Man pages for queueing
Analysis of Queueing Networks and Models

B_erlangReturns the probability that all servers are busy
C_erlangReturns the probability to wait in queue because all servers...
CheckInputGeneric S3 method to check the params of a queueing model (or...
CheckInput.i_BnDChecks the input params of a generic Birth and Death process...
CheckInput.i_CJNCheck the input params of a Closed Jackson Network
CheckInput.i_MCCNCheck the input params of a MultiClass Closed Network
CheckInput.i_MCMNCheck the input params of a MultiClass Mixed Network
CheckInput.i_MCONCheck the input params of a MultiClass Open Network
CheckInput.i_MM1Checks the input params of a M/M/1 queueing model
CheckInput.i_MM1KChecks the input params of a M/M/1/K queueing model
CheckInput.i_MM1KKChecks the input params of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
CheckInput.i_MMCChecks the input params of a M/M/c queueing model
CheckInput.i_MMCCChecks the input params of a M/M/c/c queueing model
CheckInput.i_MMCKChecks the input params of a M/M/c/K queueing model
CheckInput.i_MMCKKChecks the input params of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
CheckInput.i_MMCKMChecks the input params of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
CheckInput.i_MMInfChecks the input params of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
CheckInput.i_MMInfKKChecks the input params of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
CheckInput.i_OJNCheck the input params of an Open Jackson Network
CompareQueueingModelsCompare several queueing models in a tabulated format
EngsetReturns the probability that all servers are busy
InputsReturns the input parameters of a queueing model (or network)
Inputs.o_BnDReturns the input parameters of a generic Birth and Death...
Inputs.o_CJNReturns the input params of a Closed Jackson Network
Inputs.o_MCCNReturns the input params of a MultiClass Closed Network
Inputs.o_MCMNReturns the input params of a MultiClass Mixed Network
Inputs.o_MCONReturns the input params of a MultiClass Open Network
Inputs.o_MM1Returns the input parameters of a M/M/1 queueing model
Inputs.o_MM1KReturns the input parameters of a M/M/1/K queueing model
Inputs.o_MM1KKReturns the input parameters of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
Inputs.o_MMCReturns the input parameters of a M/M/c queueing model
Inputs.o_MMCCReturns the input parameters of a M/M/c/c queueing model
Inputs.o_MMCKReturns the input parameters of a M/M/c/K queueing model
Inputs.o_MMCKKReturns the input parameters of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
Inputs.o_MMCKMReturns the input parameters of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
Inputs.o_MMInfReturns the input parameters of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
Inputs.o_MMInfKKReturns the input parameters of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing...
Inputs.o_OJNReturns the input params of an Open Jackson Network
LReturns the mean number of customers in a queueing model (or...
LcReturns the vector with the mean number of customers of each...
LckReports a matrix with the mean number of customers of class i...
Lck.o_MCCNReports a matrix with the mean number of customers of class i...
Lck.o_MCMNReports a matrix with the mean number of customers of class i...
Lck.o_MCONReports a matrix with the mean number of customers of class i...
Lc.o_MCCNReturns the vector with the mean number of customers of each...
Lc.o_MCMNReturns the vector with the mean number of customers of each...
Lc.o_MCONReturns the vector with the mean number of customers of each...
LkReturns the vector with the mean number of customers in each...
Lk.o_CJNReturns the vector with the mean number of customers in each...
Lk.o_MCCNReturns a vector with the mean number of customers in each...
Lk.o_MCMNReturns a vector with the mean number of customers in each...
Lk.o_MCONReturns a vector with the mean number of customers in each...
Lk.o_OJNReturns the vector with the mean number of customers in each...
L.o_BnDReturns the mean number of customers in the generic Birth and...
L.o_CJNReturns the mean number of customers of a Closed Jackson...
L.o_MCCNReturns the mean number of customers of a MultiClass Closed...
L.o_MCMNReturns the mean number of customers of a MultiClass Mixed...
L.o_MCONReturns the mean number of customers of a MultiClass Open...
L.o_MM1Returns the mean number of customers in the M/M/1 queueing...
L.o_MM1KReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/1/K queueing...
L.o_MM1KKReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/1/K/K...
L.o_MMCReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/c queueing...
L.o_MMCCReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/c/c queueing...
L.o_MMCKReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/c/K queueing...
L.o_MMCKKReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/c/K/K...
L.o_MMCKMReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/c/K/m...
L.o_MMInfReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/Infinite...
L.o_MMInfKKReturns the mean number of customers in the M/M/Infinite/K/K...
L.o_OJNReturns the mean number of customers of an Open Jackson...
LqReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in a...
Lq.o_MM1Returns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MM1KReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MM1KKReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MMCReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MMCCReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MMCKReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MMCKKReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MMCKMReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MMInfReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
Lq.o_MMInfKKReturns the mean number of customers in the queue in the...
LqqReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MM1Returns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MM1KReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MM1KKReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MMCReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MMCCReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MMCKReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MMCKKReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MMCKMReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MMInfReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
Lqq.o_MMInfKKReturns the mean number of customers in queue when there is...
NewInput.BnDDefine the inputs of a new generic Birth and Death process...
NewInput.CJNDefine the inputs of a Closed Jackson Network
NewInput.MCCNDefine the inputs of a MultiClass Closed Network
NewInput.MCMNDefine the inputs of a MultiClass Mixed Network
NewInput.MCONDefine the inputs of a MultiClass Open Network
NewInput.MM1Define the inputs of a new M/M/1 queueing model
NewInput.MM1KDefine the inputs of a new M/M/1/K queueing model
NewInput.MM1KKDefine the inputs of a new M/M/1/K/K queueing model
NewInput.MMCDefine the inputs of a new M/M/c queueing model
NewInput.MMCCDefine the inputs of a new M/M/c/c queueing model
NewInput.MMCKDefine the inputs of a new M/M/c/K queueing model
NewInput.MMCKKDefine the inputs of a new M/M/c/K/K queueing model
NewInput.MMCKMDefine the inputs of a new M/M/c/K/m queueing model
NewInput.MMInfDefine the inputs of a new M/M/Infinite queueing model
NewInput.MMInfKKDefine the inputs of a new M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
NewInput.OJNDefine the inputs of an Open Jackson Network
PnReturns the probabilities of a queueing model (or network)
Pn.o_BnDReturns the probabilities of a generic Birth and Death...
Pn.o_MM1Returns the probabilities of a M/M/1 queueing model
Pn.o_MM1KReturns the probabilities of a M/M/1/K queueing model
Pn.o_MM1KKReturns the probabilities of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
Pn.o_MMCReturns the probabilities of a M/M/c queueing model
Pn.o_MMCCReturns the probabilities of a M/M/c/c queueing model
Pn.o_MMCKReturns the probabilities of a M/M/c/K queueing model
Pn.o_MMCKKReturns the probabilities of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
Pn.o_MMCKMReturns the probabilities of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
Pn.o_MMInfReturns the probabilities of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
Pn.o_MMInfKKReturns the probabilities of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing...
Pn.o_OJNReturns vector of the probabilities of each node (server) of...
print.summary.o_BnDSummary of the results of a generic Birth and Death process...
print.summary.o_CJNSummary of the results of a Closed Jackson Network
print.summary.o_MCCNSummary of the results of a MultiClass Closed Network
print.summary.o_MCMNSummary of the results of a MultiClass Mixed Network
print.summary.o_MCONSummary of the results of a MultiClass Open Network
print.summary.o_MM1Summary of the results of a M/M/1 queueing model
print.summary.o_MM1KSummary of the results of a M/M/1/K queueing model
print.summary.o_MM1KKSummary of the results of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
print.summary.o_MMCSummary of the results of a M/M/c queueing model
print.summary.o_MMCCSummary of the results of a M/M/c/c queueing model
print.summary.o_MMCKSummary of the results of a M/M/c/K queueing model
print.summary.o_MMCKKSummary of the results of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
print.summary.o_MMCKMSummary of the results of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
print.summary.o_MMInfSummary of the results of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
print.summary.o_MMInfKKReports the results of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
print.summary.o_OJNReports the results of an Open Jackson Network
QueueingModelGeneric S3 method to build a queueing model (or network)
QueueingModel.i_BnDBuilds a a generic Birth and Death process model
QueueingModel.i_CJNBuilds one Closed Jackson Network
QueueingModel.i_MCCNBuilds one MultiClass Closed Network
QueueingModel.i_MCMNBuilds one MultiClass Mixed Network
QueueingModel.i_MCONBuilds one MultiClass Open Network
QueueingModel.i_MM1Builds a M/M/1 queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MM1KBuilds a M/M/1/K queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MM1KKBuilds a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MMCBuilds a M/M/c queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MMCCBuilds a M/M/c/c queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MMCKBuilds a M/M/c/K queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MMCKKBuilds a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MMCKMBuilds a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
QueueingModel.i_MMInfBuilds a M/M/Infinite queue model
QueueingModel.i_MMInfKKBuilds a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
QueueingModel.i_OJNBuilds one Open Jackson Network
queueing-packageAnalysis of Queueing Networks and Models.
ReportReports the results of a queueing model
Report.o_BnDReports the results of a M/M/1 queueing model
Report.o_CJNReports the results of a Closed Jackson Network
Report.o_MCCNReports the results of a MultiClass Closed Network
Report.o_MCMNReports the results of a MultiClass Mixed Network
Report.o_MCONReports the results of a MultiClass Open Network
Report.o_MM1Reports the results of a M/M/1 queueing model
Report.o_MM1KReports the results of a M/M/1/K queueing model
Report.o_MM1KKReports the results of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
Report.o_MMCReports the results of a M/M/c queueing model
Report.o_MMCCReports the results of a M/M/c/c queueing model
Report.o_MMCKReports the results of a M/M/c/K queueing model
Report.o_MMCKKReports the results of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
Report.o_MMCKMReports the results of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
Report.o_MMInfReports the results of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
Report.o_MMInfKKReports the results of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
Report.o_OJNReports the results of an Open Jackson Network
ROReports the server use of a queueing model
ROckReports a matrix with the use of class i in each node...
ROck.o_MCCNReports a matrix with the use of class i in each node...
ROck.o_MCMNReports a matrix with the use of class i in each node...
ROck.o_MCONReports a matrix with the use of class i in each node...
ROkReports a vector with each node (server) use of a queueing...
ROk.o_CJNReports a vector with each node (server) use of a Closed...
ROk.o_MCCNReports a vector with each node (server) use of a MultiClass...
ROk.o_MCMNReports a vector with each node (server) use of a MultiClass...
ROk.o_MCONReports a vector with each node (server) use of a MultiClass...
ROk.o_OJNReports a vector with each node (server) use of an Open...
RO.o_MM1Reports the server use of a M/M/1 queueing model
RO.o_MM1KReports the server use of a M/M/1/K queueing model
RO.o_MM1KKReports the server use of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
RO.o_MMCReports the server use of a M/M/c queueing model
RO.o_MMCCReports the server use of a M/M/c/c queueing model
RO.o_MMCKReports the server use of a M/M/c/K queueing model
RO.o_MMCKKReports the server use of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
RO.o_MMCKMReports the server use of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
RO.o_MMInfReports the server use of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
RO.o_MMInfKKReports the server use of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
SPReturns the saturation point of a queueing model
SP.o_MM1KKReturns the saturation point of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
summary.o_BnDSummary of the results of a generic Birth and Death process...
summary.o_CJNSummary of the results of a Closed Jackson Network
summary.o_MCCNSummary of the results of a MultiClass Closed Network
summary.o_MCMNSummary of the results of a MultiClass Mixed Network
summary.o_MCONSummary of the results of a MultiClass Open Network
summary.o_MM1Summary of the results of a M/M/1 queueing model
summary.o_MM1KSummary of the results of a M/M/1/K queueing model
summary.o_MM1KKSummary of the results of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
summary.o_MMCSummary of the results of a M/M/c queueing model
summary.o_MMCCSummary of the results of a M/M/c/c queueing model
summary.o_MMCKSummary of the results of a M/M/c/K queueing model
summary.o_MMCKKSummary of the results of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
summary.o_MMCKMSummary of the results of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
summary.o_MMInfSummary of the results of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
summary.o_MMInfKKSummary of the results of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
summary.o_OJNSummary of the results of an Open Jackson Network
ThroughputThroughput of a queueing model (or network)
ThroughputcReports a vector with each class throughput in a multiclass...
ThroughputckReports a matrix with the throughput of class i in each node...
Throughputck.o_MCCNReports a matrix with the throughput of class i in each node...
Throughputck.o_MCMNReports a matrix with the throughput of class i in each node...
Throughputck.o_MCONReports a matrix with the throughput of class i in each node...
ThroughputcnReturns a matrix with the Throughput from each class and...
Throughputcn.o_MCCNReturns a matrix with the Throughput from each class and...
Throughputc.o_MCCNReports a vector with each class throughput in a MultiClass...
Throughputc.o_MCMNReports a vector with each class throughput in a MultiClass...
Throughputc.o_MCONReports a vector with each class throughput in a MultiClass...
ThroughputkReports a vector with each node (server) throughput of a...
Throughputk.o_CJNReports a vector with each node (server) throughput of a...
Throughputk.o_MCCNReports a vector with each node (server) throughput of a...
Throughputk.o_MCMNReports a vector with each node (server) throughput of a...
Throughputk.o_MCONReports a vector with each node (server) throughput of a...
Throughputk.o_OJNReports a vector with each node (server) throughput of an...
ThroughputnReturns a vector with the each Throughput from 1 to the...
Throughputn.o_CJNReturns a vector with the each Throughput from 1 to the...
Throughput.o_CJNReports the network throughput of a Closed Jackson Network
Throughput.o_MCCNReports the throughput of a MultiClass Closed Network
Throughput.o_MCMNReports the throughput of a MultiClass Mixed Network
Throughput.o_MCONReports the throughput of a MultiClass Open Network
Throughput.o_MM1Throughput of a M/M/1 queueing model
Throughput.o_MM1KThroughput of a M/M/1/K queueing model
Throughput.o_MM1KKThroughput of a M/M/1/K/K queueing model
Throughput.o_MMCThroughput of a M/M/c queueing model
Throughput.o_MMCCThroughput of a M/M/c/c queueing model
Throughput.o_MMCKThroughput of a M/M/c/K queueing model
Throughput.o_MMCKKThroughput of a M/M/c/K/K queueing model
Throughput.o_MMCKMThroughput of a M/M/c/K/m queueing model
Throughput.o_MMInfThroughput of a M/M/Infinite queueing model
Throughput.o_MMInfKKThroughput of a M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing model
Throughput.o_OJNReports the throughput of an Open Jackson Network
VNReturns the variance of the number of customers in a queueing...
VN.o_MM1Returns the variance of the number of customers in the M/M/1...
VN.o_MM1KReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VN.o_MM1KKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VN.o_MMCReturns the variance of the number of customers in the M/M/c...
VN.o_MMCCReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VN.o_MMCKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VN.o_MMCKKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VN.o_MMCKMReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VN.o_MMInfReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VN.o_MMInfKKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the...
VNqReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MM1Returns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MM1KReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MM1KKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MMCReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MMCCReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MMCKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MMCKKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MMCKMReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MMInfReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VNq.o_MMInfKKReturns the variance of the number of customers in the queue...
VTReturns the variance of the time spend in a queueing model...
VT.o_MM1Returns the variance of the time spend in the M/M/1 queueing...
VT.o_MM1KReturns the variance of the time spend in the M/M/1/K...
VT.o_MM1KKReturns the variance of the time spend in the M/M/1/K/K...
VT.o_MMCReturns the variance of the time spend in the M/M/c queueing...
VT.o_MMCCReturns the variance of the time spend in the M/M/c/c...
VT.o_MMInfReturns the variance of the time spend in the M/M/Infinite...
VT.o_MMInfKKReturns the variance of the time spend in the...
VTqReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in a queueing...
VTq.o_MM1Returns the variance of the time spend in queue in the M/M/1...
VTq.o_MM1KReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the...
VTq.o_MM1KKReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the...
VTq.o_MMCReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the M/M/c...
VTq.o_MMCCReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the...
VTq.o_MMCKReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the...
VTq.o_MMCKKReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the...
VTq.o_MMInfReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the...
VTq.o_MMInfKKReturns the variance of the time spend in queue in the...
WReturns the mean time spend in a queueing model (or network)
WcReturns the vector with each class mean time spend on a...
WckReports a matrix with the mean time of class i in each node...
Wck.o_MCCNReports a matrix with the mean time of class i in each node...
Wck.o_MCMNReports a matrix with the mean time of class i in each node...
Wck.o_MCONReports a matrix with the mean time of class i in each node...
Wc.o_MCCNReturns the vector with each class mean time spend on a...
Wc.o_MCMNReturns the vector with each class mean time spend on a...
Wc.o_MCONReturns the vector with each class mean time spend on a...
WkGeneric S3 method to return the mean time spend in each node...
Wk.o_CJNReturns the vector with the mean time spend in each node...
Wk.o_MCCNReturns a vector with the mean time spend in each node...
Wk.o_MCMNReturns a matrix with the mean time spend in each node...
Wk.o_MCONReturns a matrix with the mean time spend in each node...
Wk.o_OJNReturns the vector with the mean time spend in each node...
W.o_CJNReturns the mean time spend in a Closed Jackson Network
W.o_MCCNReturns the mean time spend in a MultiClass Closed Network
W.o_MCMNReturns the mean time spend in a MultiClass Mixed Network
W.o_MCONReturns the mean time spend in a MultiClass Open Network
W.o_MM1Returns the mean time spend in the M/M/1 queueing model
W.o_MM1KReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/1/K queueing model
W.o_MM1KKReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/1/K/K queueing model
W.o_MMCReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/c queueing model
W.o_MMCCReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/c/c queueing model
W.o_MMCKReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/c/K queueing model
W.o_MMCKKReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/c/K/K queueing model
W.o_MMCKMReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/c/K/m queueing model
W.o_MMInfReturns the time spend in the M/M/Infinite queueing model
W.o_MMInfKKReturns the mean time spend in the M/M/Infinite/K/K queueing...
W.o_OJNReturns the mean time spend in an Open Jackson Network
WqReturns the mean time spend in queue in a queueing model
Wq.o_MM1Returns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/1 queueing...
Wq.o_MM1KReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/1/K queueing...
Wq.o_MM1KKReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/1/K/K...
Wq.o_MMCReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/c queueing...
Wq.o_MMCCReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/c/c queueing...
Wq.o_MMCKReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/c/K queueing...
Wq.o_MMCKKReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/c/K/K...
Wq.o_MMCKMReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/c/K/m...
Wq.o_MMInfReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/Infinite...
Wq.o_MMInfKKReturns the mean time spend in queue in the M/M/Infinite/K/K...
WqqReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in a...
Wqq.o_MM1Returns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MM1KReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MM1KKReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MMCReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MMCCReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MMCKReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MMCKKReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MMCKMReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MMInfReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
Wqq.o_MMInfKKReturns the mean time spend in queue when there is queue in...
WWsReturns the normalized mean response time in a queueing model
WWs.o_MM1KKReturns the normalized mean response time in the M/M/1/K/K...
queueing documentation built on Dec. 9, 2019, 1:06 a.m.