
#' Virtual class "fcm" for a feature co-occurrence matrix
#' The fcm class of object is a special type of [fcm] object with
#' additional slots, described below.
#' @slot context the context definition
#' @slot window the size of the window, if `context = "window"`
#' @slot count how co-occurrences are counted
#' @slot weights context weighting for distance from target feature, equal in length to `window`
#' @slot margin frequencies of features in the original [dfm] or [tokens]
#' @slot tri whether the lower triangle of the symmetric \eqn{V \times V} matrix is recorded
#' @slot ordered whether a term appears before or after the target feature 
#'      are counted separately
#' @name fcm-class
#' @rdname fcm-class
#' @keywords internal fcm
#' @seealso [fcm]
         # slots = c(context = "character", window = "integer", 
         #           count = "character", weights = "numeric", 
         #           ordered = "logical", tri = "logical",
         #           margin = "numeric"),
         contains = c("dfm", "dgCMatrix"))

## S4 method fcm objects
#' @export
#' @param x the fcm object
#' @rdname fcm-class
          signature = (x = "fcm"),
          function(x) matrix2fcm(t(as(x, "dgCMatrix"))))

#' @param e1 first quantity in "+" operation for fcm
#' @param e2 second quantity in "+" operation for fcm
#' @rdname fcm-class
setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "fcm", e2 = "numeric"),
          function(e1, e2) {
                 `+` = matrix2fcm(as(e1, "dgCMatrix") + e2, e1@meta),
                 `-` = matrix2fcm(as(e1, "dgCMatrix") - e2, e1@meta),
                 `*` = matrix2fcm(as(e1, "dgCMatrix") * e2, e1@meta),
                 `/` = matrix2fcm(as(e1, "dgCMatrix") / e2, e1@meta),
                 `^` = matrix2fcm(as(e1, "dgCMatrix") ^ e2, e1@meta)
#' @rdname fcm-class
setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "fcm"),
          function(e1, e2) {
                 `+` = matrix2fcm(e1 + as(e2, "dgCMatrix"), e2@meta),
                 `-` = matrix2fcm(e1 - as(e2, "dgCMatrix"), e2@meta),
                 `*` = matrix2fcm(e1 * as(e2, "dgCMatrix"), e2@meta),
                 `/` = matrix2fcm(e1 / as(e2, "dgCMatrix"), e2@meta),
                 `^` = matrix2fcm(e1 ^ as(e2, "dgCMatrix"), e2@meta)

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