
cons <- readr::read_csv("../cakemap_cons.csv")
inds <- readr::read_csv("../cakemap_inds.csv")
vars <- c("Car", "NSSEC8", "ageband4")

weights <- weight(cons = cons, inds = inds, vars = vars, iterations = 10)

context("Test extract_weights() returns a warning (deprecated)")
test_that("extract_weights() should return a warning", {
  expect_warning(extract_weights(weights, inds, id = "code"))

context("Test extract() function rejects numeric variables")

inds$income <- sample(2000:4000, size = nrow(inds), replace = TRUE)
test_that("extract() errors with a numeric variable", {
  expect_error(extract(weights = weights, inds = inds, id = "code"),
               regexp = "cannot work with numeric")

context("Test extract() works when income in binned")

inds[["income"]] <- cut(inds[["income"]],
                        breaks = 2,
                        labels = c("low", "high"),
                        include.lowest = TRUE)
extd_weights <- extract(weights = weights, inds = inds, id = "code")

test_that("Number of zones is correct", {
  expect_equal(length(extd_weights$code), length(cons$code))

test_that("Zone codes of extd_weights matches cons", {
  expect_equal(extd_weights$code, cons$code)

test_that("Simulated population total matches real population total", {
  expect_equal(sum(cons[, 2:3]), sum(extd_weights$total))

test_that("Simulated extd_weights population matches simulated weights
          population", {
            expect_equal(sum(extd_weights$total), sum(weights))

test_that("Simulated income weights match zone total", {
  expect_equal(rowSums(extd_weights[, c("car_no", "car_yes")]),

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rakeR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:13 a.m.