Man pages for rBDAT
Implementation of BDAT Tree Taper Fortran Functions

BDAT20BDAT 2.0 assortment function
BDATBIOMASSEGet total aboveground biomasse
BDATDMRHXCalculate diameter in height Hx over bark.
BDATDORHXCalculate diameter in height Hx under bark.
BDATRINDE2HXCalculate double bark thickness
BDATVOLABMRCalculate wood volume over bark of a tree between height A...
BDATVOLABORCalculate volume under bark of a tree between height A and B
BDATVOLDHMRCalculate (coarse) wood volume over bark of a tree up to...
BDATVOLDHORCalculate (coarse) wood volume under bark of a tree up to...
buildTreeBuild and check tree data for subsequent use in BDAT Fortran...
clearErrorclear errors from subroutine BDAT20
errormessageReturn dedicated error message
getAssortmentGet assortments for one or many trees
getBarkGet double bark thickness of tree at given height Hx
getBiomassGet total aboveground biomass of tree
getDiameterGet diameter in given height inside tree taper
getFormGet estimated mean of form factor q03
getHeightGet height of given diameter inside tree taper
getSpeciesCodeGet BDAT species code or transform it to a name.
getVolumeGet segment volume for one or many trees
plot.datBDATPlot taper curve of a tree
rBDAT-packageImplementation of BDAT Tree Taper Fortran Functions
throwThrow a Condition
transformBDAT20transform BDAT20-matrix
updateBdatNamespacereplace NAMESPACE from 'rBDATPRO' to 'rBDAT'.
rBDAT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:08 a.m.