
Defines functions shinyExpandImage

Documented in shinyExpandImage

#' Elegant viewer functionality for images
#' Elegant image viewer and resizer for images
#' @param imageid one or more IDs of a div containing images
#' @return Feature that allows images to be easily expanded and viewed
#' @section Use case:
#' Use in a shiny application for image(s) that you'd like to carry a viewer feature on click.\cr\cr
#' When the image is clicked, it is expanded and toolbars appear to allow the user to in zoom in or out, as well as download the image. \cr\cr
#' if there are multiple images within the imageid holder, then they are automatically ordered at the bottom for ease of transition.
#' @examples
#' # simple expansion for 2 images in a shiny app
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::shinyApp(
#'     ui = shiny::fluidPage(
#'       shinyExpandImage(c("ccgal1")),
#'       htmltools::tags$div(
#'         id = "ccgal1",
#'         htmltools::tags$a(
#'           href = "https://r2resize.obi.obianom.com/m/1b.jpg",
#'           htmltools::tags$img(
#'           src = "https://r2resize.obi.obianom.com/m/1b.jpg",
#'           alt="sample text for image 1")
#'         ),
#'         htmltools::tags$a(
#'           href = "https://r2resize.obi.obianom.com/m/1.jpg",
#'           htmltools::tags$img(
#'           src = "https://r2resize.obi.obianom.com/m/1.jpg",
#'           alt="sample text for image 2")
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = (function(input, output) {})
#'   )
#' }
#' @export

shinyExpandImage <- function(imageid = c()) {
  # declare folder name for htmltools
  vs <- utils::packageVersion(.packageName)
  quickcode::add_key(imageid) # add keys to the vector of ids

  # embed in a div and render
      .packageName, vs,
      src = file.path(find.package(package = .packageName), "themes"),
      stylesheet = "imgviewer.css",
      script = "imgviewer.js",
      all_files = FALSE
    lapply(imageid, function(i)
        paste0("$(document).ready(function() { var $initScope", i$key, ' = $("#', i$value, '"); if ($initScope', i$key, ".length) { $initScope", i$key, '.justifiedGallery( { border: -1, rowHeight: 150, margins: 8, waitThumbnailsLoad: true, randomize: false, }).on("jg.complete", function() { $initScope', i$key, ".lightGallery( { thumbnail: true, animateThumb: true, showThumbByDefault: true, }); }); }; $initScope", i$key, '.on("onAfterOpen.lg", function(event) { $("body").addClass("overflow-hidden"); }); $initScope', i$key, '.on("onCloseAfter.lg", function(event) { $("body").removeClass("overflow-hidden"); }); });'))

Try the r2resize package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

r2resize documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:55 a.m.