dama: Dama gazelle pedigree

damaR Documentation

Dama gazelle pedigree


This data set contains the pedigree of the dama gazelle (Nanger dama). A total of 1316 individuals is included, as well as measurements of biological fitness and other factors (see reference below for details).




A data frame with with records from 1316 individuals (in rows), and 10 variables:

  • id - Individual identity.

  • dam - Maternal identity.

  • sire - Paternal identity.

  • survival15 - 15-days survival.

  • prod - Female productivity.

  • sex - Individual sex.

  • yob - Year of birth.

  • pom - Period of management.

  • target - Individual in the target population.

  • eeza_id - Individual identity (as recorded in the original studbook)


The original studbook containing the complete and updated pedigree can be found at: http://www.eeza.csic.es/en/programadecria.aspx.


  • López-Cortegano E et al. 2021. Genetic purging in captive endangered ungulates with extremely low effective population sizes. *Heredity*, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41437-021-00473-2.

purgeR documentation built on Aug. 16, 2023, 9:07 a.m.