Man pages for ppmlasso
Point Process Models with LASSO-Type Penalties

BlueMountainsBlue Mountains eucalypt and environmental data.
diagnose-methodsMethods for function 'diagnose'
diagnose.ppmlassoCreate diagnostic plots for a fitted point process model.
envelope-methodsMethods for function 'envelope'
envelope.ppmlassoCalculates simulation envelopes for goodness-of-fit
findResChoose spatial resolution for analysis
getEnvVarExtract environmental data to presence locations
griddifyEnsure that a geo-referenced matrix of environmental grids is...
plotFitPlot the predicted intensity of a fitted 'ppmlasso' model
plotPathPlot of the regularisation path of a 'ppmlasso' model
pointInteractionsCalculate point interactions for area-interaction models
ppmdatPrepare data for model fitting
ppmlassoFit point process models with LASSO penalties
ppmlasso-classClass '"ppmlasso"'
ppmlasso-internalInternal ppmlasso functions
ppmlasso-packagePPM-LASSO: Point process models with LASSO-type penalties
predict-methodsMethods for function 'predict'
predict.ppmlassoPrediction to new data from a fitted regularisation path
print-methodsMethods for function 'print'
print.ppmlassoPrint a fitted regularisation path
sampleQuadGenerate regular grid of quadrature points with environmental...
ppmlasso documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:12 a.m.