Man pages for qtlpoly
Random-Effect Multiple QTL Mapping in Autopolyploids

B2721Autotetraploid potato dataset
breeding_valuesPrediction of QTL-based breeding values from REMIM model
feimFixed-effect interval mapping (FEIM)
fit_modelFits multiple QTL models
fit_model2Fits multiple QTL models
hexafakeSimulated autohexaploid dataset.
maps4xAutotetraploid potato map
maps6xSimulated autohexaploid map
mmer_adaptedAdapt to sommer MNR core function
modify_qtlModify QTL model
null_modelNull model
null_model2Null model
optimize_qtlModel optimization
permutationsFixed-effect interval mapping (FEIM) model permutations
pheno4xAutotetraploid potato phenotypes
pheno6xSimulated phenotypes
plot_profileLogarithm of _P_-value (LOP) profile plots
plot_qtlQTL heritability and significance plot
plot_sintQTLs with respective support interval plots
profile_qtlQTL profiling
qtl_effectsQTL allele effect estimation
read_dataRead genotypic and phenotypic data
read_data2Read genotypic and phenotypic data
remimRandom-effect multiple interval mapping (REMIM)
remim2Random-effect multiple interval mapping (REMIM)
search_qtlQTL forward search
simulate_qtlSimulations of multiple QTL
qtlpoly documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:14 a.m.