
#' Meta-analysis on Ego Depletion
#' Results from 150 studies of ego depletion, the claim that self-control is a
#'     limited resource which is tapped whenever self-control is exerted.
#' @usage data(dat.dang2018)
#' @format The tibble contains the following columns:
#'     \tabular{lll}{
#'         \strong{author}       \tab \code{character} \tab the last name of the first author and the first letter of the last name of the second author;  \cr
#'         \strong{year}         \tab \code{numeric}   \tab publication year \cr
#'         \strong{in_carter}    \tab \code{character} \tab was the study in the meta-analysis of Carter et al. (2015) \cr
#'         \strong{study}        \tab \code{character} \tab the number given to the study in the original paper (0 = only one study was reported in the original paper; the addition of a letter indicates subsamples);  \cr
#'         \strong{dv}           \tab \code{boolean}   \tab the dependent variable \cr
#'         \strong{iv}           \tab \code{boolean}   \tab the independent variable \cr
#'         \strong{n1i}          \tab \code{numeric}   \tab the number of participants in the depletion condition \cr
#'         \strong{n2i}          \tab \code{numeric}   \tab the number of participants in the control condition \cr
#'         \strong{yi}           \tab \code{numeric}   \tab the adjusted standardized mean difference \cr
#'         \strong{vi}           \tab \code{numeric}   \tab the variance
#'    }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references Dang, J. (2018). An updated meta-analysis of the ego
#' depletion effect. Psychological Research, 82(4), 645-651.
#' Carter, E. C., Kofler, L. M., Forster, D. E., & McCullough, M. E. (2015).
#' A series of meta-analytic tests of the depletion effect: self-control does
#' not seem to rely on a limited resource. Journal of
#' Experimental Psychology: General, 144(4), 796.
#' @source \url{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00426-017-0862-x#SupplementaryMaterial)}

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