
Defines functions outlet_to_tibble outlets_nearby outlets

Documented in outlets outlets_nearby outlet_to_tibble

#' Information for all outlets
#' @details
#' The `outlet_name` reported here is more accurately described as an outlet
#' _address_. We keep the `outlet_name` column name as this is how the PTV API
#' describes it.
#' The business hours are reported as characters. Usually they take on
#' a format of "8.00AM - 10.00PM", but there variants such as "7.30AM - 11.00AM
#' and 1.30PM - 6.00PM". For days on which an outlet is closed, the opening
#' hours are usually reported as "CLOSED", but can also be an empty character.
#' Some opening hours are "24 Hours". These fields are also filled with missing
#' values and empty characters.
#' @inheritParams PTVGET
#' @inherit outlet_to_tibble return
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' outlets()
#' }
outlets <- function(user_id = determine_user_id(),
                    api_key = determine_api_key()) {

  # This API call nominally supports an `max_results` parameter, which defaults
  # to 30. It seems to have no impact on the results, so it hasn't been
  # included here. It's possibly accidentally copied from the API call used in
  # the `outlets_nearby` function.

  request <- "outlets"
  response <- PTVGET(request, user_id = user_id, api_key = api_key)
  content <- response$content
    c("outlets", "status")

  parsed <- map_and_rbind(content$outlets, outlet_to_tibble)
  new_ptvapi_tibble(response, parsed)

#' Information for outlets near a given location
#' @inherit outlets details
#' @inheritParams stops_nearby
#' @param max_results Integer. Defaults to 30. Caps the number of results
#'   returned.
#' @inheritParams PTVGET
#' @inherit outlet_to_tibble return
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' outlets_nearby(latitude = -37.8183, longitude = 144.9671)
#' }
outlets_nearby <- function(latitude,
                           max_distance = NULL,
                           max_results = 30,
                           user_id = determine_user_id(),
                           api_key = determine_api_key()) {

  if (!is.null(max_distance)) max_distance <- to_integer(max_distance)
  max_results <- to_integer(max_results)

  request <- add_parameters(
    max_distance = max_distance,
    max_results = max_results
  response <- PTVGET(request, user_id = user_id, api_key = api_key)
  content <- response$content
    c("outlets", "status")

  parsed <- map_and_rbind(content$outlets, outlet_to_tibble)
  new_ptvapi_tibble(response, parsed)

#' Convert a single outlet to a tibble
#' This function is designed to parse the content returned by the interior
#' steps of the \code{\link{outlets}} and \code{\link{outlets_nearby}}
#' functions.
#' @param outlet An outlet, as a list, returned by the \code{\link{outlets}} API
#'   call.
#' @return A tibble with the following columns: \itemize{
#' \item {`outlet_slid_spid`}
#' \item {`outlet_name`}
#' \item {`outlet_business`}
#' \item {`outlet_latitude`}
#' \item {`outlet_longitude`}
#' \item {`outlet_suburb`}
#' \item {`outlet_postcode`}
#' \item {`outlet_business_hour_mon`}
#' \item {`outlet_business_hour_tue`}
#' \item {`outlet_business_hour_wed`}
#' \item {`outlet_business_hour_thu`}
#' \item {`outlet_business_hour_fri`}
#' \item {`outlet_business_hour_sat`}
#' \item {`outlet_business_hour_sun`}
#' \item {`outlet_notes`}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
outlet_to_tibble <- function(outlet) {
  null_to_na_char <- function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), NA_character_, x)
    outlet_slid_spid = outlet$outlet_slid_spid,
    outlet_name = outlet$outlet_name,
    outlet_business = outlet$outlet_business,
    outlet_latitude = outlet$outlet_latitude,
    outlet_longitude = outlet$outlet_longitude,
    outlet_suburb = outlet$outlet_suburb,
    outlet_postcode = outlet$outlet_postcode,
    outlet_business_hour_mon = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_business_hour_mon),
    outlet_business_hour_tue = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_business_hour_tue),
    outlet_business_hour_wed = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_business_hour_wed),
    outlet_business_hour_thu = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_business_hour_thu),
    outlet_business_hour_fri = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_business_hour_fri),
    outlet_business_hour_sat = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_business_hour_sat),
    outlet_business_hour_sun = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_business_hour_sun),
    outlet_notes = null_to_na_char(outlet$outlet_notes)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ptvapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:48 a.m.