
yini <- c(y1=1, y2=0, y3=0)
neq <- length(yini)
# parameters
parms <- c(k1 = 0.04, k2 = 3e7, k3 = 1e4)
# derivative functions
vRober <- function(y, parms) {
  dy1 <- -parms["k1"]*y[1]                + parms["k3"]*y[2]*y[3]
  dy2 <-  parms["k1"]*y[1] - parms["k2"]*y[2]*y[2] - parms["k3"]*y[2]*y[3]
  dy3 <-  parms["k2"]*y[2]*y[2]
  c(dy1, dy2, dy3)
r_rober <- function(t, y, parms, psens) vRober(y, parms)

times <- 10^(seq(from = -5, to = 11, by = 0.1))

# pointer to rhs function
includes <- "// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp14)]]\nusing namespace arma;\n#include <r2sundials.h>"
pfnd <- cppXPtr(code='
int d_robertson(double t, const vec &y, vec &ydot, RObject &param, NumericVector &psens) {
  NumericVector p(param);
  ydot[0] = -p["k1"]*y[0] + p["k3"]*y[1]*y[2];
  ydot[2] = p["k2"]*y[1]*y[1];
  ydot[1] = -ydot[0] - ydot[2];
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo","r2sundials","rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
# pointer to dense jacobian function
pfnj <- cppXPtr(code='
int jac_robertson(double t, const vec &y, const vec &ydot, mat &J, RObject &param, NumericVector &psens, vec &tmp1, vec &tmp2, vec &tmp3) {
  NumericVector p(param);
  J(0, 0) = -p["k1"];
  J(1, 0) = p["k1"]; 
  J(2, 0) = 0.;

  J(0, 1) = p["k3"]*y[2];
  J(1, 1) = -p["k3"]*y[2]-2*p["k2"]*y[1];
  J(2, 1) = 2*p["k2"]*y[1];

  J(0, 2) = p["k3"]*y[1];
  J(1, 2) = -p["k3"]*y[1];
  J(2, 2) = 0.;
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo","r2sundials","rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
# pointer to sparse jacobian function
# illustrates usage of named components of param vector
pfnspj <- cppXPtr(code='
int spjac_robertson(double t, const vec &y, const vec &ydot, uvec &ir, uvec &pj, vec &v, int n, int nz, RObject &param, NumericVector &psens, vec &tmp1, vec &tmp2, vec &tmp3) {
  if (nz < 8)
    stop("spjac_robertson: not enough room for non zeros, must have at least 8, instead got %d", nz);
  NumericVector prm(param);
  int i=0;
  pj[0] = 0; // init pj
  // first column
  ir[i] = 0;
  v[i++] = -prm["k1"];
  ir[i] = 1;
  v[i++] = prm["k1"]; 
  pj[1] = i;
  // second column
  ir[i] = 0;
  v[i++] = prm["k3"]*y[2];
  ir[i] = 1;
  v[i++] = -prm["k3"]*y[2]-2*prm["k2"]*y[1];
  ir[i] = 2;
  v[i++] = 2*prm["k2"]*y[1];
  pj[2] = i;
  // third column
  ir[i] = 0;
  v[i++] = prm["k3"]*y[1];
  ir[i] = 1;
  v[i++] = -prm["k3"]*y[1];
  ir[i] = 2;
  v[i++] = 0; // just to hold the place for a full main diagonal
  pj[3] = i;
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo","r2sundials","rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
# pointer to sensitivity1 rhs function
pfnsens1 <- cppXPtr(code='
int sens_robertson1(int Ns, double t, const vec &y, const vec &ydot, int iS, const vec &yS, vec &ySdot, RObject &param, NumericVector &p, vec &tmp1, vec &tmp2) {
  // calculate (∂f /∂y)s_i(t) + (∂f /∂p_i) for i = iS
  // (∂f /∂y)s_i(t)
  ySdot[0] = -p["k1"]*yS[0] + p["k3"]*y[2]*yS[1] + p["k3"]*y[1]*yS[2];
  ySdot[1] = p["k1"]*yS[0] - (p["k3"]*y[2]+2*p["k2"]*y[1])*yS[1] - p["k3"]*y[1]*yS[2]; 
  ySdot[2] = 2*p["k2"]*y[1]*yS[1];
  // + (∂f /∂p_i)
  switch(iS) {
    case 0:
      ySdot[0] -= y[0];
      ySdot[1] += y[0];
    case 1:
      ySdot[1] -= y[1]*y[1];
      ySdot[2] += y[1]*y[1];
    case 2:
      ySdot[0] += y[1]*y[2];
      ySdot[1] -= y[1]*y[2];
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo","r2sundials","rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
# just rhs
outr <- r2sundials::r2cvodes(yini, times, r_rober, param=parms, maxsteps=2000)
out0 <- r2sundials::r2cvodes(yini, times, pfnd, param=parms, maxsteps=2000)

test.r_vs_cpp <- function() {
  checkEqualsNumeric(out0, outr, tolerance=1.e-6, msg="equivalence of R and C++ rhs callbacks")
# sparse Jacobian
out1 <- r2sundials::r2cvodes(yini, times, pfnd, param=parms, fjac=pfnspj, nz=8, maxsteps=2000)

test.sparse <- function() {
  checkEqualsNumeric(out0, out1, tolerance=1.e-6, msg="equivalence of solution with sparse Jacobian and internal cvodes Jacobian")
# dense Jacobian + forward sensitivity 1 by 1
out2 <- r2sundials::r2cvodes(yini, times, pfnd, param=parms, fjac=pfnj, Ns=3, psens=parms, fsens1=pfnsens1, maxsteps=2000)
test.dense <- function() {
  checkEqualsNumeric(out2, out1, tolerance=1.e-6, msg="equivalence of solutions with sparse Jacobian and dense Jacobian")
test.sensitivity <- function() {
  checkEqualsNumeric(dim(attr(out2, "sens")), c(length(yini), length(times), 3), msg="sensitivity dimension")

# bouncing ball example (to illustrate discontinuties handling)
# A ball falls from some height. At this moment, it has 0 vertical speed and some non zero horizontal speed.
# When it hits the ground, it bounce and looses ky part of its vertical speed and kx part of the horizontal one.
# Simulation should stop after 5th hit of the ground (unknown time point before running simulation).

yinib <- c(x=0, y=1, vx=0.5, vy=0) # initial values and their names
paramb <- c(g=9.81, kx=0.1, ky=0.3, nbounce=5) # usefull parameters
timesb <- seq(0, 3, length.out=101) # time points
# pointer to rhs function
pball <- cppXPtr(code='
int d_ball(double t, const vec &y, vec &ydot, RObject &param, NumericVector &psens) {
  NumericVector p(param);
  ydot[0] = y[2];
  ydot[1] = y[3];
  ydot[2] = y[1] > 0 ? 0. : -y[2]; // falling till y=0 then damping
  ydot[3] = y[1] > 0 ? -p["g"] : -y[3]; // falling till y=0 then damping
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo","r2sundials","rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
# pointer to root function
proot <- cppXPtr(code='
int root_ball(double t, const vec &y, vec &vroot, RObject &param, NumericVector &psens) {
  vroot[0] = y[1]; // y==0
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo","r2sundials","rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
# pointer to event handler function
pevt <- cppXPtr(code='
int event_ball(double t, const vec &y, vec &ynew, int Ns, std::vector<vec> &ySv, const ivec &rootsfound, RObject &param, NumericVector &psens) {
  NumericVector p(param);
  static int nbounce=0;
  if (y[3] > 0) // we cross 0 in ascending trajectory, it can happen when y < 0 in limits of abstol
  if (++nbounce < p["nbounce"]) {
    // here nbounce=1:4
    ynew[2] *= 1.-p["kx"]; // horizontal speed is lowered
    ynew[3] *= -(1.-p["ky"]); // vertical speed is lowered and reflected
  } else {
    // here nbounce=5
    nbounce=0; // reinit counter for possible next calls to cvode
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo", "r2sundials", "rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
outb <- r2sundials::r2cvodes(yinib, timesb, pball, paramb, nroot=1, froot=proot, fevent=pevt)
test.root.cpp <- function() {
  checkEqualsNumeric(dim(attr(outb, "roots")), c(2, 5), msg="root finding")

#class(outb)=class(out); plot(outb)

rhs_ball_r <- function(t, y, p, psens) {
  ydot <- y # same length as y
  ydot[1] <- y[3];
  ydot[2] <- y[4];
  ydot[3] <- if (y[2] > 0) 0. else -y[3] # falling till y=0 then damping
  ydot[4] <- if (y[2] > 0) -p["g"] else -y[4] # falling till y=0 then damping
root_ball_r <- function(t, y, p, psens) y[2]

event_ball_r <- local({
  nbounce <- 0 # workaround for static variable
  function(t, y, Ns, ySm, rootsfound, p, psens) {
    if (y[4] > 0) # we cross 0 in ascending trajectory, it can happen when y < 0 in limits of abstol
      return(list(flag=R2SUNDIALS_EVENT_IGNORE, ynew=y))
    nbounce <<- nbounce + 1
    ynew <- y;
    if (nbounce < p["nbounce"]) {
      # here nbounce=1:4
      ynew[3] <- ynew[3]*(1.-p["kx"]) # horizontal speed is lowered
      ynew[4] <- -ynew[4]*(1.-p["ky"]) # vertical speed is lowered and reflected
      return(list(flag=R2SUNDIALS_EVENT_HOLD, ynew=ynew))# sens_init is not set as no sensitivity is calculated
    } else {
      # here nbounce=5
      nbounce <<- 0 # reinit counter for possible next calls to cvode
      return(list(flag=R2SUNDIALS_EVENT_STOP, ynew=ynew))
outbr <- r2sundials::r2cvodes(yinib, timesb, rhs_ball_r, paramb, nroot=1, froot=root_ball_r, fevent=event_ball_r)
test.root.r <- function() {
  checkEqualsNumeric(outb, outbr, msg="root finding in R")
  checkEqualsNumeric(dim(attr(outbr, "roots")), c(2, 5), msg="dim root finding in R")

# decaying exp example
# y'=-nu*(y-ylim)
# pointer to rhs function
pexp <- cppXPtr(code='
int d_exp(double t, const vec &y, vec &ydot, RObject &param, NumericVector &psens) {
  ydot[0] = -psens["nu"]*(y[0]-psens["lim"]);
', depends=c("RcppArmadillo","r2sundials","rmumps"), includes=includes, cacheDir="lib", verbose=VERBOSE)
par_exp <- c("nu"=1, "lim"=1)
ti <- seq(0, 5, length.out=11)
oute <- r2sundials::r2cvodes(0., ti, pexp, Ns=2, psens=par_exp)
test.expdecay <- function() {
  theor <- par_exp["lim"]-exp(-par_exp["nu"]*ti)
  checkEqualsNumeric(oute[1,], theor, tolerance=1.e-6, msg="numeric precision in exp decay")

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r2sundials documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:32 p.m.