test_that("Field plot label PDF successful generation", {
path <- tempdir()
field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
wdt = 5,
hgt = 2,
page_wdt = 8.5,
page_hgt = 11,
top_mar = 0.75,
bot_mar = 0.75,
left_mar = 1.75,
right_mar = 1.75,
numrow = 4L,
numcol = 1L,
filename = "PlotLabel",
font_sz = 20,
Trial = 'PYT',
Year = 2023,
family = 'sans',
rounded = TRUE,
IBlock = TRUE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
rep_id = 'REP',
plot_id = 'PLOT',
row_id = 'ROW',
col_id = 'COLUMN',
loc_id = 'LOCATION',
entry_id = 'TREATMENT',
IBlock_id = 'IBLOCK',
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ))
expect_true(length(list.files(path = ".", pattern = "\\.pdf$")) > 0)
expect_true(length(list.files(path = ".", pattern = "\\.csv$")) > 0)
test_that("Field plot label input errors", {
expect_error(field_label(font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AWK",
family = "sans",
seed_source = FALSE ),
"Fieldbook is missing, please provide a fieldbook as a data frame.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
wdt = 5,
hgt = 2,
top_mar = 2,
bot_mar = 2,
left_mar = 4,
right_mar = 4,
numrow = 4L,
numcol = 1L,
filename = "PlotLabel",
font_sz = 20,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"Page setup does not match label setup per page.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
rep_id = 1,
plot_id = 'PLOT',
row_id = 'ROW',
col_id = 'COLUMN',
loc_id = 'LOCATION',
entry_id = 'TREATMENT',
IBlock_id = 'IBLOCK',
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"'rep_id' must be string value.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
rep_id = 'REP',
plot_id = 1,
row_id = 'ROW',
col_id = 'COLUMN',
loc_id = 'LOCATION',
entry_id = 'TREATMENT',
IBlock_id = 'IBLOCK',
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"'plot_id' must be string value.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
rep_id = 'REP',
plot_id = 'PLOT',
row_id = 11,
col_id = 'COLUMN',
loc_id = 'LOCATION',
entry_id = 'TREATMENT',
IBlock_id = 'IBLOCK',
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"'row_id' must be string value.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
rep_id = 'REP',
plot_id = 'PLOT',
row_id = 'ROW',
col_id = 1,
loc_id = 'LOCATION',
entry_id = 'TREATMENT',
IBlock_id = 'IBLOCK',
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"'col_id' must be string value.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
rep_id = 'REP',
plot_id = 'PLOT',
row_id = 'ROW',
col_id = 'COLUMN',
loc_id = 1,
entry_id = 'TREATMENT',
IBlock_id = 'IBLOCK',
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"'loc_id' must be string value.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
rep_id = 'REP',
plot_id = 'PLOT',
row_id = 'ROW',
col_id = 'COLUMN',
loc_id = 'LOCATION',
entry_id = 1,
IBlock_id = 'IBLOCK',
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"'entry_id' must be string value.")
expect_error(field_label(dat = data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
rep_id = 'REP',
plot_id = 'PLOT',
row_id = 'ROW',
col_id = 'COLUMN',
loc_id = 'LOCATION',
entry_id = 'TREATMENT',
IBlock_id = 1,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AW Kena",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE" ),
"'IBlock_id' must be string value.")
expect_error(field_label(data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "go",
rname = "AWK",
family = "sans",
seed_source = FALSE ),
"'get_unique_id' must be a string value of one of these: 'ruid','uuid' or 'custom'")
expect_error(field_label(data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AWK",
family = "sans",
seed_source = TRUE ,
seed_source_id = NULL),
"Use the 'seed_source_id' argument to specify the column name in your fieldbook containing seed source ids.")
expect_error(field_label(data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AWK",
family = "sans",
seed_source = FALSE,
Year = 11111),
"Year must be a string or numeric value of four characters.")
expect_error(field_label(data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = "AWK",
family = "sans",
seed_source = TRUE,
seed_source_id = 1),
"Seed source ID must be a string value.")
expect_error(field_label(data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = 11,
family = "sans",
seed_source = FALSE),
"Researcher name must be a string value.")
expect_error(field_label(data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = 'AWK',
family = "sans",
seed_source = 11),
"'seed_source' must be a logical or boolean value.")
expect_error(field_label(data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 10),
PLOT = 1001:1010,
ROW = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
COLUMN = c(1:6, 1:4),
REP = rep(1, 10),
IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4)),
TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:10),
SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 10)),
font_sz = 10,
IBlock = FALSE,
get_unique_id = "ruid",
rname = 'AWK',
family = "sans",
seed_source = FALSE,
Trial = 10),
"'Trial' must be string value.")
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