
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.0") utils::globalVariables("common_words_new")
xmlword_atomizations = function (m) 
   tempb = unlist(lapply(m@Abstract, function(x) {tempa = strsplit(x, ".", fixed = T); return(tempa)}))
   tempc = unlist(strsplit(tempb, ",", fixed = T))
   tempd = unlist(strsplit(tempc, ":", fixed = T))
   tempe = unlist(strsplit(tempd, ";", fixed = T))
   tempe1 = unlist(strsplit(tempe, "'", fixed = T))
   tempf = unlist(strsplit(tempe1, " ", fixed = T))
   tempg = tolower(tempf)
   tempi = as.data.frame(table(tempg))
   tempj = unlist(lapply(common_words_new, function(x) {
        tempoo = which(as.character(tempi[, 1]) == x)
        if (length(tempoo) != 0) 
    tempk = tempi[-tempj, ]
    tempk2 = tempk[order(as.numeric(tempk$Freq), decreasing = T), 
    colnames(tempk2) = c("words", "Freq")
    write.table(tempk2, file = "word_table.txt", sep = "\t", 
        row.names = F)

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