
Defines functions constraintBF

Documented in constraintBF

#' Function to compute Bayes factors for ordinal constraints
#' This function uses Bayesian mixed models to estimate individual effect
#' sizes and to test theoretical order constraints.
#' This function provides a way of testing whether theoretical constraints on
#' certain effects hold for all subjects. The backend is provided by the
#' \code{\link[BayesFactor]{generalTestBF}} function from the
#' \code{\link[BayesFactor]{BayesFactor-package}}. The input formula is the
#' full model to be tested. It usually contains an interaction term between
#' the subject ID and the effect for which constraints are tested (e.g.
#' \code{ID:condition}). The ID variable is to be specified in \code{ID} and is
#' usually a random factor to be specified in \code{whichRandom}.
#' Order constraints on effects should be specified in \code{whichConstraint},
#' as a named character vector. Each constraint in the vector can take 2 levels
#' of the effect. They are of the form:
#' \code{"effect name" = "condition A" < "condition B"}. In order to impute more
#' than 2 levels, the same effect name has to be entered with different conditions
#' as the value. For instance, for testing whether conditions A < B < C, the
#' input should be: \code{"effect name" = "condition A" < "condition B", "effect name" = "condition B" < "condition C"}.
#' At this point, constraints can only be tested for the same effect.
#' Priors have to be specified for all factors in \code{whichConstraint},
#' for \code{ID}, and for the interaction between the two. A Detailed description
#' of the models, priors and methods is given in the documentation of
#' \code{\link[BayesFactor]{anovaBF}} and more extensively in Rouder et al. (2012).
#' @param formula a formula containing the full model.
#' @param data a \code{data.frame} containing the data with all variables
#'   defined in the formula.
#' @param whichRandom a character vector specifying which factors are random.
#' @param ID a character vector of length one specifying which variable
#'   holds the subject ID.
#' @param whichConstraint a named character vector specifying the constraints
#'   placed on certain factors; see Details.
#' @param rscaleEffects a named vector of prior settings for individual factors.
#'   Values are scales, names are factor names; see Details.
#' @param iterationsPosterior the number of iterations to sample from the
#'  posterior of the full model.
#' @param iterationsPrior the number of iterations to sample from the
#'  prior of the full model.
#' @param burnin the number of initial iterations to discard from posterior
#'   sampling.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to
#'   \code{\link[BayesFactor]{generalTestBF}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{BFBayesFactorConstraint-class}}.
#' @references Rouder, J. N., Morey, R. D., Speckman, P. L., Province, J. M., (2012)
##'   Default Bayes Factors for ANOVA Designs. Journal of Mathematical
##'   Psychology.  56.  p. 356-374.
#' @importFrom stats as.formula rcauchy rnorm sd terms
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(stroop)
#' resStroop <- constraintBF(rtS ~ ID*cond,
#'                           data = stroop,
#'                           whichRandom = "ID",
#'                           ID = "ID",
#'                           whichConstraint = c(cond = "2 > 1"),
#'                           rscaleEffects = c("ID" = 1, "cond" = 1/6, "ID:cond" = 1/10))
#' }
constraintBF <- function(formula, data, whichRandom, ID,
                        whichConstraint, rscaleEffects,
                        iterationsPosterior = 10000, iterationsPrior = iterationsPosterior * 10,
                        burnin = 1000, ...) {

  # Assertions
  data <- forceDataFrame(data)
  data <- checkUsedLevels(formula = formula, data = data)
  checkFormulaData(formula = formula, data = data)
  checkID(ID = ID, data = data)
  checkConstraints(whichConstraint = whichConstraint, data = data)
  checkPriors(rscaleEffects = rscaleEffects, formula = formula, data = data, ID = ID, whichConstraint = whichConstraint)
  checkIterations(iterationsPosterior = iterationsPosterior, burnin = burnin)

  # run all models
  generalTestObj <- BayesFactor::generalTestBF(formula = formula, data = data,
                                               whichRandom = whichRandom,
                                               rscaleEffects = rscaleEffects,

  # get index of full model
  indexFullModel <- extractIndexFullModel(generalTestObj)
  # sample from full model posterior
  thetas <- BayesFactor::posterior(generalTestObj, index = indexFullModel, iterations = iterationsPosterior)

  # clean names
  colnames(thetas) <- cleanName(colnames(thetas))
  IDorg <- ID
  effectNameOrg <- unique(names(whichConstraint))
  ID <- cleanName(ID)

  # get constraints
  constraints <- createConstraints(whichConstraint = whichConstraint)
  cleanConstraints <- createCleanConstraints(constraints = constraints)

  # get indeces for posterior
  iTheta <- extractIndeces(constraints = constraints,
                           thetas = thetas,
                           ID = ID,
                           data = data,
                           formula = formula,
                           IDorg = IDorg)

  # add overall effect to individuals' deviations
  keep <- (burnin + 1) : iterationsPosterior

  totalThetas <- addThetas(thetas = thetas, iTheta = iTheta, keep = keep)

  # evaluate posterior probability of all thetas being positive
  constrainedThetas <- estimateConstrainedThetas(totalThetas = totalThetas, cleanConstraints = cleanConstraints)
  passThetas <- apply(constrainedThetas, 1, mean) == 1
  posteriorProbability <- mean(passThetas)

  # get prior probability of all thetas being positive
  passPrior <- estimatePriorProbability(iTheta = iTheta,
                                        rscaleEffects = rscaleEffects,
                                        iterationsPrior = iterationsPrior,
                                        cleanConstraints = cleanConstraints,
                                        IDorg = IDorg,
                                        effectNameOrg = effectNameOrg)

  priorProbability <- mean(passPrior)

  # prepare return values
  bfCU <- posteriorProbability / priorProbability
  individualEffects <- lapply(totalThetas, colMeans)
  posteriorSD <- sapply(individualEffects, sd)
  posteriorMean <- colMeans(thetas[keep, iTheta$commonEffect])
  observedEffects <- calculateObservedEffects(constraints = constraints,
                                              data = data,
                                              IDorg = IDorg,
                                              iTheta = iTheta,
                                              formula = formula,
                                              effectNameOrg = effectNameOrg)

  # make S4 objects
  newConstraint <- BFConstraint(priorProbability = priorProbability,
                                posteriorProbability = posteriorProbability,
                                bayesFactor = bfCU,
                                constraints = constraints,
                                cleanConstraints = cleanConstraints)

  newBFConstraint <- BFBayesFactorConstraint(generalTestObj = generalTestObj,
                                             constraints = newConstraint,
                                             individualEffects = individualEffects,
                                             posteriorMean = posteriorMean,
                                             posteriorSD = posteriorSD,
                                             totalThetas = totalThetas,
                                             mcmcFull = thetas,
                                             designIndeces = iTheta,
                                             observedEffects = observedEffects)


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