BDATVOLDHMR: Calculate (coarse) wood volume over bark of a tree up to...

View source: R/BDATVOLDHMR.R

BDATVOLDHMRR Documentation

Calculate (coarse) wood volume over bark of a tree up to given diameter


BDAT-Function to get (coarse) wood volume over bark up to a given diameter of one or many trees.


BDATVOLDHMR(BDATArtNr, D1, H1 = 1.3, D2 = 0, H2 = 0, H, DHGrz = 7, SekLng = 2)



numeric vector of species code; see getSpeciesCode.


first measured diameter of tree [cm], e.g. diameter in breast height.


measurement height of D1 [m]


second measured diameter of tree, see buildTree for details on how to specify different taper forms


measurement height of D2, see buildTree for details on how to specify different taper forms


total tree height [m]


diameter over bark up to which volume should be calculated


length of section over which the integral of taper form should be applied, defaults to 2.0m.


Volume is calculated using BDAT Fortran routines. In particular, BDATVOLDHMR internally calls BDATVOLABMR with parameter A = 0, i.e. volume is calculated from forest floor up to given diameter, which itself is transformed into height B.


vector of same length as input variables transformed into a data.frame, returning the required volume in cubic meter.

See Also

BDATVOLDHOR for BDAT routine calculating volume under bark, getVolume for a function with a convenient english name, more options and including a bark switch.


## simple call of function, with all parameters given
BDATVOLDHMR(1, 30, 1.3, 0, 0, 25, 7, 2.0)
BDATArtNr <- 1
D1 <- 30
H1 <- 1.3
D2 <- 0
H2 <- 0
H <- 25
DHGrz <- 7

## same using variables
BDATVOLDHMR(BDATArtNr = BDATArtNr, D1 = D1, H1 = H1, D2 = D2, H2 = H2, H = H, DHGrz = DHGrz)

## calling with a subset of tree characteristics
## german species names, abbreviated
BDATVOLDHMR(getSpeciesCode(c("Fi", "Bu")), 30, 0, 0, 0, H = 25, DHGrz = 7)
## english abbreviation
BDATVOLDHMR(getSpeciesCode(c("NS", "BE")), 30, 0, 0, 0, H = 25, DHGrz = 7)

rBDAT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:08 a.m.