Man pages for psychometric
Applied Psychometric Theory

ABHt32Table 3.2 from Arthur et al
alphaCronbach's Coefficient Alpha
alpha.CIConfidence Interval for Coefficient Alpha
artifactsArtifact Distribtutions Used in Meta-Analysis
CAFAACompound Attenuation Factor for Meta-Analytic Artifact...
CIrConfidence Interval for a Correlation Coefficient
CIrbConfidence Interval about Sample Weighted Mean Correlation
CIrdifConfidence Interval for the difference in Correlation...
CI.RsqConfidence Interval for R-squared
CI.RsqlmConfidence Interval for Rsq - from lm()
CI.tscoreConfidence Intervals for Test Scores
CIzConfidence Interval for Fisher z'
ClassUtilClassical Utility of a Test
CredIntRhoCredibility Interval for Meta-Analytic Rho
cRRrCorrection for Range Restriction
CVFCompound Variance Factor for Meta-Analytic Artifact...
CVratioContent Validity Ratio
discrimItem Discrimination
EnterMetaEnter Meta-Analysis Data
Est.trueEstimation of a True Score
FileDrawerFile Drawer N
FunnelPlotFunnel Plot for Meta-Analysis
HSJt35Table 3.5 Hunter et al.
ICC.CIConfidence interval for the Intra-class Correlation
ICC.lmeIntraclass Correlation Coefficient from a Mixed-Effects Model
item.examItem Analysis
MetaTableSummary function for 'Complete' Meta-Analysis
psychometric-packageApplied Psychometric Theory
pvaaaPercent of Variance Accounted for by Artifacts in Rho
pvsePercent of variance due to sampling error
QrbarMeta-Analytic Q statistic for r-bar
QrhoMeta-Analytic Q statistic for rho
r2zFisher r to z'
rbarSample size weighted mean correlation
rdif.nulNull hypothesis for difference in two correlations
rhoCAMeta-Analytically Derived Correlation Coefficient Corrected...
r.nilNil hypothesis for a correlation
SBrelSpearman-Brown Prophecy Formulae
SE.MeasStandard Errors of Measurement (test scores)
SErbarStandard Error for Sample Size Weighted Mean Correlation
SEzStandard Error of Fishers z prime
TestScoresFictitious Test Scores for Illustrative Purposes
UtilityMarginal and Total Utility of a Test
varAVVariance Due to Attenuating Artifacts
vareSampling Error Variance
varrSample Size weighted variance
varRCAVariance in Meta-Analytic Rho
varResResidual Variance in Meta-Analytic Correlation
varResTTrue residual variance in correlations
z2rFisher z' to r
psychometric documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 1:06 a.m.