
Defines functions gridStatsLevel2AM

Documented in gridStatsLevel2AM

#'Compute Grids with Descriptive Statistics of
#'GEDI derived Elevation and Height Metrics (Level2A)
#'@description This function computes a series of user defined descriptive statistics within
#'each grid cell for GEDI derived Elevation and Height Metrics (Level2A)
#'@usage gridStatsLevel2AM(level2AM, func, res)
#'@param level2AM A GEDI Level2AM object (output of \code{\link[rGEDI:getLevel2AM]{getLevel2AM}} function).
#'An S4 object of class "data.table".
#'@param func The function(s) to be applied to each cell
#'@param res Spatial resolution in decimal degrees for the output raster layer
#'@return Return a raster layer(s) of selected GEDI Elevation and Height Metric(s)
#'@seealso https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/gedi02_av001/
#'# specify the path to GEDI level2A data (zip file)
#'outdir = tempdir()
#'level2A_fp_zip <- system.file("extdata",
#'                   "GEDI02_A_2019108080338_O01964_T05337_02_001_01_sub.zip",
#'                   package="rGEDI")
#'# Unzipping GEDI level2A data
#'level2Apath <- unzip(level2A_fp_zip,exdir = outdir)
#'# Reading GEDI level2A data (h5 file)
#'# Get GEDI derived Elevation and Height Metrics
#'#' Define your own function
#'mySetOfMetrics = function(x)
#'metrics = list(
#'    min =min(x), # Min of z
#'    max = max(x), # Max of z
#'    mean = mean(x), # Mean of z
#'    sd = sd(x)# Sd of z
#'    )
#'    return(metrics)
#'#' Computing a serie of GEDI metrics
#'ZTstats<-gridStatsLevel2AM(level2AM = level2AM, func=mySetOfMetrics(elev_highestreturn), res=0.005)
#'#' Computing the maximum of RH100 only
#'maxRH100<-gridStatsLevel2AM(level2AM = level2AM, func=max(rh100), res=0.005)
#'#' Computing the mean of ZG only
#'ZGmean<-gridStatsLevel2AM(level2AM = level2AM, func=mean(elev_lowestmode), res=0.005)
#'@importFrom stats setNames na.omit
gridStatsLevel2AM = function(level2AM, func, res = 0.5)
  # this code has been adapted from the grid_metrics function in lidR package (Roussel et al. 2019)
  # https://github.com/Jean-Romain/lidR/blob/master/R/grid_metrics.r

  is_formula <- tryCatch(lazyeval::is_formula(func), error = function(e) FALSE)
  if (!is_formula) func <- lazyeval::f_capture(func)

  # Add data.table operator
  `:=` <- data.table::`:=`
  level2AM.dt <- level2AM[,names(level2AM) %in% c("lon_lowestmode","lat_lowestmode",vars), with=FALSE]
  layout    <- raster::raster(raster::extent(level2AM.dt), res=res)
  call      <- lazyeval::as_call(func)
  cells     <- raster::cellFromXY(layout, na.omit(level2AM.dt[,2:1]))
  metrics   <- with(level2AM.dt, level2AM.dt[,eval(call), by = cells])
  xy_coords <- raster::xyFromCell(layout, metrics[[1]])
  metrics[, cells := NULL]
  output <- sp::SpatialPixelsDataFrame(output.dt[,1:2], output.dt[,-c(1:2)])#, proj4string = level2AM.dt@proj4string)
  if (names(metrics)[1]=="V1") {
  } else {names(output) <- names(metrics)}
  if (length(names(metrics)) > 1 ) {output<-raster::brick(output)} else {output<-raster::raster(output)}

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rGEDI documentation built on Jan. 21, 2021, 1:06 a.m.