rPDBapi-package: rPDBapi: A Comprehensive Interface for Accessing the Protein...

rPDBapi-packageR Documentation

rPDBapi: A Comprehensive Interface for Accessing the Protein Data Bank


Streamlines the interaction with the 'RCSB' Protein Data Bank ('PDB') https://www.rcsb.org/. This interface offers an intuitive and powerful tool for searching and retrieving a diverse range of data types from the 'PDB'. It includes advanced functionalities like BLAST and sequence motif queries. Built upon the existing XML-based API of the 'PDB', it simplifies the creation of custom requests, thereby enhancing usability and flexibility for researchers.


Maintainer: Selcuk Korkmaz selcukorkmaz@gmail.com (ORCID)


rPDBapi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:37 p.m.