
Defines functions ptwgrid

Documented in ptwgrid

ptwgrid <- function(ref, samp, selected.traces,
		    coef.mins, coef.maxs, coef.lengths, 
		    optim.crit = c("WCC", "RMS"), 
		    smooth.param = 1e05, 
		    trwdth = 20) {

  optim.crit <- match.arg(optim.crit) 
  if (is.vector(ref)) ref <- matrix(ref, nrow = 1)
  if (is.vector(samp)) samp <- matrix(samp, nrow = 1)
  if (nrow(ref) > 1 && nrow(ref) != nrow(samp))
    stop("The number of references does not equal the number of samples")
  if (!missing(selected.traces)) {                                         
    samp <- samp[selected.traces, , drop=FALSE] 
    if (nrow(ref) > 1)                                                   
      ref <- ref[selected.traces, , drop=FALSE]     
  if (optim.crit == "WCC" && nrow(ref) != nrow(samp))
  ref <- matrix(ref, nrow = nrow(samp),
                ncol = ncol(ref), byrow = TRUE)
  if (is.vector(coef.mins)) coef.mins <- matrix(coef.mins, nrow = 1)
  if (is.vector(coef.maxs)) coef.maxs <- matrix(coef.maxs, nrow = 1)
  if (is.vector(coef.lengths)) coef.lengths <- matrix(coef.lengths, nrow = 1)  
  n <- length(coef.mins)
  ncr <- ncol(ref)
  time <- (1:ncr) / ncr
  B <- matrix(time, nrow = ncr, ncol = n)
  B <- t(apply(B, 1, cumprod))/B

  # Make matrix with all combinations of coefficients on the grid.
  coef.list <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y, z) {seq(x, y, length.out=z)}, 
  	t(coef.mins), t(coef.maxs), t(coef.lengths), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  coef.combs <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, coef.list))

  # Calculate RMS or WCC values on the grid.
  switch(optim.crit, RMS = {
      if (smooth.param > 0) {
          samp.sm <- t(apply(samp, 1, difsm, smooth.param))
          ref.sm <- t(apply(ref, 1, difsm, smooth.param))
          G <- apply(t(t(coef.combs) * ncr^(0:(n - 1))), 1, RMS, ref.sm, 
	  	 samp.sm, B)
      else {
          G <- apply(t(t(coef.combs) * ncr^(0:(n - 1))), 1, RMS, ref, samp, B)
  }, WCC = {
      wghts <- 1 - (0:trwdth)/trwdth
      ref.acors <- apply(ref, 1, wac, trwdth = trwdth,
          wghts = wghts)
      G <- apply(t(t(coef.combs) * ncr^(0:(n - 1))), 1, WCC, ref, samp, B, 
	  trwdth = trwdth, wghts = wghts, ref.acors = ref.acors)

  # Make array, calculate indices into array corresponding to coefficient 
  # combinations, put RMS or WCC values in array.
  A <- array(data=NA, dim=coef.lengths)
  inds.list <- lapply(coef.lengths, function(x) {1:x})
  inds <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, inds.list))
  A[inds] <- G  

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ptw documentation built on Jan. 19, 2022, 5:07 p.m.