find_papers: Search for and Retrieve Paper Titles from PDB

View source: R/find_papers.R

find_papersR Documentation

Search for and Retrieve Paper Titles from PDB


This function searches the Protein Data Bank (PDB) for scholarly articles related to a specified search term. It retrieves the titles of up to a specified maximum number of papers associated with PDB entries. The function relies on 'query_search' to perform the initial search and 'get_info' to fetch detailed information for each PDB entry, including the citation titles.


find_papers(search_term, max_results = 10)



A string specifying the term to search for in the PDB. This term can relate to any aspect of the PDB entries, such as keywords, molecular functions, or specific proteins (e.g., "CRISPR").


An integer indicating the maximum number of paper titles to retrieve. Defaults to 10. The function will retrieve the titles for the first 'max_results' PDB entries returned by the search.


This function is useful for researchers who want to quickly find relevant literature associated with specific PDB entries. The process involves two main steps:

  1. **Search Query**: The function uses 'query_search' to find PDB entries matching the search term.

  2. **Fetching Paper Titles**: For each PDB ID returned by the search, 'get_info' is used to retrieve detailed information, including the titles of any associated citations.

The function includes robust error handling to manage cases where the search term does not return any results, or where there are issues retrieving details for specific PDB entries. Warnings are provided if no citations are found for a given PDB ID or if other issues are encountered.


A named list where each element's name is a PDB ID and its value is the title of the corresponding paper. If no papers are found or an error occurs, the function returns an empty list with warnings or error messages to help diagnose the issue.


# Find papers related to CRISPR and retrieve up to 5 paper titles
crispr_papers <- find_papers("CRISPR", max_results = 5)

rPDBapi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:37 p.m.