c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%")]),
        "=", object$step_3$samples[c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%")],
        sep = " "
    ), collapse = " | "), "\n", sep = "")

#' @template plot-Method
#' @export
plot.Method <- function(x, step = 3, last = TRUE, save = FALSE, path = NULL, width = 14, height = 10, ...) {
    # Store a reference to `x` with a more informative name.
    object <- x

    # Determine which iteration should be plotted.
    if (last) {
        # Plot the right step from the last iteration.
        if (step == 1) {
            plot.StepOne(object$step_1, save = save, path = path, width = width, height = height, ...)
        } else if (step == 2) {
            plot.StepTwo(object$step_2, save = save, path = path, width = width, height = height, ...)
        } else if (step == 3) {
            plot.StepThree(object$step_3, save = save, path = path, width = width, height = height, ...)
        } else {
            stop("Incorrect step specification.")
    } else {
        # Prevent plotting of previous results if it converged on first iteration.
        if (object$iteration > 1) {
            # Plot the right step from the previous iteration.
            if (step == 1) {
                plot.StepOne(object$previous$step_2$step_1, save = save, path = path, width = width, height = height, ...)
            } else if (step == 2) {
                plot.StepTwo(object$previous$step_2, save = save, path = path, width = width, height = height, ...)
            } else if (step == 3) {
                plot.StepThree(object$previous, save = save, path = path, width = width, height = height, ...)
            } else {
                stop("Incorrect step specification.")
        } else {
            warning("No previous results. Method converged on first iteration.")

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