pricesensitivitymeter: Consumer Price Preferences and Price Sensitivity Analysis

pricesensitivitymeterR Documentation

Consumer Price Preferences and Price Sensitivity Analysis


pricensitivitymeter is an implementation of the van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter method to analyze consumer price preferences and price sensitivity in R. Besides the estimation of optimal price points and price ranges, it can also model the optimal price in terms of reach or revenue (based on the so-called Newton Miller Smith extension).

To read the documentation for the function's syntax, see psm_analysis and psm_analysis_weighted (for weighted data).


Max Alletsee


Van Westendorp, P (1976) "NSS-Price Sensitivity Meter (PSM) – A new approach to study consumer perception of price" Proceedings of the 29th ESOMAR Congress, 139–167. Online available at

Newton, D, Miller, J, Smith, P, (1993) "A market acceptance extension to traditional price sensitivity measurement" Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Advanced Research Techniques Forum.

See Also

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