adjust_n_d | Adjusted sample size for a non-Cohen _d_ value for use in a... |
adjust_n_r | Adjusted sample size for a non-Pearson correlation... |
anova.ma_psychmeta | Wald-type tests for moderators in psychmeta meta-analyses |
composite_d_matrix | Matrix formula to estimate the standardized mean difference... |
composite_d_scalar | Scalar formula to estimate the standardized mean difference... |
composite_rel_matrix | Matrix formula to estimate the reliability of a weighted or... |
composite_rel_scalar | Scalar formula to estimate the reliability of a composite... |
composite_r_matrix | Matrix formula to estimate the correlation between two... |
composite_r_scalar | Scalar formula to estimate the correlation between a... |
composite_u_matrix | Matrix formula to estimate the u ratio of a composite... |
composite_u_scalar | Scalar formula to estimate the u ratio of a composite... |
compute_alpha | Compute coefficient alpha |
compute_dmod | Comprehensive d_Mod calculator |
compute_dmod_npar | Function for computing non-parametric d_Mod effect sizes for... |
compute_dmod_par | Function for computing parametric d_Mod effect sizes for any... |
confidence | Construct a confidence interval |
confidence_r | Construct a confidence interval for correlations using... |
confint | Confidence interval method for objects of classes deriving... | | Confidence limits for noncentral chi square parameters... |
control_intercor | Control function to curate intercorrelations to be used in... |
control_psychmeta | Control for 'psychmeta' meta-analyses |
convert_consistency2reltype | Convert logical variable indicating whether a reliability... |
convert_es | Convert effect sizes |
convert_ma | Function to convert meta-analysis of correlations to d values... |
correct_d | Correct d values for measurement error and/or range... |
correct_d_bias | Correct for small-sample bias in Cohen's d values |
correct_glass_bias | Correct for small-sample bias in Glass' Delta values |
correct_matrix_mvrr | Multivariate select/correction for covariance matrices |
correct_means_mvrr | Multivariate select/correction for vectors of means |
correct_r | Correct correlations for range restriction and/or measurement... |
correct_r_bias | Correct correlations for small-sample bias |
correct_r_coarseness | Correct correlations for scale coarseness |
correct_r_dich | Correct correlations for artificial dichotomization of one or... |
correct_r_split | Correct correlations for uneven/unrepresentative splits |
create_ad | Generate an artifact distribution object for use in... |
create_ad_group | Generate an artifact distribution object for a dichotomous... |
create_ad_tibble | Create a tibble of artifact distributions by construct |
credibility | Construct a credibility interval |
data_d_bb_multi | Hypothetical _d_ value dataset simulated with sampling error... |
data_d_meas_multi | Hypothetical _d_ value dataset simulated to satisfy the... |
data_r_bvdrr | Hypothetical dataset simulated to satisfy the assumptions of... |
data_r_bvirr | Hypothetical dataset simulated to satisfy the assumptions of... |
data_r_gonzalezmule_2014 | Meta-analysis of OCB correlations with other constructs |
data_r_mcdaniel_1994 | Artifact-distribution meta-analysis of the validity of... |
data_r_mcleod_2007 | Bare-bones meta-analysis of parenting and childhood... |
data_r_meas | Hypothetical dataset simulated to satisfy the assumptions of... |
data_r_meas_multi | Hypothetical correlation dataset simulated to satisfy the... |
data_r_oh_2009 | Second order meta-analysis of operational validities of big... |
data_r_roth_2015 | Artifact-distribution meta-analysis of the correlation... |
data_r_uvdrr | Hypothetical dataset simulated to satisfy the assumptions of... |
data_r_uvirr | Hypothetical dataset simulated to satisfy the assumptions of... |
estimate_artifacts | Estimation of applicant and incumbent reliabilities and of... |
estimate_length_sb | Inverse Spearman-Brown formula to estimate the amount by... |
estimate_matrix_prods | Estimate covariance matrices and mean vectors containing... |
estimate_prod | Estimation of statistics computed from products of random,... |
estimate_q_dist | Estimate descriptive statistics of square-root reliabilities |
estimate_rel_dist | Estimate descriptive statistics of reliabilities |
estimate_rel_sb | Spearman-Brown prophecy formula to estimate the reliability... |
estimate_u | Estimate u ratios from available artifact information |
estimate_var_artifacts | Taylor series approximations for the variances of estimates... |
estimate_var_rho_int | Non-linear estimate of variance of rho corrected for... |
estimate_var_rho_tsa | Taylor Series Approximation of variance of rho corrected for... |
estimate_var_tsa | Taylor Series Approximation of effect-size variances... |
filter_listnonnull | Filter a list to remove NULL entries |
filter_ma | Filter meta-analyses |
format_long | Create long-format datasets in simulate_r_database |
format_num | Format numbers for presentation |
format_wide | Create wide-format datasets in simulate_r_database |
generate_bib | Generate a list of references included in meta-analyses |
generate_directory | Generate a system of folders from a file path to a new... |
get_stuff | Extract results from a psychmeta meta-analysis object |
heterogeneity | Supplemental heterogeneity statistics for meta-analyses |
impute_artifacts | Impute missing and impossible artifact values |
limits_tau | Confidence limits of tau |
limits_tau2 | Confidence limits of tau-squared |
lm_mat | Compute linear regression models and generate "lm" objects... |
ma_d | Meta-analysis of _d_ values |
ma_d_order2 | Second-order meta-analysis function for _d_ values |
ma_generic | Bare-bones meta-analysis of generic effect sizes |
ma_r | Meta-analysis of correlations |
ma_r_ad.int_bvdrr | Interactive artifact-distribution meta-analysis correcting... |
ma_r_ad.int_bvirr | Interactive artifact-distribution meta-analysis correcting... |
ma_r_ad.int_meas | Interactive artifact-distribution meta-analysis correcting... |
ma_r_ad.int_none | Null artifact distribution result: No corrections performed |
ma_r_ad.int_rbAdj | Interactive artifact-distribution meta-analysis correcting... |
ma_r_ad.int_rbOrig | Interactive artifact-distribution meta-analysis correcting... |
ma_r_ad.int_uvdrr | Interactive artifact-distribution meta-analysis correcting... |
ma_r_ad.int_uvirr | Interactive artifact-distribution meta-analysis correcting... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_bvdrr | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_bvirr | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_meas | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_rb1Adj | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_rb1Orig | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_rb2Adj | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_rb2Orig | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_uvdrr | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_ad.tsa_uvirr | Taylor series approximation artifact-distribution... |
ma_r_order2 | Second-order meta-analysis function for correlations |
ma_wrapper | Wrapper function to compute meta-analytic results for all... |
merge_simdat_d | Merge multiple "simdat_d_database" class objects |
merge_simdat_r | Merge multiple "simdat_r_database" class objects |
metabulate | Write a summary table of meta-analytic results |
metabulate_rmd_helper | Add metabulate equation commands and LaTeX dependencies |
metareg | Compute meta-regressions |
mix_dist | Descriptive statistics for a mixture distribution |
mix_matrix | Estimate mixture covariance matrix from within-group... |
mix_r_2group | Estimate the mixture correlation for two groups |
organize_database | Organize a database of multi-construct or moderated... |
organize_moderators | Organization of moderator data for use in meta-analyses |
plot_forest | Create forest plots |
plot_funnel | Create funnel plots |
predict | Prediction method for objects of classes deriving from... |
Print methods for *'psychmeta'* | |
psychmeta-package | 'psychmeta': Psychometric meta-analysis toolkit |
reattribute | Copy class and attributes from the original version of an... |
reshape_mat2dat | Extract a long-format correlation database from a correlation... |
reshape_vec2mat | Assemble a variance-covariance matrix |
reshape_wide2long | Reshape database from wide format to long format |
sensitivity | Sensitivity analyses for meta-analyses |
simulate_alpha | Generate a vector of simulated sample alpha coefficients |
simulate_d_database | Simulate d value databases of primary studies |
simulate_d_sample | Simulate a sample of psychometric d value data with... |
simulate_matrix | Generate a list of simulated sample matrices sampled from the... |
simulate_psych | Simulate Monte Carlo psychometric data (observed, true, and... |
simulate_r_database | Simulate correlation databases of primary studies |
simulate_r_sample | Simulation of data with measurement error and... |
sparsify_simdat_d | Create sparse artifact information in a "simdat_d_database"... |
sparsify_simdat_r | Create sparse artifact information in a "simdat_r_database"... |
summarize_ads | Summarize artifact information from meta-analyses into table... |
summary | Summary methods for 'psychmeta' |
truncate_dist | Truncation function for normal distributions (truncates both... |
truncate_mean | Truncation function for means |
truncate_var | Truncation function for variances |
unmix_matrix | Estimate average within-group covariance matrices from a... |
unmix_r_2group | Estimate the average within-group correlation from a mixture... |
var_error_A | Estimate the error variance of the probability-based effect... |
var_error_alpha | Analytic estimate of the sampling variance of coefficient... |
var_error_d | Estimate the error variance Cohen's d values |
var_error_delta | Estimate the error variance of Glass's Delta values |
var_error_g | Estimate the error variance Hedges's g values |
var_error_mult_R | Estimate the error variance of linear regression multiple... |
var_error_q | Estimate the error variance of square roots of reliability... |
var_error_r | Estimate the error variance of correlations |
var_error_r_bvirr | Taylor series approximation of the sampling variance of... |
var_error_rel | Estimate the error variance of reliability estimates |
var_error_spearman | Estimate the error variance of Spearman rank correlations |
var_error_u | Estimate the error variance of u ratios |
wt_cov | Compute weighted covariances |
wt_dist | Weighted descriptive statistics for a vector of numbers |
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