autoresolve_sequence_type: Automatically Determine the Sequence Type

View source: R/SequenceOperator.R

autoresolve_sequence_typeR Documentation

Automatically Determine the Sequence Type


The 'autoresolve_sequence_type' function analyzes the characters in a given sequence to determine whether it is a DNA, RNA, or protein sequence. The function uses standard IUPAC nucleotide and amino acid codes to classify the sequence based on its composition.





A string representing the nucleotide or protein sequence to be analyzed. The sequence should be composed of characters corresponding to standard IUPAC codes.


A string indicating the resolved sequence type: 'DNA', 'RNA', or 'PROTEIN'. If the sequence contains ambiguous characters or does not fit clearly into one of these categories, an error is thrown.


# Example of determining the sequence type for a DNA sequence
seq_type_dna <- autoresolve_sequence_type("ATGCGTACGTAGC")
print(seq_type_dna)  # Should return "DNA"

# Example of determining the sequence type for a protein sequence
seq_type_protein <- autoresolve_sequence_type("MVLSPADKTNVKAAW")
print(seq_type_protein)  # Should return "PROTEIN"

# Example of an ambiguous sequence that causes an error
# autoresolve_sequence_type("ATGB")  # Should throw an error due to ambiguity

rPDBapi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:37 p.m.