
Defines functions quarto_render

Documented in quarto_render

#' Render Markdown
#' Render the input file to the specified output format using quarto. If the
#' input requires computations (e.g. for Rmd or Jupyter files) then those
#' computations are performed before rendering.
#' @param input The input file or project directory to be rendered (defaults
#'   to rendering the project in the current working directory).
#' @param output_format Target output format (defaults to "html"). The option
#'   `"all"` will render all formats defined within the file or project.
#' @param output_file The name of the output file. If using `NULL`, the output
#'   filename will be based on the filename for the input file. `output_file` is
#'   mapped to the `--output` option flag of the `quarto` CLI. It is expected to
#'   be a filename only, not a path, relative or absolute.
#' @param execute Whether to execute embedded code chunks.
#' @param execute_params A list of named parameters that override custom params
#'   specified within the YAML front-matter.
#' @param execute_dir The working directory in which to execute embedded code
#'   chunks.
#' @param execute_daemon Keep Jupyter kernel alive (defaults to 300 seconds).
#'   Note this option is only applicable for rendering Jupyter notebooks or
#'   Jupyter markdown.
#' @param execute_daemon_restart Restart keepalive Jupyter kernel before render.
#'   Note this option is only applicable for rendering Jupyter notebooks or
#'   Jupyter markdown.
#' @param execute_debug Show debug output for Jupyter kernel.
#' @param use_freezer Force use of frozen computations for an incremental
#'  file render.
#' @param cache Cache execution output (uses knitr cache and jupyter-cache
#'  respectively for Rmd and Jupyter input files).
#' @param cache_refresh Force refresh of execution cache.
#' @param metadata An optional named list used to override YAML
#'   metadata. It will be passed as a YAML file to `--metadata-file` CLI flag.
#'   This will be merged over `metadata-file` options if both are
#'   specified.
#' @param metadata_file A yaml file passed to `--metadata-file` CLI flags to
#'   override metadata. This will be merged with `metadata` if both are
#'   specified, with low precedence on `metadata` options.
#' @param debug Leave intermediate files in place after render.
#' @param quiet Suppress warning and other messages.
#' @param profile [Quarto project
#'   profile(s)](https://quarto.org/docs/projects/profiles.html) to use. Either
#'   a character vector of profile names or `NULL` to use the default profile.
#' @param quarto_args Character vector of other `quarto` CLI flag pass to the
#'   command. This is mainly for advanced usage, e.g it can be useful for new
#'   options added to quarto CLI and not yet supported as function argument.
#' @param pandoc_args Additional command line options to pass to pandoc.
#' @param as_job Render as an RStudio background job. Default is "auto",
#'   which will render individual documents normally and projects as
#'   background jobs. Use the `quarto.render_as_job` R option to control
#'   the default globally.
#' @importFrom rmarkdown relative_to
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Render R Markdown
#' quarto_render("notebook.Rmd")
#' quarto_render("notebook.Rmd", output_format = "pdf")
#' # Render Jupyter Notebook
#' quarto_render("notebook.ipynb")
#' # Render Jupyter Markdown
#' quarto_render("notebook.md")
#' # Override metadata
#' quarto_render("notebook.Rmd", override = list(lang = "fr", echo = "false"))
#' }
#' @export
quarto_render <- function(input = NULL,
                          output_format = NULL,
                          output_file = NULL,
                          execute = TRUE,
                          execute_params = NULL,
                          execute_dir = NULL,
                          execute_daemon = NULL,
                          execute_daemon_restart = FALSE,
                          execute_debug = FALSE,
                          use_freezer = FALSE,
                          cache = NULL,
                          cache_refresh = FALSE,
                          metadata = NULL,
                          metadata_file = NULL,
                          debug = FALSE,
                          quiet = FALSE,
                          profile = NULL,
                          quarto_args = NULL,
                          pandoc_args = NULL,
                          as_job = getOption("quarto.render_as_job", "auto")) {
  # get quarto binary
  quarto_bin <- find_quarto()

  # provide default for input
  if (is.null(input)) {
    input <- getwd()
  input <- path.expand(input)

  # see if we need to render as a job
  if (identical(as_job, "auto")) {
    as_job <- utils::file_test("-d", input)

  # render as job if requested and running within rstudio
  if (as_job && rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
    message("Rendering project as background job (use as_job = FALSE to override)")
    script <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
      c("library(quarto)", deparse(sys.call())),
      name = "quarto render",
      workingDir = getwd(),
      importEnv = TRUE

  # build args
  args <- c("render", input)
  if (!missing(output_format)) {
    args <- c(args, "--to", paste(output_format, collapse = ","))
  if (!missing(output_file)) {
    args <- c(args, "--output", output_file)
  if (!missing(execute)) {
    args <- c(args, ifelse(isTRUE(execute), "--execute", "--no-execute"))
  if (!missing(execute_params)) {
    params_file <- tempfile(pattern = "quarto-params", fileext = ".yml")
    write_yaml(execute_params, params_file)
    args <- c(args, "--execute-params", params_file)
  if (!missing(execute_dir)) {
    args <- c(args, "--execute-dir", execute_dir)
  if (!missing(execute_daemon)) {
    args <- c(args, "--execute-daemon", as.character(execute_daemon))
  if (isTRUE(execute_daemon_restart)) {
    args <- c(args, "--execute-daemon-restart")
  if (isTRUE(execute_debug)) {
    args <- c(args, "--execute-debug")
  if (isTRUE(use_freezer)) {
    args <- c(args, "--use-freezer")
  if (!missing(cache)) {
    args <- c(args, ifelse(isTRUE(cache), "--cache", "--no-cache"))
  if (isTRUE(cache_refresh)) {
    args <- c(args, "--cache-refresh")
  # metadata to pass to quarto render
  if (!missing(metadata)) {
    # We merge meta if there is metadata_file passed
    if (!missing(metadata_file)) {
      metadata <- merge_list(yaml::read_yaml(metadata_file, eval.expr = FALSE), metadata)
    meta_file <- tempfile(pattern = "quarto-meta", fileext = ".yml")
    on.exit(unlink(meta_file), add = TRUE)
    write_yaml(metadata, meta_file)
    args <- c(args, "--metadata-file", meta_file)
  } else if (!missing(metadata_file)) {
    args <- c(args, "--metadata-file", metadata_file)
  if (isTRUE(debug)) {
    args <- c(args, "--debug")
  if (isTRUE(quiet)) {
    args <- cli_arg_quiet(args)
  if (!is.null(profile)) {
    args <- cli_arg_profile(profile, args)
  if (!is.null(quarto_args)) {
    args <- c(args, quarto_args)
  if (!is.null(pandoc_args)) {
    args <- c(args, pandoc_args)

  # run quarto
  quarto_run(args, echo = TRUE, quarto_bin = quarto_bin)

  # no return value

Try the quarto package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

quarto documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:31 a.m.