
Defines functions aftGL

Documented in aftGL

aftGL <- function(Y,
	survData <- cbind(Y, data)
	n	<- nrow(data)
	p	<- ncol(data)
	K <- length(unique(grpInx))
	hyperP <- c(hyperParams$nu0, hyperParams$sigSq0, hyperParams$alpha0, hyperParams$h0, hyperParams$rLam, hyperParams$deltaLam)	
	startV <- c(startValues$alpha, startValues$beta, startValues$sigSq, startValues$tauSq, startValues$lambdaSq, startValues$w)	
    numReps     <- mcmc$numReps
	thin        <- mcmc$thin
	burninPerc  <- mcmc$burninPerc
	nStore <- numReps/thin * (1 - burninPerc)

	mcmc <- .C("aftGLmcmc",
						survData 		= as.double(as.matrix(survData)),
						grpInx			= as.double(grpInx),
						n				= as.integer(n),
						p				= as.integer(p),
						K				= as.integer(K),
                        hyperParams 	= as.double(hyperP),
                        startValues 	= as.double(startV),    
						burninPerc      = as.double(burninPerc),
						numReps			= as.integer(numReps),
						thin				= as.integer(thin),
                        samples_alpha   = as.double(rep(0, nStore*1)),
                        samples_beta 	= as.double(rep(0, nStore*p)),
                        samples_sigSq   = as.double(rep(0, nStore*1)),
                        samples_tauSq   = as.double(rep(0, nStore*p)),
                        samples_lambdaSq= as.double(rep(0, nStore*1)),
                        samples_w       = as.double(rep(0, nStore*n))
    alpha.p 	<- matrix(mcmc$samples_alpha, nrow = nStore, byrow = TRUE)
	if(p > 0){
		beta.p 		<- matrix(mcmc$samples_beta, nrow = nStore, byrow = TRUE)
	if(p == 0){
		beta.p 		<- NULL
    sigSq.p 	<- matrix(mcmc$samples_sigSq, nrow = nStore, byrow = TRUE)
	if(p > 0){
		tauSq.p 	<- matrix(mcmc$samples_tauSq, nrow = nStore, byrow = TRUE)
	if(p == 0){
        tauSq.p 	<- NULL
    lambdaSq.p 	<- matrix(mcmc$samples_lambdaSq, nrow = nStore, byrow = TRUE)
    w.p         <- matrix(mcmc$samples_w, nrow = nStore, byrow = TRUE)

    cenInx = which(survData[,2] == 0)
	ret <- list(alpha.p = alpha.p, beta.p = beta.p, sigSq.p = sigSq.p, tauSq.p = tauSq.p, lambdaSq.p = lambdaSq.p, w.p = w.p, cenInx = cenInx, data = survData, grpInx = grpInx, hyperParams=hyperParams)

	class(ret) <- "aftGL"

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