

context("Utility functions")

# .clear
# This is a function that is used only for testing purposes
test_that("Utility - .clear", 
	json <- system.file("testdata", "exceptions.json", package = "provDebugR")
	expect_warning(prov.debug.file(json))   # warning due to deleted prov folder
	# ensure .debug.env has been changed
	# clear .debug.env
	# ensure .debug.env has been returned to initial state

# .flatten.args
test_that("Utility - .flatten.args",
	x <- 11
	y <- 12
	# Cases
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args()                       # no args
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args(x)                      # single args
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args(1)
	c4 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args(NA)
	c5 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args(NULL)
	c6 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args(c(1:5), list(x,y))      # multiple args
	c7 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args(x, c(1:5))
	c8 <- provDebugR:::.flatten.args(c(1:5), x, list(x,y))
	# Expected
	e2 <- "x"
	e3 <- 1
	e4 <- NA
	e6 <- c(1,2,3,4,5,11,12)
	e7 <- c("x","1","2","3","4","5")    # type change because unlist is trying to be helpful
	e8 <- c("1","2","3","4","5","x","11","12")
	# Test
	expect_equivalent(c2, e2)
	expect_equivalent(c3, e3)
	expect_equivalent(c4, e4)
	expect_equivalent(c6, e6)
	expect_equivalent(c7, e7)
	expect_equivalent(c8, e8)

# .extract.vars
test_that("Utility - .extract.vars",
	df1 <- data.frame(name = character(),                     # no data nodes
					 type = character(),
					 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	df2 <- data.frame(name = "dev.off",                       # no variables
					 type = "Device",
					 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	df3 <- data.frame(name = c("x","y"),                      # all variables
					 type = c("Data", "Snapshot"),
					 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	df4 <- data.frame(name = c("x","dev.off","y"),            # some vars
					 type = c("Snapshot", "Device", "Data"),
					 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.extract.vars(df1)
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.extract.vars(df2)
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.extract.vars(df3)
	c4 <- provDebugR:::.extract.vars(df4)
	e1 <- df1
	e2 <- df1
	e3 <- df3
	e4 <- df4[-2, ]
	expect_equivalent(c1, e1)
	expect_equivalent(c2, e2)
	expect_equivalent(c3, e3)
	expect_equivalent(c4, e4)

# .form.df
test_that("Utility - .form.df",
	# 1 row
	l1 <- list(data.frame(col1 = 1L, col2 = "str.1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.form.df(l1)
	e1 <- data.frame(col1 = 1L, col2 = "str.1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	expect_equal(c1, e1)
	# 1 column
	l2 <- list(data.frame(col1 = 1L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = 2L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = c(3L,4L), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.form.df(l2)
	e2 <- data.frame(col1 = as.integer(c(1:4)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	expect_equal(c2, e2)
	# columns have different types
	l3 <- list(data.frame(col1 = 1L, col2 = "str.1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = 2L, col2 = "str.2", stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = as.integer(NA), col2 = "str.3", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.form.df(l3)
	e3 <- data.frame(col1 = as.integer(c(1,2,NA)),
					 col2 = c("str.1", "str.2", "str.3"),
					 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	expect_equal(c3, e3)
	# columns have the same type
	l4 <- list(data.frame(col1 = 1L, col2 = 11L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = 2L, col2 = 12L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = 3L, col2 = 13L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
	c4 <- provDebugR:::.form.df(l4)
	e4 <- data.frame(col1 = as.integer(c(1:3)),
					 col2 = as.integer(c(11:13)),
					 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	expect_equal(c4, e4)
	# some elements have multiple rows
	l5 <- list(data.frame(col1 = 1L, col2 = "str.1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = c(2L,3L,4L), col2 = c("str.2", "str.3", "str.4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
			   data.frame(col1 = 5L, col2 = "str.5", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
	c5 <- provDebugR:::.form.df(l5)
	e5 <- data.frame(col1 = as.integer(c(1:5)),
					 col2 = c("str.1", "str.2", "str.3", "str.4", "str.5"),
					 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	expect_equal(c5, e5)

# .to.int
test_that("Utility - .to.int",
	# cases
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.to.int(1L)           # already an integer
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.to.int(NA)           # NA
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.to.int("3")          # integer as a string
	c4 <- provDebugR:::.to.int(2.5)          # decimal
	c5 <- provDebugR:::.to.int(TRUE)         # booleans
	c6 <- provDebugR:::.to.int(FALSE)
	c7 <- provDebugR:::.to.int("a string")   # non-integers as strings
	c8 <- provDebugR:::.to.int("4.5")
	# expected
	e1 <- 1L
	e2 <- as.integer(NA)
	e3 <- 3L
	# test
	expect_equal(c1, e1)
	expect_equal(c2, e2)
	expect_equal(c3, e3)

# .find.num.loc
test_that("Utility - .find.num.loc",
	# matching numbers
	l1 <- as.integer(c(1:5))
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l1, 1L)
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l1, 3L)
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l1, 5L)
	expect_equal(c1, 1)
	expect_equal(c2, 3)
	expect_equal(c3, 5)
	# list has 1 number
	c4 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(1L, 2L)
	expect_equal(c4, 1)
	# number can not be found
	l2 <- as.integer(c(11,13,15,17,19))
	c5 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l2, 12L)
	c6 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l2, 18L)
	expect_equal(c5, 1)
	expect_equal(c6, 4)
	# repeated numbers in list
	l3 <- as.integer(c(21,21,23,25,25,27,27,27,29,29))
	c7 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l3, 22L)
	c8 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l3, 26L)
	c9 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l3, 27L)
	c10 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l3, 28L)
	expect_equal(c7, 2)
	expect_equal(c8, 5)
	expect_equal(c9, 8)
	expect_equal(c10, 8)
	# out of bounds
	l4 <- as.integer(c(41,43,45))
	c11 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l4, 35L)
	c12 <- provDebugR:::.find.num.loc(l4, 50L)
	expect_equal(c11, 0)
	expect_equal(c12, 3)

# .get.p.id
test_that("Utility - .get.p.id",
	json <- system.file("testdata", "fromEnv.json", package = "provDebugR")
	expect_warning(prov.debug.file(json))   # warning due to deleted prov folder
	# Cases
	c1 <- "d4"    # 1 node found (from output edge only)
	c2 <- "d14"   # 1 node found (from input edge only)
	c3 <- "d1"    # 1 node found (has both output and input edges)
	c4 <- "d2"    # multiple nodes found (multiple input edges)
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.get.p.id(c1)
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.get.p.id(c2)
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.get.p.id(c3)
	c4 <- provDebugR:::.get.p.id(c4)
	# Expected
	e1 <- "p5"
	e2 <- "p15"
	e3 <- "p3"
	e4 <- c("p4", "p6")
	# Test
	expect_equivalent(c1, e1)
	expect_equivalent(c2, e2)
	expect_equivalent(c3, e3)
	expect_equivalent(c4, e4)

# .remove.na.rows
test_that("Utility - .remove.na.rows",
	# cases
	df1 <- data.frame(col1 = integer(),                   # no rows
					  col2 = character(),
					  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	df2 <- data.frame(col1 = c(1:3),
					  col2 = c("item.1", NA, "item.3"),   # no NA rows
					  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	df3 <- data.frame(col1 = c(1,NA,3,4,NA),              # some NA rows
					  col2 = c(1,NA,3,4,NA),
					  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	df4 <- data.frame(col1 = as.integer(c(NA,NA)),        # all NA rows
					  col2 = as.character(c(NA,NA)),
					  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.remove.na.rows(df1)
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.remove.na.rows(df2)
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.remove.na.rows(df3)
	c4 <- provDebugR:::.remove.na.rows(df4)
	# expected
	e1 <- df1
	e2 <- df2
	e3 <- df3[c(1,3,4), ]
	e4 <- df1
	# test
	expect_equivalent(c1, e1)
	expect_equivalent(c2, e2)
	expect_equivalent(c3, e3)
	expect_equivalent(c4, e4)

# .remove.null
test_that("Utility - .remove.null",
	# cases
	l1 <- as.list(c(1:5))              # no nulls
	l2 <- list(NULL, 1, 2, NULL, 3)    # with nulls
	l3 <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL)       # all nulls
	c1 <- provDebugR:::.remove.null(l1)
	c2 <- provDebugR:::.remove.null(l2)
	c3 <- provDebugR:::.remove.null(l3)
	# expected
	e1 <- l1
	e2 <- as.list(c(1:3))
	# test
	expect_equivalent(c1, e1)
	expect_equivalent(c2, e2)
	expect_true(length(c3) == 0)

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provDebugR documentation built on April 22, 2021, 5:11 p.m.