meta_varcov: Variance-covariance and GGM meta analysis

View source: R/a_models_meta_varcov.R

meta_varcovR Documentation

Variance-covariance and GGM meta analysis


Meta analysis of correlation matrices to fit a homogenous correlation matrix or Gaussian graphical model. Based on meta-analytic SEM (Jak and Cheung, 2019).


meta_varcov(cors, nobs, Vmats, Vmethod = c("individual", "pooled",
                   "metaSEM_individual", "metaSEM_weighted"), Vestimation
                   = c("averaged", "per_study"), type = c("cor", "ggm"),
                   sigma_y = "full", kappa_y = "full", omega_y = "full",
                   lowertri_y = "full", delta_y = "full", rho_y = "full",
                   SD_y = "full", randomEffects = c("chol", "cov",
                   "prec", "ggm", "cor"), sigma_randomEffects = "full",
                   kappa_randomEffects = "full", omega_randomEffects =
                   "full", lowertri_randomEffects = "full",
                   delta_randomEffects = "full", rho_randomEffects =
                   "full", SD_randomEffects = "full", vars,
                   baseline_saturated = TRUE, optimizer, estimator =
                   c("FIML", "ML"), sampleStats, verbose = FALSE,
                   bootstrap = FALSE, boot_sub, boot_resample)



A list of correlation matrices. Must contain rows and columns with NAs for variables not included in a study.


A vector with the number of observations per study.


Optional list with 'V' matrices (sampling error variance approximations).


Which method should be used to apprixomate the sampling error variance?


How should the sampling error estimates be evaluated?


What to model? Currently only "cor" and "ggm" are supported.


Only used when type = "cov". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "diag" to only include diagonal elements, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when type = "prec". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "diag" to only include diagonal elements, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when type = "ggm". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "zero" to set all elements to zero, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when type = "chol". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "diag" to only include diagonal elements, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when type = "ggm". Either "diag" or "zero" (not recommended), or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when type = "cor". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "zero" to set all elements to zero, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when type = "cor". Either "diag" or "zero", or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


What to model for the random effects?


Only used when type = "cov". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "diag" to only include diagonal elements, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when randomEffects = "prec". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "diag" to only include diagonal elements, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when randomEffects = "ggm". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "zero" to set all elements to zero, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when randomEffects = "chol". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "diag" to only include diagonal elements, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when randomEffects = "ggm". Either "diag" or "zero", or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when randomEffects = "cor". Either "full" to estimate every element freely, "zero" to set all elements to zero, or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Only used when randomEffects = "cor". Either "diag" or "zero", or a matrix of the dimensions node x node with 0 encoding a fixed to zero element, 1 encoding a free to estimate element, and higher integers encoding equality constrains. For multiple groups, this argument can be a list or array with each element/slice encoding such a matrix.


Variables to be included.


A logical indicating if the baseline and saturated model should be included. Mostly used internally and NOT Recommended to be used manually.


The optimizer to be used. Can be one of "nlminb" (the default R nlminb function), "ucminf" (from the optimr package), and C++ based optimizers "cpp_L-BFGS-B", "cpp_BFGS", "cpp_CG", "cpp_SANN", and "cpp_Nelder-Mead". The C++ optimizers are faster but slightly less stable. Defaults to "nlminb".


The estimator to be used. Currently implemented are "ML" for maximum likelihood estimation or "FIML" for full-information maximum likelihood estimation.


An optional sample statistics object. Mostly used internally.


Logical, should progress be printed to the console?


Should the data be bootstrapped? If TRUE the data are resampled and a bootstrap sample is created. These must be aggregated using aggregate_bootstraps! Can be TRUE or FALSE. Can also be "nonparametric" (which sets boot_sub = 1 and boot_resample = TRUE) or "case" (which sets boot_sub = 0.75 and boot_resample = FALSE).


Proportion of cases to be subsampled (round(boot_sub * N)).


Logical, should the bootstrap be with replacement (TRUE) or without replacement (FALSE)


Arguments sent to meta_varcov


An object of the class psychonetrics (psychonetrics-class)


Sacha Epskamp <>


Jak, S., and Cheung, M. W. L. (2019). Meta-analytic structural equation modeling with moderating effects on SEM parameters. Psychological methods.

psychonetrics documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:29 a.m.