#probhat: Multivariate Generalized Kernel Smoothing and Related Statistical Methods
#Copyright (C), Abby Spurdle, 2019 to 2021
#This program is distributed without any warranty.
#This program is free software.
#You can modify it and/or redistribute it, under the terms of:
#The GNU General Public License, version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
#You should have received a copy of this license, with R.
#Also, this license should be available at:
# = function (nc)
{ if (nc < 10)
stop ("spline models need >= 10 control points")
.cksuv = function (f, classes, is.cdf, is.spline, nc, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, trtype, bw, smoothness, x, w, tail)
{ xname = .varname (x) (nc)
x = .val.x.uv (x, TRUE)
n = length (x)
kernel = .val.k (kernel)
is.weighted = (! (missing (w) || (w [1]) ) )
w = .val.w (is.weighted, n, w)
xlim = range (x)
if (missing (bw) )
bw = auto.cbw (x, bw.method=bw.method, smoothness=smoothness)
smoothness = NA
hbw = bw / 2
xlim = xlim + c (-hbw, hbw)
if (missing (tail) )
.low = tail = NA
{ tail = .val.tail (tail)
.low = (tail == "lower")
XLIM = .val.XLIM.uv (XLIM)
.is.trunc = .is.trunc.uv (hbw, XLIM, xlim)
.any.trunc = any (.is.trunc)
.internalw = w
.internal.isw = is.weighted
.scalef = .xpnd = .constv = NA
.const.cdf.lower = 0
.any.trunc.lower = .is.trunc.lower = FALSE
if (.any.trunc)
{ .check.x.inside.uv (.is.trunc, XLIM, x)
xlim = .update.xlim (.is.trunc, XLIM, xlim)
data = list (n=n, xlim=xlim, x=x, w=w)
if (! (trtype %in% c ("simple", "local", "reflect") ) )
stop ("trtype not simple, local or reflect")
if (.any.trunc)
{ .is.trunc.lower = .is.trunc.lower.side (rbind (.is.trunc), .low)
.any.trunc.lower = any (.is.trunc.lower)
if (is.cdf)
{ if (.low) u = XLIM [1]
else u = XLIM [2]
if (trtype == "simple")
.xpnd = data
else if (trtype == "local")
{ if (is.weighted) initw = w
else initw = rep (1 / n, n)
if (is.cdf && .any.trunc.lower)
.constv = .update.wkc.uv (.is.trunc.lower, bw, kernel@F, XLIM, n, x, .low)
locw = .update.wk.uv (.is.trunc, bw, kernel@F, XLIM, n, x)
.internal.isw = TRUE
.internalw = initw * 1 / locw
{ .xpnd = .update.x.uv (.is.trunc, hbw, XLIM, n, x, w, is.weighted)
.internalw = .xpnd$w
if (trtype != "local")
{ if (is.cdf && .any.trunc.lower)
{ .const.cdf.lower =
.cdfuv.cks.eval.scalar (is.weighted, kernel@F, bw, .xpnd$n, .xpnd$x, .xpnd$w, .low, NA, u)
subv = .pwith.eval.uv (bw, kernel@F, .xpnd$n, .xpnd$x, XLIM [1], XLIM [2],
is.weighted, .xpnd$w)
.scalef = 1 / subv
sf = .EXTEND (f, classes,
.any.trunc.lower, .is.trunc.lower,
.any.trunc, .is.trunc, .xpnd, .scalef,
xname, XLIM, is.spline=FALSE, is.weighted, tail, spline.function=NA, kernel,
bw, smoothness, n0=n, data)
if (is.spline)
{ sf %$% "spline.function" = .spline (sf, is.cdf, nc, .low)
sf %$% "is.spline" = TRUE
.cksmv = function (f, classes, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, init.class="mv", is.cdf=FALSE, tail)
{ is.cond = (init.class == "c" || init.class == "mvc")
xnames = .varnames (x, "x", is.cond)
x = (x)
colnames (x) = xnames
n = nrow (x)
m = ncol (x)
kernel = .val.k (kernel)
is.weighted = (! (missing (w) || (w [1]) ) )
w = .val.w (is.weighted, n, w)
xlim = matrix (0, m, 2)
for (j in 1:m)
xlim [j,] = range (x [,j])
if (missing (bw) )
{ bw = numeric (m)
smoothness = .val.params (m, smoothness)
bw = auto.cbw (x, bw.method=bw.method, smoothness=smoothness)
{ bw = .val.params (m, bw)
smoothness = rep (NA, m)
hbw = bw / 2
xlim = xlim + outer (bw, c (-0.5, 0.5) )
if (missing (tail) )
.low = tail = NA
else if (is.cdf && init.class == "mv")
{ tail = .val.tail (tail, m)
.low = (tail == "lower")
if (init.class != "ch")
{ .internalw = w
.internal.isw = is.weighted
XLIM = (XLIM, m)
.is.trunc = (hbw, XLIM, xlim)
.any.trunc = any (.is.trunc)
.scalef = .xpnd = NA
.constv = matrix (NA, 1, m)
if (.any.trunc)
{ (.is.trunc, XLIM, m, x)
xlim = .update.xlim (.is.trunc, XLIM, xlim)
if (init.class == "mv")
{ if (is.cdf)
{ .is.trunc.lower = .is.trunc.lower.side (.is.trunc, .low)
.any.trunc.lower = any (.is.trunc.lower)
if (.any.trunc.lower)
.constv = (.is.trunc.lower, bw, kernel@F, XLIM, n, m, x, .low)
if (is.weighted) initw = w
else initw = rep (1 / n, n)
locw = (.is.trunc, bw, kernel@F, XLIM, n, m, x)
.internal.isw = TRUE
.internalw = initw / locw
data = list (n=n, xlim=xlim, x=x, w=w)
sf = if (init.class == "mv")
.EXTEND (f, classes,
.internalw, .internal.isw, .constv,
.any.trunc, .is.trunc, .scalef,
xnames, XLIM, is.weighted, tail, kernel, bw, smoothness, m, n0=n, data)
else if (init.class == "c")
.EXTEND (f, classes,
.internalw, .internal.isw, .constv,
.any.trunc, .is.trunc, .scalef,
.constant=NA, .v=NA, .low=NA,
M=NA, ncon=NA, xnames, XLIM,
is.spline=FALSE, is.weighted, tail, spline.function=NA, conditions=NA,
kernel, bw, smoothness, m, n0=0, data)
else if (init.class == "mvc")
.EXTEND (f, classes,
.internalw, .internal.isw, .constv,
.any.trunc, .is.trunc, .scalef,
.constant=NA, .v=NA, .low=NA,
M=NA, ncon=NA, xnames, XLIM,
is.weighted, tail, conditions=NA,
kernel, bw, smoothness, m, n0=0, data)
.EXTEND (f, classes,
xnames, is.weighted, nc=NA, qf1=NA, kernel, bw, smoothness, m, n0=n, data)
.cksc = function (f, is.cdf, is.spline, nc, preserve.range, conditions, as.cset, as.list.cset, warning, init.class="c")
{ m = f %$% "m"
if (missing (conditions) )
stop ("conditions required")
conditions = rbind (conditions)
ncon = ncol (conditions)
if (ncon == 0)
stop ("conditional models need at least one condition")
M = m - ncon
if (init.class == "c" && M != 1)
stop ("\nuv-conditional models need one random variable\nor use mv-conditional models...")
if (ncon < 0 || ncon > m - 1)
stop ("length (conditions) not in interval [0, m - 1]")
preserve.range = rep_len (preserve.range, M)
if (ncon > 0)
{ names = colnames (conditions)
if (is.null (names) )
names (conditions) = (f %$% "xnames")[1:ncon]
{ J = match (names, f %$% "xnames")
if (any ( (J) ) )
stop ("condition names not in variable names")
J = c (J, (1:m)[-J])
f %$% "xnames" = (f %$% "xnames")[J]
f %$% "XLIM" = (f %$% "XLIM")[J,, drop=FALSE]
f %$% "bw" = (f %$% "bw")[J]
f %$% "smoothness" = (f %$% "smoothness")[J]
if (f %$% ".any.trunc")
{ f %$% ".constv" = (f %$% ".constv")[,J, drop=FALSE]
f %$% ".is.trunc" = (f %$% ".is.trunc")[J,, drop=FALSE]
f %$% "data" = (f %$% "data", J)
f %$% "M" = M
f %$% "ncon" = ncon
f %$% "conditions" = conditions
f %$% "n0" = (f %$% "data")$n
CONS = 1:ncon
RVS = (ncon + 1):m
if (is.cdf)
{ f %$% ".constv" = (f %$% ".constv")[,RVS, drop=FALSE]
tail = .val.tail (f %$% "tail", M)
f %$% "tail" = tail
f %$% ".low" = (tail == "lower")
if (f %$% ".any.trunc")
{ ( (f %$% ".is.trunc")[CONS,, drop=FALSE],
(f %$% "XLIM")[CONS,, drop=FALSE], ncon, conditions, "condition")
nnull = 0
nsets = nrow (conditions)
if (as.cset || nsets != 1)
{ if (! as.list.cset)
stop ("as.list.cset needs to be true, for cset(s)")
VF = vector ("list", nsets)
for (ith.set in seq_len (nsets) )
{ ith.conditions = conditions [ith.set,]
data = f %$% "data"
K = .con.sub (ncon, ith.conditions, f %$% "bw", data$n, data$x, data$w,
f %$% ".internal.isw", f %$% ".constv", f %$% ".internalw")
if (K$n == 0)
nnull = nnull + 1
{ new.f = f
new.f %$% ".constv" = K$.constv
new.f %$% ".internalw" = K$.internalw
data$n = K$n
data$x = K$x
data$w = K$w
xlim = data$xlim
for (j in 1:m)
{ if (j > ncon && preserve.range [j - ncon])
xlim [j,] = range (data$x [,j]) + c (-0.5, 0.5) * (new.f %$% "bw")[j]
if (f %$% ".any.trunc")
{ #xlim needs to be truncated, after updating above
xlim = .update.xlim (f %$% ".is.trunc", f %$% "XLIM", xlim)
if (is.cdf)
{ .is.trunc.lower = .is.trunc.lower.side ( (f %$% ".is.trunc")[RVS,, drop=FALSE], f %$% ".low")
.any.trunc.lower = any (.is.trunc.lower)
if (.any.trunc.lower)
{ new.f %$% ".constv" = (
.is.trunc.lower, (f %$% "bw")[RVS], (f %$% "kernel")@F,
(f %$% "XLIM")[RVS,, drop=FALSE],
data$n, f %$% "M", data$x [,RVS, drop=FALSE], f %$% ".low")
if (f %$% "is.weighted") initw = data$w
else initw = rep (1 / data$n, data$n)
locw = ( (f %$% ".is.trunc")[RVS,, drop=FALSE], (f %$% "bw")[RVS], (f %$% "kernel")@F,
(f %$% "XLIM")[RVS,, drop=FALSE], data$n, M, data$x [,RVS, drop=FALSE])
new.f %$% ".internal.isw" = TRUE
new.f %$% ".internalw" = initw / locw
data$xlim = xlim
new.f %$% "data" = data
new.f %$% ".v" = .precompute.cksc.v (ncon, ith.conditions, (f %$% "kernel")@f, f %$% "bw",
data$n, data$x)
new.f %$% ".constant" = .sumk (f %$% "is.weighted", data$n, data$w, new.f %$% ".v")
if (init.class == "c" && is.spline)
{ new.f %$% "spline.function" = .spline (new.f, is.ccdf (new.f), nc, f %$% ".low")
new.f %$% "is.spline" = TRUE
VF [[ith.set]] = new.f
if (nsets == 1 && ! as.cset)
{ if (nnull > 0 && warning)
warning ("null model, no observations within conditional window")
VF [[1]]
{ if (nnull > 0 && warning)
warning (sprintf ("%i null model(s), no observations within conditional windows", nnull) )
.cksc.2 = function (f, classes, is.cdf,
is.spline, nc, preserve.range, conditions, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, as.cset, as.list.cset, warning, tail)
{ (nc)
f = .cksmv (f, classes, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, "c", is.cdf, tail)
.cksc (f, is.cdf, is.spline, nc, preserve.range, conditions, as.cset, as.list.cset, warning)
.cksmvc.2 = function (f, classes, is.cdf,
preserve.range, conditions, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, as.cset, as.list.cset, warning, tail)
{ f = .cksmv (f, classes, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, "mvc", is.cdf, tail)
.cksc (f, is.cdf, NULL, NULL, preserve.range, conditions, as.cset, as.list.cset, warning, "mvc")
.qfuv.cks = function (F, F.inv, nc, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, trtype, bw, smoothness, x, w, tail)
{ F = .cksuv (F, .CV.cdfuv.cks, TRUE, TRUE, nc, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, trtype, bw, smoothness, x, w, tail)
attributes (F.inv) = attributes (F)
F.inv %$% "class" = .CV.qfuv.cks
F.inv %$% "spline.function" =
.modified.spline.transposed (F %$% "spline.function" %$% "cx", F %$% "spline.function" %$% "cy", F %$% ".low")
.qfc.cks = function (F, F.inv, nc, preserve.range, conditions, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, as.cset, as.list.cset, warning, tail)
{ F = .cksc.2 (F, .CV.cdfc.cks, TRUE, TRUE, nc, preserve.range, conditions, XLIM, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, as.cset, as.list.cset, warning, tail)
if (is.null (F) )
else if (is.ccdf (F) )
.qfc.cks.ext (F, F.inv)
{ nsets = length (F)
for (i in seq_len (nsets) )
{ if (! is.null (F [[i]]) )
F [[i]] = .qfc.cks.ext (F [[i]], F.inv)
.qfc.cks.ext = function (F, F.inv)
{ attributes (F.inv) = attributes (F)
F.inv %$% "class" = .CV.qfc.cks
F.inv %$% "spline.function" =
.modified.spline.transposed (F %$% "spline.function" %$% "cx", F %$% "spline.function" %$% "cy", F %$% ".low")
.chqf.cks = function (chqf.f, nc, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w)
{ (nc)
chqf.f = .cksmv (chqf.f, .CV.chqf.cks, NULL, bw.method, kernel, bw, smoothness, x, w, "ch")
chqf.f %$% "nc" = nc
chqf.f %$% "qf1" = .qfc.from.chqf.cks (chqf.f, 1)
.qfc.from.chqf.cks = function (chqf.f, J, conditions=NA)
{ . = attributes (chqf.f)
F = .cdfc4chqf.cks.eval
F.inv = .qfc4chqf.cks.eval
data = .$data
xlim = data$xlim
if ( (conditions [1]) )
K = list (n = data$n, x = data$x, w = data$w)
{ K = .con.sub (J - 1, conditions, .$bw, data$n, data$x, data$w, .$is.weighted)
xlim [J,] = range (K$x [,J]) + c (-0.5, 0.5) * .$bw [J]
data = list (
xlim = xlim [1:J,, drop=FALSE],
n = K$n,
x = K$x [,1:J, drop=FALSE],
w = K$w)
attributes (F) = list (
class = .CV.cdfc.cks,
ncon = J - 1,
is.weighted = .$is.weighted,
nc = .$nc,
kernel = .$kernel,
bw = .$bw [1:J],
m = J,
data = data,
conditions = conditions)
attributes (F.inv) = attributes (F)
class (F.inv) = .CV.qfc.cks
cx = seq (F, n = .$nc)
F.inv %$% "spline.function" = .modified.spline.transposed (cx, F (cx) )
.con.sub = function (ncon, conditions, bw, n, x, w, isw, .constv=NULL, .internalw=NULL)
{ I = rep (TRUE, n)
for (j in seq_len (ncon) )
{ xlim = conditions [j] + c (-0.5, 0.5) * bw [j]
I = (I & x [,j] >= xlim [1] & x [,j] <= xlim [2])
if (isw)
{ if (! is.null (.constv) )
{ if (nrow (.constv) > 1)
.constv = .constv [I,, drop=FALSE]
if (! is.null (.internalw) )
.internalw = .internalw [I]
w = w [I]
list (n = sum (I), x = x [I,, drop=FALSE], w=w, .constv=.constv, .internalw=.internalw)
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